- "Percy's been put upon, put upon, put upon, Percy's been put upon. Poor old Percy! Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee!"
"Percy is being put upon. I am, I am, I am!" - ― Annie, Clarabel and Percy
Put Upon Percy is the ninth episode of the fifth series.
One day, Percy puffs into the yards, feeling "put upon." He tells Thomas, who is at first confused as to what Percy means, but believes it is a silly saying. However, Annie and Clarabel sing about it since they like it. Percy collects foundry metal, yard coal, mill flour, quarry rocks and depot fuel which he delivers to Brendam later that day. Next, he collects empty trucks who tease him about being dirty and want Thomas or Duck instead; Percy just ignores them. When he returns to the sheds, Percy is exhausted, but the other engines are quite unsympathetic towards him and laugh at his misfortune. However, the Fat Controller silences them and tells Percy to get a good night's rest, as he has done a good day's work.
The next morning, Percy brings some trucks to the coal mine. When he gets to the mineshaft, the foreman tells his driver some trucks have become stuck on a piece of mining equipment just past the entrance to the mine and Percy is asked to give them a good shove to get them moving again. Percy puffs back to a large canvas barrier - which is used to protect the track from loose rocks - and charges the trucks. However, he pushes the trucks too fast and hard. The trucks break free, but they run out of control below the mines and soon hit a support beam and derail, causing the mine to collapse, burying them, and Percy and his crew get covered in a cloud of dirt and dust. The mine is evacuated, but Percy is too late to get to safety and has to make a run for it. Unfortunately, the collapse causes a rockslide, and the track Percy is on begins to crumble. However, he remembers the canvas barrier and takes refuge underneath it just before it is buried under the rubble.
Percy and his crew are alright, but the miners do not realise that and they immediately set for a rescue. Thomas and Duck arrive with the Breakdown Train to rescue Percy, after which the Fat Controller rewards Percy for his bravery by sending him to be cleaned and repainted at the works. After he returns, Thomas apologises for teasing him, and remarks that Percy was certainly put upon by the rockslide. Percy agrees, but smiles at his new paint, and states he does not mind that being put upon him.
- Thomas
- Percy
- Annie and Clarabel
- Troublesome Trucks
- Sir Topham Hatt
- The Coal Mines Foreman
- Duck (does not speak)
- Henry (cameo)
- Gordon (cameo)
- James (cameo)
- Cranky (cameo)
- Big Mickey (faceless; cameo)
- Tidmouth Sheds
- Sodor Ironworks
- The Flour Mill
- Ffarquhar Quarry
- Sodor Fuel Depot
- Brendam Docks
- Knapford Yards
- The Coal Mines
- The Works (mentioned)
- Norramby Fishing Village (deleted scene)
- The Sodor Inn (deleted scene)
- According to a film slate:
- The scene at Knapford Yard was filmed on 11 September 1997.
- The close-up shots of the Fat Controller at Tidmouth Sheds were filmed on 15 September 1997.
- The docks and fuel depot were filmed on 19 September 1997.
- The scene of Percy collecting metal from the Sodor Ironworks was filmed on 1 October 1997.
- The exterior scenes of the coal mine were filmed from 28 November to 3 December 1997.
- The interior scenes of the coal mine were filmed on 4 and 5 December 1997.
- The close-up shots of human figurines and other props at the coal mine were filmed on 16 December 1997.
- The scene of Percy collecting rock from the quarry was filmed on 5 January 1998.
- A deleted scene at the Fishing Village was filmed on 20 January 1998. In it, Percy can be seen collecting something (possibly fish), which was most likely intended to be one of Percy's many tasks before sending it all to the docks.
- The scene of Percy collecting flour from the mill was filmed on 12 February 1998.
- S.C. Ruffey's face appears on the front truck of the runaway train in the mine.
- A scrap model of Thomas can be seen at the scrapyard. A scrapped cab roof from Thomas is also seen at the entrance to the mine, along with a wheel set from the Dyson lorry’s flatbed from Sleeping Beauty.
- This episode marks the last time Masato Hirano is part of the voice cast in Japan.
- Due to scenes on one particular set across the series being filmed in one go, during the scene of the engines at Tidmouth Sheds, the drivers standing next to the engines are positioned the same, James' tender is tilted the same and he, Gordon and Henry have the same faces and are in the same berths as in the previous episode.
