Rajinda is an Indian Pacific tender engine, who Thomas once met during his visit to India.
Rajinda first met Thomas at Jaipur Junction when the tank engine was collecting some fabric. Thomas was curious that Rajinda had an elephant nose, which the tender engine replied "Brilliant, isn't it?"
He, Abiar and Coran later attended the Black Beauty Contest and met Thomas again and helped him to be decorated for the contest. Rajinda then sprayed water at the engine with excitement!
Technical Details
Rajinda is based on the Indian Railways' WP class 4-6-2. These engines were manufactured between 1947 and 1967 by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in the United States, the Montreal Locomotive Works and the Canadian Locomotive Company in Canada, the Fabryka Lokomotyw in Poland, the Lokomotivfabrik Floridsdorf of Austria and the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works of India and used to haul passenger trains. Unlike his basis, Rajinda has a 4-6-4 Hudson wheel arrangement.
Rajinda is painted in a bluish-black livery with red stripes. His wheels are green with red centres and borders. His running board and cylinders are also green. He has red cylinders and buffer heads with white borders. His dome, funnel and cowcatcher are red.
For the celebration, Rajinda wears a green elephant trunk, has magenta and yellow dots surrounding his face and two tan elephants are present on his front.
Audio Files
First used | Last used | Sound Effect |
Thomas Dresses Up for The Black Beauty Contest in India | Thomas Dresses Up for The Black Beauty Contest in India |
- Rajinda's whistle sound is a seven-step higher-pitched version of Hiro's.
Locomotives | Ashima | Rajiv | Rajinda | Coran | Shankar | Noor Jehan | Abiar | |
People | Charubala | |
Locations | Real Landmarks | Varkala Railway Station | Taj Mahal | The Monkey Palace | Surajpur | Jaipur Junction |
Fictional Landmarks | Indian Railway Shunting Yard | The Indian Beam Bridge | The Indian Paddy Field | Indian Railway Sheds | Indian Bridge Over Tunnel Runby | The Indian Mountain Railway | The Indian Desert | The Elephant Lake | The Indian Station |