Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the first series of All Engines Go. You may be looking for the first series of Thomas & Friends, the first series of the Storytime podcast or the digital download of this series.

The first series of Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go was greenlit by Mattel in October 2020 and premiered on Cartoon Network's Cartoonito block in the United States on 13 September 2021, on Treehouse TV in Canada on 18 September 2021, on Channel 5's Milkshake! block in the United Kingdom on 8 November 2021 and on NHK in Japan on 24 December 2022.


In 2020, Mattel Television announced a new co-production partnership with Corus Entertainment's Nelvana Studio. 104 11-minute episodes and two 60-minute specials were greenlit for the "Thomas & Friends" television series over two seasons. The new format will feature "a new look and story structure", original songs and Thomas as the lead character of every episode.

Instead of being released all in one go, Series 1 was split into two parts, each containing twenty-six episodes. The first part was released in the US between September and December of 2021, while the second was released between January and July of 2022, although these release dates vary in other countries.

Before the series had an official title, All Engines Go Series 1 was commonly referred to as Series 25, in line with the numbering of the original twenty-four series of Thomas & Friends. This error carried over into some promotional material and marketing. The series' developer and former head writer, Rick Suvalle, has since confirmed that these were only working titles for the series during its production, as it takes place within an entirely different continuity.[1]


All aboard the highly anticipated Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! The Island of Sodor is home to the biggest, silliest, most musical and toot-ally awesome-est adventures with your number one pal, Thomas the Tank Engine. With an amazing new animated look, Thomas is joined by a wonderful group of familiar friends, including Percy, Diesel, Gordon, Nia and Sir Topham Hatt. There are fresh faces too, like the island's finest fix-it crew, Carly the Crane and Sandy the Rail Speeder.


Screenshot Title Original US release date Episode number #
AllEnginesGoTestAnimation5 All Engines Go Test Animation Unaired
(Test Screened 2019)


(released on Netflix before airing on TV = *)

