Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Private Owner Wagons are trucks which are owned by individual companies whose goods they transport, rather than the railways on which they are run. Several examples of these trucks have been seen across the North Western Railway.

Notable Private Owner Wagons[]

The following Wagons have their own separate pages:

Old-King Coal[]

Old-King Coal is a Private Owner truck used for transporting coal on the Ffarquhar Branch Line.

Technical Details[]


Old-King Coal is based on a 5-plank wagon with added coke railings. This is unusual, as most wagons with coke railings were converted from either 7- or 8-plank wagons. Old-King Coal's unusual appearance comes from the kit used to build the truck, a Ratio 5041 Coke Wagon kit.


Old-King Coal is painted ultramarine blue with black bracing. The words "OLD-KING COAL" are painted on each side in yellow, as well as its number (62), its tare and its tonnage.


Video Releases[]


  • Old-King Coal was created by the Rev. W. Awdry, but was not featured in any book of The Railway Series. A model of the truck, however, was part of the Rev. W. Awdry's model layout of Thomas' Branch Line. Nothing is known of its personality.
  • Old-King Coal's name is a play on words of the British nursery rhyme Old King Cole.



Suncole is a company based in Nottingham. A truck belonging to this company can sometimes be seen as part of Percy's goods trains on the Ffarquhar Branch layout.

Technical Details[]


This truck is based on a 5-plank wagon with added coke railings. This is unusual, as most wagons with coke railings were converted from either 7- or 8-plank wagons. The truck's unusual appearance comes from the kit used to build the truck, a Ratio 5041 Coke Wagon kit.


This truck is painted charcoal black. The company name, "SUNCOLE", is painted on each side in white with a red drop shadow. The words "SMOKELESS NOTTINGHAM FUEL" as well as the wagon's tare and tonnage are written underneath in plain white lettering.



City of Emneth Gas[]

City of Emneth Gas is a company based in Emneth, Norfolk. A truck belonging to this company can sometimes be seen as part of Percy's goods trains on the Ffarquhar Branch layout.

Technical Details[]


The truck is based on an 8-plank open wagon.


The truck is painted grey with black bracing. The words "CITY OF EMNETH GAS CO." are written in white lettering on each side.


Video Releases[]


  • The name "Emneth" comes from the Rev. W. Awdry's time as an Anglican priest at Emneth, a real village and civil parish in the English county of Norfolk.

