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This article is about the fourth series episode. You may be looking for the sixth series episode, the US/Canadian VHS/DVD, the Australian DVD, the Philippine DVD or the book.
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"Excuse me, do you like bluebells?"
"Yes. Bluebells are beautiful!"
"Then, you're soon going to see lots of them because I'm getting you out of here!"
― Rusty and Stepney

Rusty to the Rescue is the fifteenth episode of the fourth series.


In springtime, Rusty loves to visit a faraway place filled with bluebells. The air is sweet and he thinks there is no better place to be. One day, while Rusty is being refueled, Thomas passes by, remarking that Rusty's driver looks worried. Rusty questions his driver, who replies that another engine is needed to run this special line. Rusty is intrigued by the idea of finding a "Bluebell Engine".

Later, Rusty consults with Douglas (who is with Percy) about finding another engine on the Other Railway, where Douglas had found Oliver. Douglas says that he would like to help but notes that only diesels travel there now. Rusty readily accepts the idea and decides to go there. That evening, his driver comes with news that the Manager will make a home for a "Bluebell Engine" if they find one. Rusty determines to find one the next day.

It takes them all of the next day to travel to the Other Railway and, when they arrive, it is nighttime with a cold wind blowing. Creaks of lonely scrap are heard and Rusty pulls up beside the diesels lined up on guard. He escapes the diesels' suspicion by bluffing about being an "inspection" diesel and asks if any engines are in the shed. The other diesels note there are none in the shed. Refusing to give up, Rusty asks about the sidings and the diesels state they do have one engine. Rusty plucks up courage and decides to find the engine in the siding.

A small tank engine with a tall funnel named "Stepney", which is written on his side tanks, stands sad and alone in a shadowy siding. His driver is huddled in the cab, keeping him company. Rusty rolls up beside him and asks him if he likes bluebells. Although startled, Stepney replies that he believes bluebells are beautiful. Rusty, then, tells Stepney that he will soon see lots of bluebells and promises to save him from scrap. Rusty's crew works quickly to get Stepney started. It is initially difficult to light the fire but it soon burns nicely with a good head of steam. Rusty's engineer agrees to act as Stepney's fireman and, together, the two engines run past the line of diesels and head off for the Bluebell Railway. The other diesels ask where Stepney is going and Rusty replies that he is just going "down the line." When Rusty and Stepney cross the border onto the Fat Controller's Railway, Rusty shouts, "Mission accomplished!" in triumph.

The next morning, Rusty and Stepney arrive at the Valley Station where a big welcome awaits. The Manager promises to have Stepney mended and given a new coat of paint, much to the delight of Stepney's driver. Stepney thanks Rusty for everything. After being mended and painted, Stepney is as happy as can be and helps all the passengers who visit when the bluebells bloom. He is colloquially nicknamed "the Bluebell Engine".




  • In real life, the Bluebell Railway is a heritage railway which runs for eleven miles along the border between East Sussex and West Sussex, England.
  • This episode marks several things:
    • The first episode to feature both standard gauge and narrow gauge diesels together.
    • The first fourth series episode featured on Shining Time Station.
    • Daisy's first appearance since the second series episode Percy's Predicament.
    • The only fourth series episode not directly adapted from a story of The Railway Series. A few plot elements were adapted from the story Bluebells of England, which was also loosely adapted into the beginning of the next episode. Douglas and Percy mingling at the water tower is a remnant from the aforementioned story.
    • Diesel's only appearance in the fourth series, as well as his last on-screen appearance until the sixth series episode The World's Strongest Engine. He does, however, appear in a deleted scene in the fifth series episode Cranky Bugs.
    • The only episode in which Daisy and BoCo appear together.
    • The second episode that Douglas has a speaking role but without Donald, although the latter appears as a scrap model.
    • The last appearance of the second red bus.
  • The set of the Other Railway is a heavily modified version of the Skarloey Engine Sheds set where Rusty met Percy and Douglas.
  • In the US and Canada, this episode aired on Shining Time Station before Trucks, meaning the American and Canadian audiences would have been introduced to Rusty in this episode.
  • This episode plot is similar to the second series episode Saved from Scrap and the third series episode Escape, in which an engine promises to save another from scrap before being scheduled to being broken up. The latter episode is also mentioned when Rusty asks where Douglas found Oliver.
  • Scrap models of Thomas, Gordon, one of the Scottish twins, Toad and the Märklin Engine can be seen on the Other Railway.
  • The engines of the Other Railway are represented by Diesel, BoCo, Daisy, Mavis and Class 40, all facing opposite to the camera.
  • A non-motorised chassis was constructed for Daisy in this instance, as she and BoCo shared a chassis.[2]
  • A 49-second long piece of music from this episode when Rusty rescues Stepney was released by Junior Campbell on YouTube on 7 March 2016.[3]
  • After this episode, Bertie is given a different horn sound in Bowled Out up through the seventh series, excluding Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
  • This episode was shown alongside the third series episode Toby's Tightrope in an airing of Storytime with Thomas.