Screenshot Title Written by Episode number #
AThomasPromisepromo11 A Thomas Promise Rick Suvalle #01
When Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the same load to Whiff's Recycling Plant, Thomas suggests they each take half of the load, but Diesel turns it into a race.
ThomasBlastsOffpromo6 Thomas Blasts Off Christopher Gentile #02
It's rocket launch day and all the trains get to help deliver the big rocket parts, but when Thomas is assigned a tiny part, he puts it off to help the others with their more exciting parts.
LicensetoDeliverpromo1 License to Deliver Peter Gaffney #03
When Percy has to deliver a new light bulb to the lighthouse at night, Thomas suggests playing secret agents along the way to help Percy forget about his fear of the dark.
RulesoftheGamepromo1 Rules of the Game Aydrea Walden #04
When Thomas builds an obstacle course for his friends, he gets upset when they won't play with it his way.
AQuietDeliverypromo2 A Quiet Delivery David Shayne #05
Thomas volunteers to get Annie and Clarabel across Sodor without waking them up, only to discover that it's going to be harder than he imagined.
KanaGoesSlowpromo4 Kana Goes Slow Craig Carlisle #06
When Kana's power goes out during a delivery run, Thomas teaches her that sometimes it's okay to go slow.
DragonRunpromo7 Dragon Run Christopher Gentile #07
Thomas has the honour of pulling the dragon to the Medieval Faire, but everyone wants a turn as well.
TheBiggestAdventureClubpromo1 The Biggest Adventure Club Peter Gaffney #08
When Thomas finds a treasure map, he creates The Big Adventure Club to seek the treasure and Sandy wants to join, but Thomas says she's too little, so Sandy forms her own club.
Percy'sLuckyBellpromo2 Percy's Lucky Bell Aydrea Walden #09
When Thomas borrows Percy's lucky bell for a dangerous delivery, Thomas accidentally loses the bell.
Sandy'sSandyShipmentpromo1 Sandy's Sandy Shipment Karissa Valencia #10
When Sandy learns about a massive shipment of sand that needs to be delivered, she is determined to help, despite her size.
AWideDeliverypromo7 A Wide Delivery Niki Lytton #11
When the trains must deliver in pairs, Thomas is disappointed to be paired with Diesel instead of his BFF Percy.
CountingCowspromo3 Counting Cows Liz Hara #12
Thomas and Percy volunteer to deliver a herd of cows, but the cows keep wandering off on their own adventures.
MusicIsEverywherepromo6 Music Is Everywhere Adam Beechen #13
When music-lover Nia gets stranded before a big concert she's been waiting to see, Thomas brings the concert to her.
BackwardsDaypromo2 Backwards Day Craig Carlisle #14
Thomas misunderstands the Backwards Day game and accidentally delivers the wrong cargo to the wrong places.
ChasingRainbowspromo7 Chasing Rainbows Brandon Violette #15
Thomas and Kana journey across Sodor to find the prize at the end of the rainbow.
Nia'sBalloonBlunderpromo1 Nia's Balloon Blunder Patrick Rieger #16
When a parade balloon Nia is set to deliver flies away, Thomas helps Nia adjust her plans to get it back.
CapturetheFlagpromo2 Capture the Flag Denise Downer #17
When Percy loses Nia's parade flag before the big parade, Thomas helps them search for it before the event begins.
MysteryBoxcarspromo1 Mystery Boxcars Phil Molloy #18
Kana is upset when she keeps running out of power, but a mystery scavenger hunt is just the thing to cheer her up.
SuperScreenCleanerspromo1 Super Screen Cleaners * Brent Piaskoski #19
Thomas pretends to be a hero to help ensure the movie screen Nia is delivering arrives clean and pristine.
OvernightStoppromo2 Overnight Stop * Niki Lytton #20
Percy feels anxious about spending a night away from home during an overnight delivery with Thomas and Nia.
TheJokeIsonThomaspromo7 The Joke Is on Thomas * Brian Swenlin #21
When Thomas and Percy's plan to surprise Diesel goes awry, the two friends still manage to cheer up Diesel... just not in the way they expected.
LostandFoundpromo2 Lost and Found * Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
When Thomas helps Nia make a delivery to the beach in Norramby, he insists he knows a shortcut and leads the way; it turns out his memory isn't as good as he remembered.
Thomas'DayOff(AEG)promo1 Thomas' Day Off * Craig Carlisle #23
When all the trains but Thomas get deliveries, he's left to spend the day alone; with the help of an old boxcar and a battered beachball, an adventure unfolds.
TheRealNumberOnepromo1 The Real Number One * Jaya Ramdath #24
When Thomas' #1 gets covered by paint, Diesel's comment about Thomas not being number one anymore causes him to doubt himself.
RollerCoastingpromo1 Roller Coasting * Jeff Goode #25
Percy really wants to go on a roller coaster so his friends Thomas, Kana and Nia work together to make it happen.
NoPower,NoProblem!promo2 No Power, No Problem! * Dan Salgarolo #26
Thomas is so excited to show Annie and Clarabel's passengers the scenic views of Sodor. However, the power is out, and the outage causes problems all over the island.
TheTigerTrainpromo2 The Tiger Train Brandon Violette #27
When Yong Bao visits Sodor, a jealous Thomas sets out to prove he's the braver train and challenges Yong Bao to a series of bravery challenges, only to have his plan backfire.
TheCan-DoSubmarineCrew!promo2 The Can-Do Submarine Crew! Adam Beechen #28
Thomas and Percy think they're great communicators, but when they're tasked with delivering a submarine to Vicarstown, communication becomes a bit more difficult to say the least!
ThomasandPercy'sEggsellentAdventurepromo1 Thomas and Percy's Eggsellent Adventure Brent Piaskoski #29
Thomas and Percy have a difficult delivery - getting eggs and other cake ingredients safely to Vicarstown for their bake-off.
CalliopeCrack-Uppromo1 Calliope Crack-Up Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
When the engines are delivering attractions to the annual Norramby Beach Carnival, a series of mistakes causes the precious Calliope to break. Luckily, the engines come up with a creative solution.
TyrannosaurusWreckspromo2 Tyrannosaurus Wrecks Christopher Gentile #31
Thomas and the other Engines get to deliver some newly discovered dinosaur bones, but they must deliver them in the correct order for assembly, which isn't as easy as it sounds...
TheSuper-LongShortcutpromo6 The Super-Long Shortcut Peter Gaffney #32
Gordon is unable to make an important delivery on his own; when Thomas offers his help, Gordon insists on second-guessing Thomas' every move.
ALightDeliverypromo2 A Light Delivery Niki Lytton #33
When Thomas accidentally breaks a light he's hauling to the Sodor Festival of Lights, he learns the best way to be the #1 engine is to be honest when you make a mistake.
ThePaintProblempromo2 The Paint Problem Andy Yerkes #34
Thomas needs repainting and must be patient as he dries, even though he feels like he's missing out.
AWonderfulWorldpromo5 A Wonderful World Lexie Kahanovitz #35
Nia shows Thomas and Diesel how much unique beauty exists on Sodor, which comes in handy when they need plants to beautify a plaza in Vicarstown.
WhistleWoespromo1 Whistle Woes Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
When Thomas' whistle suddenly stops working, he learns that he doesn't need his whistle to still be himself.
LettingOffSteampromo1 Letting Off Steam Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
Thomas and Percy get into their first big fight and are afraid that their friendship is over, until Nia helps them figure out how to resolve it.
Nia'sPerfectPlanpromo2 Nia's Perfect Plan Peter Gaffney #38
Nia has volunteered for a big day of deliveries and is determined to make the perfect plan to get it done, but when things start to go awry, she doggedly sticks to her plan and refuses any help.
SomethingtoRememberpromo3 Something to Remember Patrick Rieger #39
On the last day of Yong Bao's visit to Sodor, his friends dig up a giant keepsake to help him remember them.
SandyVersustheStormpromo1 Sandy Versus the Storm Jordan Gershowitz #40
When a big storm approaches, Thomas and company must complete all a week's worth of deliveries by the end-of-the-workday whistle, but when Sandy needs repairs, Thomas and the gang realize just how important Sandy is to the team!
AnUnbeLEAFableDaypromo1 An UnbeLEAFable Day Ghia Godfree #41
While the engines are setting up for the Fall Festival, Thomas is feeling down about the end of summer and the changing weather.
GhostTrain(AEG)promo1 Ghost Train Eva Konstantopoulos #42
Percy has to deliver the mail on Halloween when everyone knows the legendary Ghost Train comes out! Thomas rolls along to help Percy face his fears, but when a "real" Ghost Train appears... things get almost spooky.
ARustyRescuepromo1 A Rusty Rescue Niki Lytton #43
When Thomas throws away Diesel's favourite oil can thinking it's trash, he makes a promise to get it back and learns it's better not to touch things that aren't yours.
HideandSurprise!promo2 Hide and Surprise! Lexie Kahanovitz #44
While playing hide and seek with Percy, Diesel accidentally gets stranded on a barge that floats out to sea, where it becomes a group effort to rescue him.
PopaWheeliepromo4 Pop a Wheelie Susan Kim #45
Thomas and Diesel take a friendly competition too far and put an important delivery rescue at risk as they race across Sodor.
Goodbye,Ghost-ScaringMachinepromo2 Goodbye, Ghost-Scaring Machine Andy Yerkes #46
Percy announces he's giving up his Ghost Scaring Machine, but it soon becomes clear that the machine is good for more than just scaring ghosts.
MoreCowbellpromo1 More Cowbell Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
Thomas is elated when he finds a cowbell on the side of the tracks, until his friends start hogging it.
SirTophamHatt'sHatpromo2 Sir Topham Hatt's Hat Denise Downer #48
When Sir Topham Hatt's Hat blows away in the wind before making an important announcement, Thomas and his friends race around Sodor, trying to catch it; the hat remains out of reach until they learn to work together.
Nia'sSurprisingSurprisepromo1 Nia's Surprising Surprise Michael White #49
Nia is planning a big party to celebrate the anniversary of her arrival on Sodor, but she finds that her friends don't remember her anniversary and are too busy to even talk about it.
ANewViewforThomaspromo4 A New View for Thomas Jaya Ramdath #50
When Thomas spends the day carrying rockstar idol, Harold, across Sodor, he gains a new perspective on just how amazing it is to be his engine-self.
SkiffSailsSodorpromo1 Skiff Sails Sodor Daniel Share-Strom #51
When Skiff gets a crack in his hull, Thomas needs to move him overland to Harwick for repairs, but Skiff's land-sickness makes that challenging.
SongofSodorpromo1 Song of Sodor Craig Carlisle #52
When Nia suggests adding a song to spice up Sir Topham Hatt's new bench unveiling, he calls upon her to write a song for the ceremony, but it'll take some brainstorming to discover what's special about a plain bench.

