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Many policemen patrol various locations around the Island of Sodor and abroad.

The Retired Ffarquhar Constable[]

The Retired Ffarquhar Constable was a former constable.


This constable was a friendly man who was great friends with Thomas the Tank Engine. Sometime later, the constable had retired and was replaced by a new one.


The New Ffarquhar Constable[]

The New Ffarquhar Constable patrols around Ffarquhar, though he has also been seen around other locations.


The constable had been hired to replace the old one who retired. While trying to get some rest, he immediately took umbrage at Thomas for disturbing him and not having cowcatchers and side plates fitted. Thomas' driver stated that they had been along the road many times before without an accident, which the constable said only made the situation worse and noted Thomas as a "regular law breaker". Later on, after hearing the situation, Sir Topham Hatt spoke to the constable. However, the argument did not work and the constable stated that the law was unchangeable. Sir Topham Hatt then arranged for Toby to join the North Western Railway. He arrived a few days later and soon went past the Quarry Tramroad, where he rang his bell and frightened the constable, which pleased Thomas.


Voice Actors[]


  • In the book Thomas and Toby, the constable has a name tag that refers to him as 'Smythy'.
    • Given that this name originated from a loose book adaptation, it is unlikely that the name Smythy applies to the actual continuity of the television series.
  • The constable's large scale figure was reused for the Crovan's Gate policeman.


The Crovan's Gate Policeman[]

The Crovan's Gate Policeman patrols around Crovan's Gate, though he has also been seen around other locations.


After George collided with Sir Handel's train, people started arguing on who was to blame. The policeman then arrived and asked what was going on, which made everyone stop arguing.

When Daisy arrived at Hackenbeck, the policeman informed her about Champion the bull, which was on the line ahead. The policeman then requested Daisy to persuade Champion to return to the farmer, to which Daisy agreed.


Voice Actors[]


The Fat Policeman[]

The Fat Policeman patrols around various locations on the Island of Sodor. He is mostly seen riding on a black bicycle.


While Isobella was on her way to collect some barrels of diesel fuel, she was stopped by the policeman, who informed her about a mudslide blocking the road ahead. Isobella then decided to drive across the field.

While the policeman was patrolling during the winter, he was accidentally sprayed with snow by Madge, who took a detour to transport Duncan to the Transfer Yards.


Voice Actors[]

The Large Chinned Policeman[]

The Large Chinned Policeman patrols around various locations on the Island of Sodor and the Mainland.


After Sailor John had attempted to steal the pirate treasure with Skiff, who had capsized, the policeman arrived on Captain to arrest Sailor John.

During the technology fair, the policeman arrested Baz and Bernie for stealing Kenji and the plans for the inventions.



The Blond Policemen[]

The Blond Policemen patrols around various locations on the Island of Sodor and the Mainland.


When Max and Monty had unloaded all the construction waste at a bridge, one of the policemen arrived at the scene to investigate the situation. After he noticed Max and Monty unloading another pile of waste, the policeman confronted the two and ordered them to take all the waste to the dump before morning.

During the technology fair, one of the policemen arrested Baz and Bernie for stealing Kenji and the plans for the inventions.


Voice Actors[]


The Indian Police[]

After encountering tiger hunters, Thomas brought the Indian Police. They caught the tiger hunter duo and arrested them.


Policeman Len[]

Policeman Len patrols around various locations on the Island of Sodor.


Policemen Len has caught several children that have caused trouble on the North Western Railway and he has scolded them for their actions. These include the ones that spray painted all over Annie and Clarabel and the ones that left a shopping cart on the line. When Andrew's bike got caught on the rails, Policemen Len also scolded him for his actions.[1]

When a boy fell off his skateboard and landed in front of Toby, Policemen Len told off the boy for his carelessness. When Gemma fell out of Annie, Policemen Len was called and Gemma explained that two girls had pushed her because she had refused to do a dare. After persuasion by Thomas, Annie and Clarabel, Gemma told Policemen Len the names of the two girls who did it and Policemen Len decided to visit the parents of the two girls.[2]


Other Policemen[]

Many Other Policemen patrol around various locations on the Island of Sodor.


A policeman once told the engines on the Skarloey Railway that some thieves had robbed Wellsworth Bank and were hiding nearby with stolen money. After Peter Sam told the policeman about a strange light in an abandoned cottage, the policeman phoned for help and several other policemen arrived at the Top Station. Peter Sam then took all the policemen to a mine and when they arrived, Peter Sam saw that there was a light in the cottage once again. The policemen hurried over and arrested the thieves.[3]

