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"I'll go get help! Oh wait. I can't!"
― Philip

Philip to the Rescue is the eighteenth episode of the nineteenth series.


Philip, the new diesel boxcab on the North Western Railway, continues to boast about how he won a race against Gordon. Little did Philip know, however, was that Gordon did not actually participate in the race. Gordon simply sent him racing off just so he could be left alone to rest.

One day, as he is showing Thomas how fast he can shunt in the yard, James arrives to collect a goods train, which are not the type of trains he favours pulling. Philip asks James if he saw how fast he shunted, which James was not watching. Thomas likes little Philip, but James thinks that he is just a "show-off", which Thomas finds funny that James should say such a thing.

James, completely annoyed and determined to show Philip how strong he is, assembles a long train of trucks, flatbeds carrying steel girders and diesel tankers: seventeen in total. At Knapford Station, Thomas sees Philip pulling a longer train than James', though he is only pulling empty trucks. Thomas tells Edward that Philip is really cheeky, to which Edward says that reminds him of a little tank engine who wanted to see the world. Thomas blushes at this.

James now feels sorry for taking so many trucks, as they are hard to pull, especially up Gordon's hill. At last, he barely reaches the top, but as it turns out, it is harder to control them downhill. The trucks bash and bump into James and push him down the hill and around a bend. James, now balancing on the single sleepers, is in a state of panic, and soon, his massive balancing act comes to an end, hurtling him into a bridge. He finds himself wedged against the undamaged rocks, rocking back and forth over the bottom rails.

Philip is on his way back from the quarry when he sees James, who begins to lose his balance. James warns Philip not to come any closer, but tells him to go get help. However, he slips and Philip rushes just in time to catch him with his particularly strong roof. While James is thankful, he cannot get back on the tracks on his own. Philip offers to get help, but then realises that he cannot move, not without the risk of James falling on the ground. In any case, they are both stuck.

Fortunately, James' guard telephones the Fat Controller, who sends help right away. Soon, Percy and Rocky arrive to lift James onto a well wagon. James is upset about his paint being all scratched. Once again, he thanks Philip, then apologises for accusing him of being a show-off, something that catches Philip off guard. The Fat Controller points out to James that he was in over his head with taking too many trucks and soon, Percy takes James over to the Steamworks.

Before being sent for repairs, Philip tells the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds about what happened. He tells them that the Fat Controller said James was being a show-off, to which Edward tells him that right now, he is being a show-off. Philip agrees, but cannot help adding that he is not as much as James, though. This makes all the engines laugh, except Gordon, who thinks Philip needs to get his own shed.








  • In the first shot, one barrel is missing its shadow.
  • Matt Wilkinson is not credited in the UK credits for voicing Rocky.
  • Stafford is missing his doors.
  • In the flashback, it takes a while for Gordon to act surprised after Philip interrupts his nap.
  • When James puffs up the hill, James' leading wheels are moving slower than the speed James is actually moving at.
  • The position of James' trucks changes between the first and second shots of his accident.
  • In one shot of James going down the hill, his tender is merged with the truck behind him.
  • In the UK dub, James screams: "No!!! Ahh!!!", but his mouth moves to say "Oh, no!!!" instead.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Czech Záchranář Filip
Dutch Phillip, Redder in Nood
French Philip à la Rescousse
German Phillip eilt zur Rettung
Greek Ο Φιλιπ Σε Διάσωση
Hungarian Philip, a Megmentő
Indonesian Philip Menyelamatkan
Italian Philip alla Riscossa
Japanese やっぱりやんちゃなフィリップ
Korean 도와줘, 필립!
Norwegian Philip Trår Til
Polish Filip na Ratunek
Portuguese Fillip ao Resgate
Romanian Philip Salvatorul
Russian Филипп спешит на помощь
Serbian Filip Stiže u Pomoć
Slovenian Rešitelj Filip
Spanish Philip al Rescate
Turkish Günü Kurtarmak Philip

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