Screenshot Title Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
AThomasPromisepromo11 A Thomas Promise Rick Suvalle 8 November 2021 #01
When Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the same load to Whiff's Recycling Plant, Thomas suggests they each take half of the load, but Diesel turns it into a race.
ThomasBlastsOffpromo6 Thomas Blasts Off Christopher Gentile 9 November 2021 #02
It's rocket launch day and all the trains get to help deliver the big rocket parts, but when Thomas is assigned a tiny part, he puts it off to help the others with their more exciting parts.
LicensetoDeliverpromo1 License to Deliver Peter Gaffney 10 November 2021 #03
When Percy has to deliver a new light bulb to the lighthouse at night, Thomas suggests playing secret agents along the way to help Percy forget about his fear of the dark.
RulesoftheGamepromo1 Rules of the Game Aydrea Walden 11 November 2021 #04
When Thomas builds an obstacle course for his friends, he gets upset when they won't play with it his way.
AQuietDeliverypromo2 A Quiet Delivery David Shayne 12 November 2021 #05
Thomas volunteers to get Annie and Clarabel across Sodor without waking them up, only to discover that it's going to be harder than he imagined.
KanaGoesSlowpromo4 Kana Goes Slow Craig Carlisle 15 November 2021 #06
When Kana's power goes out during a delivery run, Thomas teaches her that sometimes it's okay to go slow.
DragonRunpromo7 Dragon Run Christopher Gentile 16 November 2021 #07
Thomas has the honour of pulling the dragon to the Medieval Faire, but everyone wants a turn as well.
TheBiggestAdventureClubpromo1 The Biggest Adventure Club Peter Gaffney 17 November 2021 #08
When Thomas finds a treasure map, he creates The Big Adventure Club to seek the treasure and Sandy wants to join, but Thomas says she's too little, so Sandy forms her own club.
Percy'sLuckyBellpromo2 Percy's Lucky Bell Aydrea Walden 18 November 2021 #09
When Thomas borrows Percy's lucky bell for a dangerous delivery, Thomas accidentally loses the bell.
Sandy'sSandyShipmentpromo1 Sandy's Sandy Shipment Karissa Valencia 19 November 2021 #10
When Sandy learns about a massive shipment of sand that needs to be delivered, she is determined to help, despite her size.
AWideDeliverypromo7 A Wide Delivery Niki Lytton 22 November 2021 #11
When the trains must deliver in pairs, Thomas is disappointed to be paired with Diesel instead of his BFF Percy.
CountingCowspromo3 Counting Cows Liz Hara 23 November 2021 #12
Thomas and Percy volunteer to deliver a herd of cows, but the cows keep wandering off on their own adventures.
MusicIsEverywherepromo6 Music Is Everywhere Adam Beechen 24 November 2021 #13
When music-lover Nia gets stranded before a big concert she's been waiting to see, Thomas brings the concert to her.
BackwardsDaypromo2 Backwards Day Craig Carlisle 25 November 2021 #14
Thomas misunderstands the Backwards Day game and accidentally delivers the wrong cargo to the wrong places.
ChasingRainbowspromo7 Chasing Rainbows Brandon Violette 26 November 2021 #15
Thomas and Kana journey across Sodor to find the prize at the end of the rainbow.
Nia'sBalloonBlunderpromo1 Nia's Balloon Blunder Patrick Rieger 14 February 2022 #16
When a parade balloon Nia is set to deliver flies away, Thomas helps Nia adjust her plans to get it back.
CapturetheFlagpromo2 Capture the Flag Denise Downer 15 February 2022 #17
When Percy loses Nia's parade flag before the big parade, Thomas helps them search for it before the event begins.
MysteryBoxcarspromo1 Mystery Boxcars Phil Molloy 16 February 2022 #18
Kana is upset when she keeps running out of power, but a mystery scavenger hunt is just the thing to cheer her up.
SuperScreenCleanerspromo1 Super Screen Cleaners Brent Piaskoski 17 February 2022 #19
Thomas pretends to be a hero to help ensure the movie screen Nia is delivering arrives clean and pristine.
OvernightStoppromo2 Overnight Stop Niki Lytton 18 February 2022 #20
Percy feels anxious about spending a night away from home during an overnight delivery with Thomas and Nia.
TheJokeIsonThomaspromo7 The Joke Is on Thomas Brian Swenlin 21 February 2022 #21
When Thomas and Percy's plan to surprise Diesel goes awry, the two friends still manage to cheer up Diesel... just not in the way they expected.
LostandFoundpromo2 Lost and Found Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
22 February 2022 #22
When Thomas helps Nia make a delivery to the beach in Norramby, he insists he knows a shortcut and leads the way; it turns out his memory isn't as good as he remembered.
Thomas'DayOff(AEG)promo1 Thomas' Day Off Craig Carlisle 23 February 2022 #23
When all the trains but Thomas get deliveries, he's left to spend the day alone; with the help of an old boxcar and a battered beachball, an adventure unfolds.
TheRealNumberOnepromo1 The Real Number One Jaya Ramdath 24 February 2022 #24
When Thomas' #1 gets covered by paint, Diesel's comment about Thomas not being number one anymore causes him to doubt himself.
RollerCoastingpromo1 Roller Coasting Jeff Goode 25 February 2022 #25
Percy really wants to go on a rollercoaster so his friends Thomas, Kana and Nia work together to make it happen.
TheTigerTrainpromo2 The Tiger Train Brandon Violette 12 April 2022 #26
When Yong Bao visits Sodor, a jealous Thomas sets out to prove he's the braver train and challenges Yong Bao to a series of bravery challenges, only to have his plan backfire.
TheCan-DoSubmarineCrew!promo2 The Can-Do Submarine Crew! Adam Beechen 13 April 2022 #27
Thomas and Percy think they're great communicators, but when they're tasked with delivering a submarine to Vicarstown, communication becomes a bit more difficult to say the least!
ThomasandPercy'sEggsellentAdventurepromo1 Thomas and Percy's Eggsellent Adventure Brent Piaskoski 14 April 2022 #28
Thomas and Percy have a difficult delivery - getting eggs and other cake ingredients safely to Vicarstown for their bake-off.
CalliopeCrack-Uppromo1 Calliope Crack-Up Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
15 April 2022 #29
When the engines are delivering attractions to the annual Norramby Beach Carnival, a series of mistakes causes the precious Calliope to break. Luckily, the engines come up with a creative solution.
TyrannosaurusWreckspromo2 Tyrannosaurus Wrecks Christopher Gentile 18 April 2022 #30
Thomas and the other Engines get to deliver some newly discovered dinosaur bones, but they must deliver them in the correct order for assembly, which isn't as easy as it sounds...
TheSuper-LongShortcutpromo6 The Super-Long Shortcut Peter Gaffney 19 April 2022 #31
Gordon is unable to make an important delivery on his own; when Thomas offers his help, Gordon insists on second-guessing Thomas' every move.
ALightDeliverypromo2 A Light Delivery Niki Lytton 20 April 2022 #32
When Thomas accidentally breaks a light he's hauling to the Sodor Festival of Lights, he learns the best way to be the #1 engine is to be honest when you make a mistake.
ThePaintProblempromo2 The Paint Problem Andy Yerkes 21 April 2022 #33
Thomas needs repainting and must be patient as he dries, even though he feels like he's missing out.
AWonderfulWorldpromo5 A Wonderful World Lexie Kahanovitz 22 April 2022 #34
Nia shows Thomas and Diesel how much unique beauty exists on Sodor, which comes in handy when they need plants to beautify a plaza in Vicarstown.
WhistleWoespromo1 Whistle Woes Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
25 April 2022 #35
When Thomas' whistle suddenly stops working, he learns that he doesn't need his whistle to still be himself.
LettingOffSteampromo1 Letting Off Steam Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
26 April 2022 #36
Thomas and Percy get into their first big fight and are afraid that their friendship is over, until Nia helps them figure out how to resolve it.
NoPower,NoProblem!promo2 No Power, No Problem! Dan Salgarolo 18 August 2022 #37
Thomas is so excited to show Annie and Clarabel's passengers the scenic views of Sodor. However, the power is out, and the outage causes problems all over the island.
Nia'sPerfectPlanpromo2 Nia's Perfect Plan Peter Gaffney 12 September 2022 #38
Nia has volunteered for a big day of deliveries and is determined to make the perfect plan to get it done, but when things start to go awry, she doggedly sticks to her plan and refuses any help.
SomethingtoRememberpromo3 Something to Remember Patrick Rieger 13 September 2022 #39
On the last day of Yong Bao's visit to Sodor, his friends dig up a giant keepsake to help him remember them.
SandyVersustheStormpromo1 Sandy Versus the Storm Jordan Gershowitz 14 September 2022 #40
When a big storm approaches, Thomas and company must complete all a week's worth of deliveries by the end-of-the-workday whistle, but when Sandy needs repairs, Thomas and the gang realize just how important Sandy is to the team!
Nia'sSurprisingSurprisepromo1 Nia's Surprising Surprise Michael White 15 September 2022 #41
Nia is planning a big party to celebrate the anniversary of her arrival on Sodor, but she finds that her friends don't remember her anniversary and are too busy to even talk about it.
AnUnbeLEAFableDaypromo1 An UnbeLEAFable Day Ghia Godfree 16 September 2022 #42
While the engines are setting up for the Fall Festival, Thomas is feeling down about the end of summer and the changing weather.
ARustyRescuepromo1 A Rusty Rescue Niki Lytton 19 September 2022 #43
When Thomas throws away Diesel's favourite oil can thinking it's trash, he makes a promise to get it back and learns it's better not to touch things that aren't yours.
HideandSurprise!promo2 Hide and Surprise! Lexie Kahanovitz 20 September 2022 #44
While playing hide and seek with Percy, Diesel accidentally gets stranded on a barge that floats out to sea, where it becomes a group effort to rescue him.
PopaWheeliepromo4 Pop a Wheelie Susan Kim 22 September 2022 #45
Thomas and Diesel take a friendly competition too far and put an important delivery rescue at risk as they race across Sodor.
Goodbye,Ghost-ScaringMachinepromo2 Goodbye, Ghost-Scaring Machine Andy Yerkes 26 September 2022 #46
Percy announces he's giving up his Ghost Scaring Machine, but it soon becomes clear that the machine is good for more than just scaring ghosts.
MoreCowbellpromo1 More Cowbell Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
27 September 2022 #47
Thomas is elated when he finds a cowbell on the side of the tracks, until his friends start hogging it.
SirTophamHatt'sHatpromo2 Sir Topham Hatt's Hat Denise Downer 28 September 2022 #48
When Sir Topham Hatt's Hat blows away in the wind before making an important announcement, Thomas and his friends race around Sodor, trying to catch it; the hat remains out of reach until they learn to work together.
ANewViewforThomaspromo4 A New View for Thomas Jaya Ramdath 29 September 2022 #49
When Thomas spends the day carrying rockstar idol, Harold, across Sodor, he gains a new perspective on just how amazing it is to be his engine-self.
GhostTrain(AEG)promo1 Ghost Train Eva Konstantopoulos 31 October 2022 #50
Percy has to deliver the mail on Halloween when everyone knows the legendary Ghost Train comes out! Thomas rolls along to help Percy face his fears, but when a "real" Ghost Train appears... things get almost spooky.
SkiffSailsSodorpromo1 Skiff Sails Sodor Daniel Share-Strom 1 February 2023 #51
When Skiff gets a crack in his hull, Thomas needs to move him overland to Harwick for repairs, but Skiff's land-sickness makes that challenging.
SongofSodorpromo1 Song of Sodor Craig Carlisle 2 February 2023 #52
When Nia suggests adding a song to spice up Sir Topham Hatt's new bench unveiling, he calls upon her to write a song for the ceremony, but it'll take some brainstorming to discover what's special about a plain bench.

