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"I rescued you!"
"No, you didn't. Rocky was putting the water tower on my flatbed, and now it's smashed!"
― Thomas and Duck

Saved You! is the tenth episode of the twelfth series.


One day, Percy with The Fat Controller on board meets Thomas at Maithwaite. The Fat Controller orders Thomas to collect a fireman who is a hero for saving Lady Hatt's cat. While Thomas is on the way to collect the fireman, he finds his chance to be a hero when he sees a water tower about to fall on Duck. Thomas orders Duck to move by blowing his whistle and shouting, which Duck does and the water tower falls to the ground, crashing into bits. Thinking he has saved the day, Thomas is pleased, but Duck is cross. He explains that Rocky (who had been hidden by a tree) was lowering the tower on his flatbed. Thomas apologises and continues on his journey.

It is not long until he comes across a fallen tree on the track. Worried about engines crashing into it, he backs up. He tells a signalman about it and so when Harvey chuffs by, he is sent on the other track. Satisfied, Thomas sets off, only to find Donald and Douglas behind the tree. They have been waiting for Harvey to clear it and they are cross when Thomas admits his mistake. Thomas apologises and puffs off once more.

Thomas soon finds Toby. Smoke and steam are billowing everywhere. Thomas is horrified because Toby has broken down on the main line. Hearing Gordon's whistle, he moves Toby to a siding while Gordon rushes by. Toby is cross, and tells Thomas that Gordon was bringing an engineer to fix him. Thomas knows he made another mistake and now he is almost late. Thomas finds Percy and asks him to take the fireman instead, which Percy is delighted about. With Percy gone, Thomas goes to set things right; he collects the engineer to fix Toby, finds Harvey and tells him to move the tree and puffs back to Tidmouth.

Suddenly, he sees Bertie and some children. Bertie explains that he is stuck in the mud. Thomas decides to take the children to the medal ceremony. Once there, Lady Hatt nominates the fireman a hero, and the children declare Thomas their hero. Thomas was very happy to help.




  • Stock footage from the eleventh series episodes, Thomas and the Storyteller, Thomas and the Lighthouse and Thomas in Trouble is used.
  • Though he was depicted with a model face in this episode, two pictures from a magazine story show Harvey with CGI faces.
  • A concept art of this episode refer to the Fat Controller's assistants as minders.
  • This is the only episode of a few things:
    • Donald and Douglas' only appearances in the twelfth series.
    • Bertie's only speaking role in the twelfth series.
    • Alice's only speaking role.
    • The only episode of the twelfth series in which Duck's face is the correct size.
  • This episode marks the last appearances of Thomas' sad face, Gordon's unamused face, Toby's surprised face and Harvey's shocked and chuckling faces that gained fully painted teeth to resemble a grinning face.
  • This episode marks the last appearances and/or speaking roles for a few characters:


  • When the water tower breaks, some pieces land on Thomas' line, but in the next shot, the line is clear.
  • When Duck moves out of the way from the water tower, he has a diesel engine sound, but Duck is a steam engine. Toby also makes diesel engine sounds despite being a steam engine when he breaks down.
  • Douglas' tender is slightly tilted upwards.
  • When Thomas pulls Toby off the Main Line, Toby derails and the steam platform used for the smoke clouds Toby emitted is visible.
  • In an aerial shot when Thomas reverses back to the points before rescuing Toby, a steam platform is visible.
  • Toby's face is slightly crooked when Gordon chuffs passed him and Thomas.
  • In a photo of Thomas and Duck, some of Thomas' mechanism is seen.
  • In many scenes, the characters' CGI faces are not positioned correctly.


In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Eu Te Salvei
Chinese Mandarin 我来救你
Croatian Spasio Sam Te
Czech Zachránce
Finnish Tuomas Sankarina
French Thomas Sauve Ses Amis
German Thomas der Held
Indonesian Kamu Selamat! (Indonisar)
Menyelamatkanmu (Indonisar)
Italian Eroe a Tutti i Costi!
Japanese トーマスはヒーロー
Korean 내가 구했어! (Kids 1)
꼬마 영웅, 토마스 (EBS)
Latin American Spanish Te Salvé
Persian نجات دادم
Polish Uratowany!
Serbian Spasio Sam Te
Thai โทมัสกับผู้กล้าตัวจริง

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