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"Edward took on the wrong sort of coal, sir."
"The wrong sort of coal?! What nonsense, Thomas! I'll find out what Edward had to say about this later."
― The Fat Controller seeing through Thomas' lie.

Saving Edward is the twenty-third episode of the ninth series.


In the summertime, Edward is not feeling well; he is losing excessive steam from his cylinders on his journeys. One day, he is given the task of collecting a special produce train from Brendam Docks, but Edward is worried that he cannot pull it. He asks Thomas, who is also going to the Docks to arrange his goods train, not to tell the Fat Controller, as he fears being sent to the scrapyard. Thomas promises to keep Edward's problem a secret and he quickly heads for the Docks, whilst Edward carries on slowly, worrying if Thomas doing his job is a good idea.

Once at the Docks, Edward tries his very best to move his goods train, but to no avail. Feeling sorry for Edward, Thomas hurries out of the Docks to finish own jobs first. Afterwards, he returns to take Edward's goods train. However, when Thomas arrives at Knapford Station with the goods train, the Fat Controller is very cross, as not only is the train late, Edward is also not pulling it. Thomas lies that Edward took on the wrong sort of coal, but the Fat Controller does not buy it and gives him another job as punishment for lying to him.

Gordon searches along the main line for Edward and finds him resting in a siding. Gordon tells Edward what Thomas told the Fat Controller. Realising that he made the whole situation worse, and despite feeling very weak, Edward heads for Knapford Station, and upon arrival tells the Fat Controller about his problem and his worries, just as Thomas arrives, completely exhausted from his punishment. The Fat Controller reminds Thomas and Edward that honesty is the best policy, even when it is difficult before sending Edward to the fitters' yard for repairs, to the two engines' relief.




  • Going by production order, this is the nineteenth episode of the ninth series.
  • It is also likely that this episode takes place before Henry and the Flagpole, as in that episode, the old ship had its mast removed to make a flagpole. But in this episode, the old ship still has its mast.
  • Edward has his sad face in the majority of this episode, along with the eleventh series episode, Edward and the Mail.
  • This episode marks the last of three things:
  • The term "wrong sort of coal" could be a play on the railway term "wrong sort of snow." In winter, some railway staff tell passengers that there are no trains because of the "wrong sort of snow" - passengers just take this as an excuse.
  • Alternate stock footage from Respect for Gordon is used.


  • In the close-up of Edward's wheels, a red wire is visible.
  • One truck's face is on the back end in the close-up of the rest saying, "What for, what for?!"
  • As Edward leaves the siding, the track does not reach all the way to the buffers.
  • At the end of the episode, Edward's eyes are misaligned.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Arabic إنقاذ إدوارد
Brazilian Portuguese Salvando Edward
Chinese Mandarin 救救艾德华
Croatian Spašavanje Ede
Czech Zachraňte Edwarda
Danish Edward i knibe
Dutch Thomas Helpt Edward
Finnish Pelastakaa Edvard
French Thomas aide Édouard
German Hilfsaktion für Edward
Greek Σώστε τον Έντι
Hungarian Thomas Füllent
Italian Il Salvataggio di Edward
Japanese エドワードをすくえ
Korean 힘내, 에드워드!
Latin American Spanish Salvando a Edward
Norwegian Edward trenger hjelp
Polish Na pomoc Edkowi
Romanian Salvându-o pe Edward
Russian Спасая Эдварда
Scottish Gaelic A' Dion Eideird
Spanish Ayudando a Edward
Swedish Ställa upp för Edvard
Turkish Edward'ı Kurtarmak

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