Screenshot Title Written by Original US release date Episode number #
AThomasPromisepromo11 A Thomas Promise Rick Suvalle 13 September 2021 #01
When Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the same load to Whiff's Recycling Plant, Thomas suggests they each take half of the load, but Diesel turns it into a race.
ThomasBlastsOffpromo6 Thomas Blasts Off Christopher Gentile 13 September 2021 #02
It's rocket launch day and all the trains get to help deliver the big rocket parts, but when Thomas is assigned a tiny part, he puts it off to help the others with their more exciting parts.
LicensetoDeliverpromo1 License to Deliver Peter Gaffney 13 September 2021 #03
When Percy has to deliver a new light bulb to the lighthouse at night, Thomas suggests playing secret agents along the way to help Percy forget about his fear of the dark.
RulesoftheGamepromo1 Rules of the Game Aydrea Walden 13 September 2021 #04
When Thomas builds an obstacle course for his friends, he gets upset when they won't play with it his way.
AQuietDeliverypromo2 A Quiet Delivery David Shayne 14 September 2021 #05
Thomas volunteers to get Annie and Clarabel across Sodor without waking them up, only to discover that it's going to be harder than he imagined.
KanaGoesSlowpromo4 Kana Goes Slow Craig Carlisle 14 September 2021 #06
When Kana's power goes out during a delivery run, Thomas teaches her that sometimes it's okay to go slow.
DragonRunpromo7 Dragon Run Christopher Gentile 15 September 2021 #07
Thomas has the honour of pulling the dragon to the Medieval Faire, but everyone wants a turn as well.
TheBiggestAdventureClubpromo1 The Biggest Adventure Club Peter Gaffney 15 September 2021 #08
When Thomas finds a treasure map, he creates The Big Adventure Club to seek the treasure and Sandy wants to join, but Thomas says she's too little, so Sandy forms her own club.
Percy'sLuckyBellpromo2 Percy's Lucky Bell Aydrea Walden 16 September 2021 #09
When Thomas borrows Percy's lucky bell for a dangerous delivery, Thomas accidentally loses the bell.
Sandy'sSandyShipmentpromo1 Sandy's Sandy Shipment Karissa Valencia 16 September 2021 #10
When Sandy learns about a massive shipment of sand that needs to be delivered, she is determined to help, despite her size.
AWideDeliverypromo7 A Wide Delivery Niki Lytton 17 September 2021 #11
When the trains must deliver in pairs, Thomas is disappointed to be paired with Diesel instead of his BFF Percy.
CountingCowspromo3 Counting Cows Liz Hara 17 September 2021 #12
Thomas and Percy volunteer to deliver a herd of cows, but the cows keep wandering off on their own adventures.
MusicIsEverywherepromo6 Music Is Everywhere Adam Beechen 20 September 2021 #13
When music-lover Nia gets stranded before a big concert she's been waiting to see, Thomas brings the concert to her.
BackwardsDaypromo2 Backwards Day Craig Carlisle 27 September 2021 #14
Thomas misunderstands the Backwards Day game and accidentally delivers the wrong cargo to the wrong places.
ChasingRainbowspromo7 Chasing Rainbows Brandon Violette 4 October 2021 #15
Thomas and Kana journey across Sodor to find the prize at the end of the rainbow.
Nia'sBalloonBlunderpromo1 Nia's Balloon Blunder Patrick Rieger 11 October 2021 #16
When a parade balloon Nia is set to deliver flies away, Thomas helps Nia adjust her plans to get it back.
CapturetheFlagpromo2 Capture the Flag Denise Downer 18 October 2021 #17
When Percy loses Nia's parade flag before the big parade, Thomas helps them search for it before the event begins.
MysteryBoxcarspromo1 Mystery Boxcars Phil Molloy 25 October 2021 #18
Kana is upset when she keeps running out of power, but a mystery scavenger hunt is just the thing to cheer her up.
SuperScreenCleanerspromo1 Super Screen Cleaners * Brent Piaskoski 1 November 2021 #19
Thomas pretends to be a hero to help ensure the movie screen Nia is delivering arrives clean and pristine.
OvernightStoppromo2 Overnight Stop * Niki Lytton 8 November 2021 #20
Percy feels anxious about spending a night away from home during an overnight delivery with Thomas and Nia.
TheJokeIsonThomaspromo7 The Joke Is on Thomas * Brian Swenlin 15 November 2021 #21
When Thomas and Percy's plan to surprise Diesel goes awry, the two friends still manage to cheer up Diesel... just not in the way they expected.
LostandFoundpromo2 Lost and Found * Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
22 November 2021 #22
When Thomas helps Nia make a delivery to the beach in Norramby, he insists he knows a shortcut and leads the way; it turns out his memory isn't as good as he remembered.
Thomas'DayOff(AEG)promo1 Thomas' Day Off * Craig Carlisle 29 November 2021 #23
When all the trains but Thomas get deliveries, he's left to spend the day alone; with the help of an old boxcar and a battered beachball, an adventure unfolds.
TheRealNumberOnepromo1 The Real Number One * Jaya Ramdath 6 December 2021 #24
When Thomas' #1 gets covered by paint, Diesel's comment about Thomas not being number one anymore causes him to doubt himself.
RollerCoastingpromo1 Roller Coasting * Jeff Goode 13 December 2021 #25
Percy really wants to go on a roller coaster so his friends Thomas, Kana and Nia work together to make it happen.
NoPower,NoProblem!promo2 No Power, No Problem! * Dan Salgarolo 20 December 2021 #26
Thomas is so excited to show Annie and Clarabel's passengers the scenic views of Sodor. However, the power is out, and the outage causes problems all over the island.
TheTigerTrainpromo2 The Tiger Train Brandon Violette 10 January 2022 #27
When Yong Bao visits Sodor, a jealous Thomas sets out to prove he's the braver train and challenges Yong Bao to a series of bravery challenges, only to have his plan backfire.
TheCan-DoSubmarineCrew!promo2 The Can-Do Submarine Crew! Adam Beechen 17 January 2022 #28
Thomas and Percy think they're great communicators, but when they're tasked with delivering a submarine to Vicarstown, communication becomes a bit more difficult to say the least!
ThomasandPercy'sEggsellentAdventurepromo1 Thomas and Percy's Eggsellent Adventure Brent Piaskoski 24 January 2022 #29
Thomas and Percy have a difficult delivery - getting eggs and other cake ingredients safely to Vicarstown for their bake-off.
CalliopeCrack-Uppromo1 Calliope Crack-Up Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
31 January 2022 #30
When the engines are delivering attractions to the annual Norramby Beach Carnival, a series of mistakes causes the precious Calliope to break. Luckily, the engines come up with a creative solution.
TyrannosaurusWreckspromo2 Tyrannosaurus Wrecks Christopher Gentile 7 February 2022 #31
Thomas and the other Engines get to deliver some newly discovered dinosaur bones, but they must deliver them in the correct order for assembly, which isn't as easy as it sounds...
TheSuper-LongShortcutpromo6 The Super-Long Shortcut Peter Gaffney 14 February 2022 #32
Gordon is unable to make an important delivery on his own; when Thomas offers his help, Gordon insists on second-guessing Thomas' every move.
ALightDeliverypromo2 A Light Delivery Niki Lytton 21 February 2022 #33
When Thomas accidentally breaks a light he's hauling to the Sodor Festival of Lights, he learns the best way to be the #1 engine is to be honest when you make a mistake.
ThePaintProblempromo2 The Paint Problem Andy Yerkes 28 February 2022 #34
Thomas needs repainting and must be patient as he dries, even though he feels like he's missing out.
AWonderfulWorldpromo5 A Wonderful World Lexie Kahanovitz 7 March 2022 #35
Nia shows Thomas and Diesel how much unique beauty exists on Sodor, which comes in handy when they need plants to beautify a plaza in Vicarstown.
WhistleWoespromo1 Whistle Woes Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
14 March 2022 #36
When Thomas' whistle suddenly stops working, he learns that he doesn't need his whistle to still be himself.
LettingOffSteampromo1 Letting Off Steam Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
21 March 2022 #37
Thomas and Percy get into their first big fight and are afraid that their friendship is over, until Nia helps them figure out how to resolve it.
Nia'sPerfectPlanpromo2 Nia's Perfect Plan Peter Gaffney 28 March 2022 #38
Nia has volunteered for a big day of deliveries and is determined to make the perfect plan to get it done, but when things start to go awry, she doggedly sticks to her plan and refuses any help.
SomethingtoRememberpromo3 Something to Remember Patrick Rieger 4 April 2022 #39
On the last day of Yong Bao's visit to Sodor, his friends dig up a giant keepsake to help him remember them.
SandyVersustheStormpromo1 Sandy Versus the Storm Jordan Gershowitz 11 April 2022 #40
When a big storm approaches, Thomas and company must complete all a week's worth of deliveries by the end-of-the-workday whistle, but when Sandy needs repairs, Thomas and the gang realize just how important Sandy is to the team!
AnUnbeLEAFableDaypromo1 An UnbeLEAFable Day Ghia Godfree 18 April 2022 #41
While the engines are setting up for the Fall Festival, Thomas is feeling down about the end of summer and the changing weather.
ARustyRescuepromo1 A Rusty Rescue Niki Lytton 25 April 2022 #42
When Thomas throws away Diesel's favourite oil can thinking it's trash, he makes a promise to get it back and learns it's better not to touch things that aren't yours.
GhostTrain(AEG)promo1 Ghost Train Eva Konstantopoulos 2 May 2022 #43
Percy has to deliver the mail on Halloween when everyone knows the legendary Ghost Train comes out! Thomas rolls along to help Percy face his fears, but when a "real" Ghost Train appears... things get almost spooky.
HideandSurprise!promo2 Hide and Surprise! Lexie Kahanovitz 10 May 2022 #44
While playing hide and seek with Percy, Diesel accidentally gets stranded on a barge that floats out to sea, where it becomes a group effort to rescue him.
PopaWheeliepromo4 Pop a Wheelie Susan Kim 17 May 2022 #45
Thomas and Diesel take a friendly competition too far and put an important delivery rescue at risk as they race across Sodor.
Goodbye,Ghost-ScaringMachinepromo2 Goodbye, Ghost-Scaring Machine Andy Yerkes 23 May 2022 #46
Percy announces he's giving up his Ghost Scaring Machine, but it soon becomes clear that the machine is good for more than just scaring ghosts.
MoreCowbellpromo1 More Cowbell Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
31 May 2022 #47
Thomas is elated when he finds a cowbell on the side of the tracks, until his friends start hogging it.
SirTophamHatt'sHatpromo2 Sir Topham Hatt's Hat Denise Downer 6 June 2022 #48
When Sir Topham Hatt's Hat blows away in the wind before making an important announcement, Thomas and his friends race around Sodor, trying to catch it; the hat remains out of reach until they learn to work together.
Nia'sSurprisingSurprisepromo1 Nia's Surprising Surprise Michael White 13 June 2022 #49
Nia is planning a big party to celebrate the anniversary of her arrival on Sodor, but she finds that her friends don't remember her anniversary and are too busy to even talk about it.
ANewViewforThomaspromo4 A New View for Thomas Jaya Ramdath 20 June 2022 #50
When Thomas spends the day carrying rockstar idol, Harold, across Sodor, he gains a new perspective on just how amazing it is to be his engine-self.
SkiffSailsSodorpromo1 Skiff Sails Sodor Daniel Share-Strom 27 June 2022 #51
When Skiff gets a crack in his hull, Thomas needs to move him overland to Harwick for repairs, but Skiff's land-sickness makes that challenging.
SongofSodorpromo1 Song of Sodor Craig Carlisle 5 July 2022 #52
When Nia suggests adding a song to spice up Sir Topham Hatt's new bench unveiling, he calls upon her to write a song for the ceremony, but it'll take some brainstorming to discover what's special about a plain bench.