  • Some descriptions of this episode on home video releases featuring this episode claim that Rusty got advice from Oliver, when it was actually from Douglas.
  • In the UK and international dubs:
    • Thomas has Edward's whistle sound as he passes through Bluebell Valley Station.
    • When Rusty and Stepney return, Thomas, Gordon and James' whistle sounds are heard, yet they are nowhere to be seen. This is because stock audio of the engines whistling is reused from the first series episode Thomas' Christmas Party.
  • In the Danish dub, when Rusty is taking fuel, the narrator incorrectly says that Rusty is drinking water, despite him being a diesel.
  • When Thomas passes Rusty, Clarabel is facing the wrong way.
  • Rusty's truck and brake van disappear in the close-up shot of the driver in the cab.
  • Dried-up glue is visible around Rusty's face during the line, "Right, we'll find one [a 'Bluebell Engine'] tomorrow."
  • When Rusty first arrives on the Other Railway, some chains are hanging beside the signal box but, when Rusty asks "Oh, what's that?" the chains disappear.
  • On the Other Railway, the diesels and rolling stock constantly change places:
    • When the voice calls out, "Who are you?" Mavis has somehow moved from Rusty's right to behind Diesel.
    • In the shot after Rusty says, "Then, I'll just go and inspect," Mavis is back to her original position, Diesel has somehow moved in front of her and Class 40 appears in front of BoCo.
    • In the point-of-view shot of Rusty escaping, Mavis is on Daisy's track.
    • In the following shot, Daisy is on the far right track, Class 40 has somehow moved to the smaller shed and Mavis and Diesel have moved to the narrow gauge track.
    • In the final shot of the Other Railway, Daisy and Class 40 are back in their original positions.
    • The tar wagon seen between BoCo and Daisy disappears in the last shot of the Other Railway.
  • There is a visible chip in Rusty's paintwork when his engineer agrees to be Stepney's fireman.
  • Rusty and Stepney pass a shed twice while escaping from the Other Railway.
  • Stepney's eyes are misaligned in the final shot.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Linha dos bravos
Chinese Mandarin 罗斯提来救援
Czech Rusty záchraně
Danish Rusty kommer til undsætning
Dutch Rusty de redder
Finnish Risto pelastaa
German Rusty hilft
Greek Ο Ράστι ψάχνει για βοήθεια
Hungarian Rusty, a megmentő
Italian La locomotiva delle campanelle
Japanese ブルーベルれっしゃ
Korean 블루벨 기관차
Latin American Spanish Rusty al rescate
Norwegian Rusty til redning
Polish Misja Rusty'ego (TVP3)
Rudik ratownik (JimJam)
Romanian Rusty salvatorul
Russian Расти спешит на помощь
Slovenian Zlatko prihiti na pomoč
Swedish Räddaren Rusty
Thai รัซตีมาช่วยสเตปนี
Ukrainian Iржавець iде на порятунок
Welsh Achub Injan