- This is the first episode of the fifth series to be released in the US; it was shown on the Races, Rescues and Runaways and Other Thomas Adventures VHS, and the first US released episode narrated by Alec Baldwin.
- In the scenes where Annie and Clarabel tease Percy and when Percy shunts back to the canvas barrier, music is heard in the US and international dubs; this is absent in the UK dub. The music, however, included in the UK dubbed Korean DVD releases, The Stories that Gives Enlightenment and Character Special Edition Series Vol. 3.
- The three berth garage and a scrap OBB boxcar from TUGS appear in the episode.
- A Märklin BR 80 chassis was used to push trucks along in this episode.
- Toby's Shed can be seen in one of the mine props.
- In a deleted scene, Percy is shown in the landslide buried in coal. In the actual episode, however, the canvas barrier prevented Percy from being covered in the coal himself.
- There are three alternative versions (two of which are deleted ones, and the other being the one that made it into the final version), of when the truck with S.C. Ruffey's face hits the support beam in the mine, nothing happens for a few seconds, but then the mine collapses.
- This episode marks the first appearance of the Sodor Ironworks.
- This episode marks the last time the Fat Controller commands "Silence!"
- The Korean television airing of this episode had some scenes cut, but home releases featured the episode uncut.
- This is the last episode in the Finnish dub where Thomas is called by his full name (Thomas the Tank Engine) until the eleventh series . it's also the only episode in the fifth series where he's called that.
- This episode aired exactly twelve years after Thomas, Percy and the Coal and Cows first aired.
- When Percy is collecting goods to take to Brendam Docks, he collects twelve trucks. However, when he gets to Brendam, there are only ten trucks in his train.
- When Percy reverses into the shed, James' tender is tilted.
- When Percy reverses to bump the trucks, he only reverses a few metres to the canvas barrier. When the mine collapses, he reverses further than before and takes refuge behind the barrier.
- When the trucks run free in the mine, it is clearly seen that they reach the end, as light from the end of the tunnel and studio equipment as well as a crew member's hand can be seen, but in the next shot they are still running through the mine.
- Before the trucks crash, the tracks that they are on are broken.
- In the shot of Percy shunting at the coaling plant, a buffer stop is on top of a pile of soil.
- When Percy enters the yard at the beginning of the episode, his eyes are misaligned.
- When Percy is shown as the mine is collapsing, his face appears crooked.
- When the narrator says "Then there was trouble again," a set of wheels can be seen pushing the runaway trucks along.
- When Percy speaks to Thomas at the end, Clarabel is facing the wrong way.
- When Percy is talking to Thomas at the end of the episode, the filming equipment can be seen through Thomas' pupils.
- In the Korean dub, Annie and Clarabel were incorrectly referred to as trucks.
- In most international dubs of this episode, the narrator is out of sync with Annie and Clarabel's music.
- When Percy is rescued, his eyes are wonky, they do not move at the same time, and his right eye (viewers left) moves on its own.
- In the Polish dub of this episode, when Annie and Clarabel stopped singing, there is a long pause and Percy's line "I am, I am, I am!" is omitted.
- When Percy shoves the trucks into the mine, there are nine of them that go in. But when the trucks are running down the mine, there are eight of them.
- Trucks: Who's this dirty little engine? We want Thomas or Duck!
- Percy: Put upon. Put upon. That's who I am!
- Thomas: We can see what's been put upon you.
- The Fat Controller: Silence. Percy, you've done a good day's work. Now get a good night's rest.
- Percy: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
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Home Video Releases
DVD Boxsets
DVD Boxsets
#01 Cranky Bugs | #10 Toby and the Flood | #19 Happy Ever After |
#02 Horrid Lorry | #11 Haunted Henry | #20 Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday |
#03 A Better View for Gordon | #12 Double Teething Troubles | #21 A Surprise for Percy |
#04 Lady Hatt's Birthday Party | #13 Stepney Gets Lost | #22 Make Someone Happy |
#05 James and the Trouble with Trees | #14 Toby's Discovery | #23 Busy Going Backwards |
#06 Gordon and the Gremlin | #15 Something in the Air | #24 Duncan Gets Spooked |
#07 Bye George! | #16 Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach | #25 Rusty and the Boulder |
#08 Baa! | #17 Thomas and the Rumours | #26 Snow |
#09 Put Upon Percy | #18 Oliver's Find | |