Screenshot Title Written by Original JPN release date Episode number #
AThomasPromisepromo11 トーマスのやくそく
(A Thomas Promise)
Rick Suvalle 24 December 2022 #01
When Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the same load to Whiff's Recycling Plant, Thomas suggests they each take half of the load, but Diesel turns it into a race.
ThomasBlastsOffpromo6 トーマスロケット
(Thomas Blasts Off)
Christopher Gentile 24 December 2022 #02
It's rocket launch day and all the trains get to help deliver the big rocket parts, but when Thomas is assigned a tiny part, he puts it off to help the others with their more exciting parts.
LicensetoDeliverpromo1 ひみつのスパイ ナンバー・ワン
(License to Deliver)
Peter Gaffney 7 January 2023 #03
When Percy has to deliver a new light bulb to the lighthouse at night, Thomas suggests playing secret agents along the way to help Percy forget about his fear of the dark.
RulesoftheGamepromo1 たのしいコースであそぼう
(Rules of the Game)
Aydrea Walden 7 January 2023 #04
When Thomas builds an obstacle course for his friends, he gets upset when they won't play with it his way.
AQuietDeliverypromo2 しずかにはしろう
(A Quiet Delivery)
David Shayne 14 January 2023 #05
Thomas volunteers to get Annie and Clarabel across Sodor without waking them up, only to discover that it's going to be harder than he imagined.
TheCan-DoSubmarineCrew!promo2 せんすいかん だいさくせん
(The Can-Do Submarine Crew!)
Adam Beechen 14 January 2023 #06
Thomas and Percy think they're great communicators, but when they're tasked with delivering a submarine to Vicarstown, communication becomes a bit more difficult to say the least!
DragonRunpromo7 ドラゴンときしだん
(Dragon Run)
Christopher Gentile 21 January 2023 #07
Thomas has the honour of pulling the dragon to the Medieval Faire, but everyone wants a turn as well.
TheBiggestAdventureClubpromo1 だいぼうけんクラブ
(The Biggest Adventure Club)
Peter Gaffney 21 January 2023 #08
When Thomas finds a treasure map, he creates The Big Adventure Club to seek the treasure and Sandy wants to join, but Thomas says she's too little, so Sandy forms her own club.
Percy'sLuckyBellpromo2 パーシーのラッキーベル
(Percy's Lucky Bell)
Aydrea Walden 28 January 2023 #09
When Thomas borrows Percy's lucky bell for a dangerous delivery, Thomas accidentally loses the bell.
Sandy'sSandyShipmentpromo1 サンディーは すながすき
(Sandy's Sandy Shipment)
Karissa Valencia 28 January 2023 #10
When Sandy learns about a massive shipment of sand that needs to be delivered, she is determined to help, despite her size.
AWideDeliverypromo7 いえをはこぶほうほう
(A Wide Delivery)
Niki Lytton 4 February 2023 #11
When the trains must deliver in pairs, Thomas is disappointed to be paired with Diesel instead of his BFF Percy.
CountingCowspromo3 かぞえて モーモー
(Counting Cows)
Liz Hara 4 February 2023 #12
Thomas and Percy volunteer to deliver a herd of cows, but the cows keep wandering off on their own adventures.
MusicIsEverywherepromo6 おんがくはあちこちに
(Music Is Everywhere)
Adam Beechen 11 February 2023 #13
When music-lover Nia gets stranded before a big concert she's been waiting to see, Thomas brings the concert to her.
BackwardsDaypromo2 ぎゃくにするひ
(Backwards Day)
Craig Carlisle 11 February 2023 #14
Thomas misunderstands the Backwards Day game and accidentally delivers the wrong cargo to the wrong places.
ChasingRainbowspromo7 にじをおいかけて
(Chasing Rainbows)
Brandon Violette 18 February 2023 #15
Thomas and Kana journey across Sodor to find the prize at the end of the rainbow.
Nia'sBalloonBlunderpromo1 ニアのおおきなふうせん
(Nia's Balloon Blunder)
Patrick Rieger 18 February 2023 #16
When a parade balloon Nia is set to deliver flies away, Thomas helps Nia adjust her plans to get it back.
CapturetheFlagpromo2 はたをおいかけろ
(Capture the Flag)
Denise Downer 25 February 2023 #17
When Percy loses Nia's parade flag before the big parade, Thomas helps them search for it before the event begins.
MysteryBoxcarspromo1 ミステリー プレゼント
(Mystery Boxcars)
Phil Molloy 25 February 2023 #18
Kana is upset when she keeps running out of power, but a mystery scavenger hunt is just the thing to cheer her up.
SuperScreenCleanerspromo1 トーマスはスーパートレイン?
(Super Screen Cleaners)
Brent Piaskoski 4 March 2023 #19
Thomas pretends to be a hero to help ensure the movie screen Nia is delivering arrives clean and pristine.
OvernightStoppromo2 パーシー はじめてのキャンプ
(Overnight Stop)
Niki Lytton 4 March 2023 #20
Percy feels anxious about spending a night away from home during an overnight delivery with Thomas and Nia.
TheJokeIsonThomaspromo7 じょうだんで わらおう
(The Joke Is on Thomas)
Brian Swenlin 11 March 2023 #21
When Thomas and Percy's plan to surprise Diesel goes awry, the two friends still manage to cheer up Diesel... just not in the way they expected.
LostandFoundpromo2 ビーチはどっち?
(Lost and Found)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
11 March 2023 #22
When Thomas helps Nia make a delivery to the beach in Norramby, he insists he knows a shortcut and leads the way; it turns out his memory isn't as good as he remembered.
Thomas'DayOff(AEG)promo1 ぼくだけの ぼうけん
(Thomas' Day Off)
Craig Carlisle 25 March 2023 #23
When all the trains but Thomas get deliveries, he's left to spend the day alone; with the help of an old boxcar and a battered beachball, an adventure unfolds.
TheRealNumberOnepromo1 ほんとうのいちばん
(The Real Number One)
Jaya Ramdath 25 March 2023 #24
When Thomas' #1 gets covered by paint, Diesel's comment about Thomas not being number one anymore causes him to doubt himself.
RollerCoastingpromo1 ジェットコースターってさいこう
