Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the French DVD. You may be looking for the episode or the Buzz Book.
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Saved from Scrap (French: Sauvé de la ferraille) is a French DVD featuring nine second series episodes narrated by Gérard Boucaron.



THOMAS la petite locomotive fonceuse et malicieuse vit avec tous ses amis sur l'île du SODOR. Tous ensemble, ils sáctivent pour faire fonctionner le chemin de fer dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Mais tout nést pas si simple et les gentilles petites machines doivent souvent faire face à de nombreux imprévus...

English translation

THOMAS, the mischievous little locomotive, lives with all his friends on the island of SODOR. Together they try to keep the railway running in good spirits. But everything is not so simple and the friendly little machines often have to deal with many unforeseen events...


  1. Les vaches (Cows)
  2. À la poursuite de Bertrand (Bertie's Chase)
  3. Sauvé de la ferraille (Saved from Scrap)
  4. Le vieux tas de ferraille (Old Iron)
  5. Thomas et Trevor (Thomas and Trevor)
  6. Pierre et le signal (Percy and the Signal)
  7. Duck prend les choses en main (Duck Takes Charge)
  8. Pierre et Herbert (Percy and Harold)
  9. Le fugitif (The Runaway)

Bonus Features

  • Thomas' Album
  • Find friends of Thomas
  • Summaries of episodes


  • This was the last French DVD release to feature episodes from the Classic Series. It is unknown why no further Thomas DVDs were released in France until the twelfth series DVD, Thomas & Friends 1.
  • Harvey is seen on the front cover, even though he was not featured in any of the episodes.
  • The DVD was released in 2007, but the release was created at the same time as the other three Thomas DVDs from L.C.J. Éditions.