Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
"I'm here to give you landlubbers a helping hand!"
― Salty

Seaside Salty is a magazine story, illustrated using photographs from the television series.


The Fat Controller brings a new engine called Salty - who is a dockside diesel - to work on the island. Salty is very pleased with his new home as the island is surrounded by sea and Salty loves the sea.

Salty's driver takes his engine to the quarry where he meets Mavis who is pleased to see another diesel. Salty looks around and sees nothing but rocks. Salty is disappointed, but gets on with his work because he is a really useful engine.

Bill and Ben are not as happy to see Salty as Mavis is as they do not think they need help, especially from a diesel. They both agree that Salty will not last five minutes in the quarry with the troublesome trucks. But to their surprise, Salty keeps the trucks in order and finishes his work in no time. Bill and Ben are impressed, but Salty is not happy and puffs sadly into a siding. Bill asks what is wrong and learns that Salty misses the ocean breeze.

Just then, the Fat Controller arrives in his car. He praises Salty and tells him there is more work for him at the docks, to Salty's delight.

Now, Salty works at Brendam Docks where he can smell the salty sea air everyday and is very happy indeed.




  • Mavis is said to "peep", but she is a diesel.