(Roller Coasting)
Jeff Goode 1 April 2023 #25
Percy really wants to go on a rollercoaster so his friends Thomas, Kana and Nia work together to make it happen.
NoPower,NoProblem!promo2 ていでんなんてもんだいない
(No Power, No Problem!)
Dan Salgarolo 1 April 2023 #26
Thomas is so excited to show Annie and Clarabel's passengers the scenic views of Sodor. However, the power is out, and the outage causes problems all over the island.
TheTigerTrainpromo2 ゆうかんなトラのきかんしゃ
(The Tiger Train)
Brandon Violette 15 April 2023 #27
When Yong Bao visits Sodor, a jealous Thomas sets out to prove he's the braver train and challenges Yong Bao to a series of bravery challenges, only to have his plan backfire.
ThePaintProblempromo2 かわくまでまてない
(The Paint Problem)
Andy Yerkes 15 April 2023 #28
Thomas needs repainting and must be patient as he dries, even though he feels like he's missing out.
TyrannosaurusWreckspromo2 きょうりゅうのほね
(Tyrannosaurus Wrecks)
Christopher Gentile 15 April 2023 #29
Thomas and the other Engines get to deliver some newly discovered dinosaur bones, but they must deliver them in the correct order for assembly, which isn't as easy as it sounds...
TheSuper-LongShortcutpromo6 スーパールートでいこう
(The Super-Long Shortcut)
Peter Gaffney 15 April 2023 #30
Gordon is unable to make an important delivery on his own; when Thomas offers his help, Gordon insists on second-guessing Thomas' every move.
AWonderfulWorldpromo5 ステキなものがいっぱい
(A Wonderful World)
Lexie Kahanovitz 29 April 2023 #31
Nia shows Thomas and Diesel how much unique beauty exists on Sodor, which comes in handy when they need plants to beautify a plaza in Vicarstown.
WhistleWoespromo1 きてきのこわれたトーマス
(Whistle Woes)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
29 April 2023 #32
When Thomas' whistle suddenly stops working, he learns that he doesn't need his whistle to still be himself.
LettingOffSteampromo1 じょうきでスッキリ
(Letting Off Steam)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
6 May 2023 #33
Thomas and Percy get into their first big fight and are afraid that their friendship is over, until Nia helps them figure out how to resolve it.
HideandSurprise!promo2 かくれんぼ びっくり!
(Hide and Surprise!)
Lexie Kahanovitz 6 May 2023 #34
While playing hide and seek with Percy, Diesel accidentally gets stranded on a barge that floats out to sea, where it becomes a group effort to rescue him.
SomethingtoRememberpromo3 おもいでをおくろう
(Something to Remember)
Patrick Rieger 13 May 2023 #35
On the last day of Yong Bao's visit to Sodor, his friends dig up a giant keepsake to help him remember them.
SandyVersustheStormpromo1 あらしのなかのサンディー
(Sandy Versus the Storm)
Jordan Gershowitz 13 May 2023 #36
When a big storm approaches, Thomas and company must complete all a week's worth of deliveries by the end-of-the-workday whistle, but when Sandy needs repairs, Thomas and the gang realize just how important Sandy is to the team!
AnUnbeLEAFableDaypromo1 たのしいあき みつけた
(An UnbeLEAFable Day)
Ghia Godfree 20 May 2023 #37
While the engines are setting up for the Fall Festival, Thomas is feeling down about the end of summer and the changing weather.
GhostTrain(AEG)promo1 ゆうれいれっしゃ
(Ghost Train)
Eva Konstantopoulos 20 May 2023 #38
Percy has to deliver the mail on Halloween when everyone knows the legendary Ghost Train comes out! Thomas rolls along to help Percy face his fears, but when a "real" Ghost Train appears... things get almost spooky.
PopaWheeliepromo4 ディーゼルとしゃりん
(Pop a Wheelie)
Susan Kim 27 May 2023 #39
Thomas and Diesel take a friendly competition too far and put an important delivery rescue at risk as they race across Sodor.
Goodbye,Ghost-ScaringMachinepromo2 さよなら おばけたいじマシーン
(Goodbye, Ghost-Scaring Machine)
Andy Yerkes 27 May 2023 #40
Percy announces he's giving up his Ghost Scaring Machine, but it soon becomes clear that the machine is good for more than just scaring ghosts.
MoreCowbellpromo1 カウベルをかえして
(More Cowbell)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
3 June 2023 #41
Thomas is elated when he finds a cowbell on the side of the tracks, until his friends start hogging it.
SirTophamHatt'sHatpromo2 トップハム・ハットきょうのぼうし
(Sir Topham Hatt's Hat)
Denise Downer 3 June 2023 #42
When Sir Topham Hatt's Hat blows away in the wind before making an important announcement, Thomas and his friends race around Sodor, trying to catch it; the hat remains out of reach until they learn to work together.
Nia'sSurprisingSurprisepromo1 ニアのカンペキなパーティー
(Nia's Surprising Surprise)
Michael White 10 June 2023 #43
Nia is planning a big party to celebrate the anniversary of her arrival on Sodor, but she finds that her friends don't remember her anniversary and are too busy to even talk about it.
ANewViewforThomaspromo4 トーマスのあたらしいけしき
(A New View for Thomas)
Jaya Ramdath 10 June 2023 #44
When Thomas spends the day carrying rockstar idol, Harold, across Sodor, he gains a new perspective on just how amazing it is to be his engine-self.
SkiffSailsSodorpromo1 せんろをはしるスキフ
(Skiff Sails Sodor)
Daniel Share-Strom 17 June 2023 #45
When Skiff gets a crack in his hull, Thomas needs to move him overland to Harwick for repairs, but Skiff's land-sickness makes that challenging.
SongofSodorpromo1 ソドーとうのうた
(Song of Sodor)
Craig Carlisle 17 June 2023 #46
When Nia suggests adding a song to spice up Sir Topham Hatt's new bench unveiling, he calls upon her to write a song for the ceremony, but it'll take some brainstorming to discover what's special about a plain bench.