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom UK

ThomasandStepneyVHS Thomas and Stepney and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
BiggestPartyVideoEver!VHS Biggest Party Video Ever!
TheCompleteFourthSeriesVHS The Complete Fourth Series
SeasonalScrapesVHS Seasonal Scrapes
5EpisodeVideoFrontCover 5 Episode Video

United Kingdom UK DVD Boxset

ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection

Wales WAL

ThomastheTankEngineBumperSpecial2cover Thomas the Tank Engine: Bumper Special 2

Australia AUS

ThomasandStepneyandOtherStoriesAustraliancover Thomas and Stepney and Other Stories (direct-to-VHS)
ABCForKidsMixyPresentsMoreFavourites Mixy Presents More Favourites
RescuesOntheRailwayAustraliancover Rescues on the Railway
TheCompleteFourthSeriesAustralianDVD Series Four
ActiveCollectionAUSDVDCover Active Collection

Australia AUS DVD Packs

AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
SeriesThreeandFourAustralianDoublePack Series Three and Series Four 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

ThomasandStepneyNZcover Thomas and Stepney and Other Stories


RustytotheRescueandOtherThomasStories1995FrontCover Rusty to the Rescue and Other Thomas Stories
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume4 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 4

Canada CAN

RustytotheRescueandOtherThomasStories1995FrontCover Rusty to the Rescue and Other Thomas Stories

USA Canada US/CAN DVD Pack

AdventureOntheTracks Adventure on the Tracks

South Africa ZA

VolumeEightSouthAfricanVHScover Henry and the Elephant (Volume Eight)

India IND

TrucksandOtherStories Trucks and Other Stories

Malaysia MYS

PassengersandPolishandotherThomasAdventures Passengers and Polish and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 16) (VCD)
PeterSamandtheRefreshmentLadyandotherAdventures Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady and Other Adventures (DVD)

Philippines PHL

RustytotheRescuePhilippineDVDcover Rusty to the Rescue

Italy ITA

HereComestheQueen The Queen Arrives

Netherlands NL

Rock'nRoll2006frontcover Rock 'n Roll
Dubbeldik4frontcover Double Feature 4
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresOfEdwardAndTobyFrontCover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Edward and Toby

Germany GER

OnHighPolishforthePassengersand4OtherAdventures On High Polish for the Passengers and 4 Other Adventures
ThomasandHisFriendsVol.8VHSCover Thomas & Friends Volume 8
HeroesonRailsGermanVHSCover Heroes on Rails

Germany GER DVD Boxsets

ThomasandhisFriendsGermanDVDBoxSet1 Thomas & Friends Boxset 1
ThomasandhisFriendsDVDBoxSet1frontcover Thomas & Friends Track 1 Box

Norway NOR

ThomasandStepney(NorwegianVHS) Thomas and Stepney

Denmark DK

TheBraveEngineandOtherStoriesVHS The Brave Engine and Other Stories

Sweden SWE

GhostTrainSwedishDVD Ghost Train and Henry and the Elephant

Slovenia SVN

ThomasandStepney(SlovenianDVD) Thomas and Stepney

Greece GRC

CompanionshipwithThomasGreekVHScover Companionship with Thomas (VHS)
AdventuresattheRailwayStation2005GreekDVDcover Adventures at the Railway Station (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset2 3 DVD Boxset 2

Thailand THA

Japan JPN

NewThomasTheTankEngineVol4VHSFrontCover New Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 4: The Postman and His Van (direct-to-VHS)
TheCompleteWorksofThomastheTankEngine2Vol6cover The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 2 Volume 6: Friends to the End Edition
TheStrangeStoryofThomastheTankEngineDVDCover Strange Story of Thomas the Tank Engine
75thanniversaryoftheoriginalpublicationDVDFrontCover 75th Anniversary Edition: Thank You as Always! Thomas & Friends Masterpieces

South Korea KOR

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

ThomasandFriendsVolume10HongKongVCDcover Thomas & Friends Volume 10 (VCD)
ThomasandFriendsVolume7ThaiDVD Thomas & Friends Volume 7 (DVD)

Taiwan TWN

ThomasandFriendsVolume12(TaiwaneseDVD) Thomas & Friends Volume 12


