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Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the vinyl record, the New Zealand VHS, the French DVD, the Ladybird book, the Buzz Book or the magazine story.
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“Broken up, what a shame! Broken up, what a shame! I must help Trevor, I must.”
― Edward

Saved from Scrap is the fourth episode of the second series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book Edward the Blue Engine.


The Fat Controller works his engines very hard, but they are very proud when he calls them "Really Useful". One day, Edward tells Thomas that he is heading to the scrapyard. Thomas exclaims that Edward is not that old, but Edward knows that Thomas is only teasing. The scrapyard on Edward's branch line is full of rusty old machinery and car parts. They are broken into pieces and loaded into trucks; then Edward takes them to the steelworks where they are used again after being melted down.

On this occasion, Edward sees a very unusual sight there: a traction engine named Trevor, who is very sad. Edward asks him why he is there at the scrapyard. The traction engine tells him that he is due to be broken up the following week. Although he is still clearly in working condition, his master decided he was old-fashioned. Edward remarks that he gets told the same thing, but he does not care and the Fat Controller says that he is a useful engine. Trevor then tells Edward about his old life; he would travel from farm to farm doing various jobs and children would be excited to see him and took rides on him. He closes his eyes and remembers that he likes children. Edward worriedly travels to the station trying his hardest to think of a way to save Trevor.


"I've got him cheap, Jem, cheap!"

Edward tries to think who could take Trevor in with no luck. However, when he arrives at Wellsworth, Edward spots the Vicar and knows he would be the perfect person to save Trevor. He and his driver explain about Trevor's situation and beg the Vicar to save him; the Vicar promises to go take a look. On Saturday, Trevor's driver Jem Cole tells him about the Vicar's upcoming visit and gives him a new coat of paint and a good polish in preparation. The Vicar and his two sons arrive that evening and Trevor starts riding around the yard feeling happier than ever. Afterwards, the Vicar talks to the scrapyard owner and is able to buy Trevor cheap.

Now Trevor lives at the Wellsworth Vicarge Orchard, which is next to Edward's branch line, so they can see each other every day. Trevor has shining brass like gold and clean paint. He enjoys his new work, but the church fête is his favourite day of the year, when he has a wooden seat bolted on to him and gets to give children rides. In the evening, he is seen lying asleep thinking about the wonderful day he has had and the children he met.




  • The first shot was taken from the cancelled adaptation of The Missing Coach, as James' tender can be seen at the end of the camera panning, similar to how James looks in the first shot of The Missing Coach.
  • A deleted scene from Edward and Gordon is used.
  • This is:
    • Trevor's first appearance.
    • The first appearance of Edward's exhausted/anxious face is used, which would frequently be used in the second series.
    • The only episode that Jem Cole is referred to by name until the sixth series episode, Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry.
  • The shot of Thomas saying "What, already? You're not that old!" was used as the main part of the original Shining Time Station Series 1 opening and also plasters the Clearwater Features logos on later prints of the first two seasons of this show, which listed the show's producers' names below, while the still photo of him watching Edward puff away would be used as a prominent icon for Thomas & Friends for several years, including the updated opening of Shining Time Station and Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales.
  • It is revealed that one of Edward's drivers is named Charlie. This is the only time it is mentioned.
  • in the Finnish dub, Edward's driver is named "Jaakko". The name was later used for Jack.
  • Deleted scenes suggest Edward's chat with the Vicar was to be extended and two particular deleted scenes show him with his sad face in place of his anxious one followed by his happy face.
  • Gordon is shown pulling the shorter Green Express Coaches from the first series.
  • The Märklin Engine appears at the scrapyard.
  • Ringo Starr's US dub was not released on home video until it was released on the Engine Friends DVD on May 15, 2012.
  • A bogie wheel and driving wheel from Gordon's pilot model can be seen at the scrapyard.
  • George Carlin's dub of this episode was never featured on an episode of Shining Time Station nor Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales. It first appeared on Daisy and Other Thomas Stories on October 6, 1993 and premiered on TV in the US as part of Mister Moose's Fun Time in 1998.
  • This episode aired on 4 June 1991 when repeated for the second series. The same year, Thomas and Trevor aired on 11 June, with Duck Takes Charge on 18 June and Percy and Harold on 25 June.
  • The Welsh title of this episode is simply Trevor's name.
  • When this episode aired on Cartoon Network, the music and sound effects overlapped the original audio.
  • This episode was never released on home video in South Korea.


  • In the opening shot, Gordon suddenly stops due to derailing just after he passes the signal.
  • Thomas' driver is missing and his eyes are also misaligned when Edward leaves to go to the scrapyard.
  • In the George Carlin dub, the line "Hello" is said in his Trevor voice instead of Edward during their first meeting.
  • At Crocks Scrap Yard and Wellsworth, Lynton and Barnstaple Railway open trucks appear behind Edward, however, at Suddery Castle, he is pulling 7-plank trucks instead.
  • In the close up of Edward at the scrapyard, he has a chip in his boiler.
  • In Trevor's flashback, his paint is chipped, and his perch bracket is also breaking apart.
  • Edward has Donald/Douglas' worried face mask as he leaves the scrapyard.
  • When Edward approaches Wellsworth:
    • He has Thomas' whistle sound in George Carlin's dub and most international ones.
    • No whistle sound is heard in Ringo Starr's dubs and the Welsh, original Norwegian and Japanese ones.
    • The tracks start to move once he is on it.
  • When Trevor asks Jem Cole if he thinks the Vicar will buy him, a hair is visible on his boiler.
  • When Jem Cole and the Vicar are riding Trevor around the scrapyard, a piece of string can be faintly seen pulling him, thus no steam comes out of his funnel.
  • When the Vicar has bought Trevor, his cheek is chipped.
  • In the Ukrainian voice-over, the final scene isn't dubbed over Starr's narration.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Novo começo
Chinese Mandarin 在废车场被救
Croatian Spremljeno iz otpada
Czech Záchrana před šrotem
Danish Reddet fra lossepladsen
Dutch Gered van de schroothoop
Finnish Romutusuhka
French Sauvé de la ferraille
German Nicht verschrotten, bitte
Greek Η Διάσωση απο τα παλιοσίδερα
Hungarian Edward és az ócskavastelep
Italian Il trattore salvato
Japanese いのちびろいしたトレバー
Korean 다시 살아난 트레버
Latin American Spanish De nuevo en acción
Norwegian Reddet fra skraphaugen
Polish Ocalony ze złomu
Romanian Salvat de la fier vechi
Romansh Salvà dal deposit da ferramenta
Russian Спасенный трактор
Serbian Spasen iz otpada
Slovenian Pot na odpad
Swedish Reddet fra skrotupplaget
Ukrainian Врятований з брухту
Welsh Trefor


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset




  • DaisyandotherThomasStories Daisy and Other Thomas Stories/Percy Takes the Plunge
  • ThomasandHisFriendsHelpOutVHScover Thomas and His Friends Help Out
  • EngineFriends Engine Friends (Ringo Starr's US dub)


















GER DVD Boxsets






  • Thomas the Tank Engine 3





GRC DVD Boxset


  • It's Good to Be a Train (VCD)
  • It's Good to Be a Train and Full Speed Ahead (DVD)



JPN DVD Boxset