Unaired Episodes[]

The following episodes have not been aired on television in Japan and are available only in theatres:

Screenshot Title Written by Episode number #
KanaGoesSlowpromo4 Kana Goes Slow Craig Carlisle #TBA
When Kana's power goes out during a delivery run, Thomas teaches her that sometimes it's okay to go slow.
ThomasandPercy'sEggsellentAdventurepromo1 Thomas and Percy's Eggsellent Adventure Brent Piaskoski #TBA
Thomas and Percy have a difficult delivery - getting eggs and other cake ingredients safely to Vicarstown for their bake-off.
CalliopeCrack-Uppromo1 Calliope Crack-Up Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
When the engines are delivering attractions to the annual Norramby Beach Carnival, a series of mistakes causes the precious Calliope to break. Luckily, the engines come up with a creative solution.
ALightDeliverypromo2 A Light Delivery Niki Lytton #TBA
When Thomas accidentally breaks a light he's hauling to the Sodor Festival of Lights, he learns the best way to be the #1 engine is to be honest when you make a mistake.
Nia'sPerfectPlanpromo2 Nia's Perfect Plan Peter Gaffney #TBA
Nia has volunteered for a big day of deliveries and is determined to make the perfect plan to get it done, but when things start to go awry, she doggedly sticks to her plan and refuses any help.
ARustyRescuepromo1 A Rusty Rescue Niki Lytton #TBA
When Thomas throws away Diesel's favourite oil can thinking it's trash, he makes a promise to get it back and learns it's better not to touch things that aren't yours.


Screenshot Title Composers Original release date
AThomasPromise124 I'm Gonna Chug Nate Kreiswirth 1 March 2022
17 September 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A dynamic duo, as Thomas and Diesel race to deliver their cargo.
LicensetoDeliver158 Secret Agents Jonathan Evans 2 March 2022
24 September 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
Thomas and Percy are undercover secret agents in this fun and catchy pop song.
AQuietDelivery107 Chugga-Chugga Snooze Snooze Julie Fader 3 March 2022
1 October 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A soothing, gentle lullaby as Thomas tries to help Annie and Clarabel get some sleep.
DragonRun180 Knights of the Turntable Chiara Young
Ryan Marshall
4 March 2022
8 October 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A big musical number as the engines play at being Knights.
Percy'sLuckyBell62 I Sure Am Feeling Lucky Julie Fader 7 March 2022
15 October 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A fun, upbeat song that starts off slow because Thomas is sad, but soon his pout turns into a happy smile.
AWideDelivery184 A Partner on the Rails Hill Kourkoutis
Damhnait Doyle
8th March 2022
22nd October 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
An upbeat duet sung by two unlikely partners on the rails, Thomas and Diesel.
MusicisEverywhere173 Music is Everywhere Matt Ouimet 9 March 2022
29 October 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A jolly sing-along accompanied by the sounds of the railway.
ChasingRainbows30 Chasing Rainbows Jonathan Evans 10 March 2022
5 November 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
Plenty of tempo changes as Thomas and Kana's hopes of finding the end of the rainbow are raised and dashed.
CapturetheFlag34 The Mail Delivery Song Nate Kreiswirth 11 March 2022
12 November 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A fun, upbeat number by Percy as he sings about his favourite job.
SuperScreenCleaners36 If I Was a Super Train Matt Ouimet 14 March 2022
19 November 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
Upbeat fantasy pop song as Thomas dreams of being a heroic Super Train!
TheJokeisOnThomas60 Get on the Laugh Track Asher Lenz
Stephen Skratt
15 March 2022
26 November 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
Percy and Thomas try to put a smile on Diesel's face in this ragtime comedy song.
Thomas'DayOff(AEG)47 On My Own Julie Fader 21 March 2022
3 December 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A lonely Thomas sings a sad little lament.
Roller Coasting52 Everyone is Afraid a Little Matt Ouimet 22 March 2022
10 December 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
Thomas, Nia and Kana sing an uplifting song of encouragement for young, frightened Percy.
TheTigerTrain102 What Brave Engines Do Nate Kreiswirth 23 March 2022
17 December 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
In this uplifting rock song, Thomas duets with Yong Bao and learns about bravery.
ThomasandPercy'sEggsellentAdventure75 Between You and Me Hill Kourkoutis
Damhnait Doyle
24 March 2022
24 December 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
This song's a rocky little number about friendship and working as a team.
TyrannosaurusWrecks66 Feet, Tailbone, Ribs, and Claws Matt Ouimet 25 March 2022
31 December 2021 (Official YouTube channel)
A big musical ensemble song as the engines deliver the dinosaur bones, as well as a fun little dinosaur parody of "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes".
ALightDelivery152 The Number One Engine Hill Kourkoutis
Damhnait Doyle
7 January 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
A mid-tempo rock song for the Number one engine, Thomas!
AWonderfulWorld185 What's Awesome About This Place Nate Kreiswirth 14 January 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
An ensemble acoustic song about Sodor.
LettingOffSteam152 Blowing Off Steam Julie Fader 21 January 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
Uptempo electro teen-pop from the music-loving engine Nia.
SomethingtoRemember164 A Gift to Remember Jonathan Evans 6 May 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
Uplifting indie-folk as the engines sing a gift to Yong Bao.
AnUnbeLEAFableDay218 Fall Fun Matt Ouimet 19 September 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
A sleepy campfire song as Thomas sings about the wonder of the season.
ARustyRescue126 My Rusty Can Annelise Noronha 26 September 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
A little ragtime folk song about a rusty old can.
PopaWheelie213 Together We Can Jonathan Evans 17 May 2022
3 October 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
MoreCowbell69 He Should Have Given You Back Annelise Noronha 31 May 2022
10 October 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
Nia'sSurprisingSurprise164 Celebrate Nate Kreiswirth 13 June 2022
17 October 2022 (Official YouTube channel)
SongofSodor171 Song of Sodor Matt Ouimet 5 July 2022
24 October 2022 (Official YouTube channel)


Returning Characters[]

Characters Introduced[]






  • This series marks the first of several things:
    • The first series animated exclusively in 2D by Nelvana Studio.
    • The first series in which drivers and firemen are not present.
    • The first series to have Border Television resume production for the series since the twelfth series.
    • The first series to have no narration.
    • The first series in which vehicular characters have coloured irises.
    • The first series where Duck and other characters do not appear since their returns.
    • The first series where Thomas is the lead character of every episode.
    • The first series since the seventh series not to have any songs at the end of every episode.
    • The first series where Thomas appears in every episode since the twenty-second series and the first series since the nineteenth series in where he speaks in all of them (not counting the narration in the Big World! Big Adventures! era).
    • The first series where Edward and Henry (since Jack and the Sodor Construction Company in the original series) do not have speaking roles since their introductions.
    • The first series where Sir Topham Hatt is not referred to as the Fat Controller in the UK dub.
    • The first series since the twenty-first series not to fall under the Big World! Big Adventures! subtitle and to take place entirely on the Island of Sodor.
    • The first piece of new Thomas media to be shown with PAL speedup in the UK and the first time to have Neil Crone as part of the voice cast in the US since Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
    • The first appearances of:
  • Both the first and second series of All Engines Go contain 52 episodes each, making them longer than the longest series of Thomas & Friends (the tenth and twentieth series, both featuring 28 episodes respectively).
  • Toby and Rebecca are the only members of the old and new Steam Team respectively not to appear in this series.
    • This is the only franchise series to date to not feature Toby since his introduction.
    • This is the first series not to feature Rebecca since her introduction.
  • According to producer Rick Suvalle, there were plans for Whiff to make a physical appearance in the first series, however these never came to fruition.[2]
  • For unknown reasons, the series was split into two different series on Netflix in the US, but this was later corrected.
  • The Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Baltic Russian dubs are voiced over the British English dubs.
    • The theme song was dubbed in Latvian and Lithuanian, but it was voiced over the British English dub and the voice actor reads the lyrics only. Additionally, the theme song was never dubbed at all in Estonian, Baltic Russian, Albanian and Persian dubs of the series.
  • In South Korea, the theme song and credits were aired on television only and were never released on VOD.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, episodes 27 - 40 aired with slightly pitched-up audio.

See Also[]

