Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the second series of All Engines Go. You may be looking for the second series of Thomas & Friends or the second series of the Storytime podcast.

The second series of Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go was greenlit by Mattel in October 2020 and premiered on Cartoon Network's Cartoonito block in the United States on 12 September 2022, on Treehouse TV in Canada on 17 September 2022, on Channel 5's Milkshake! block in the United Kingdom on 21 September 2022 and on NHK in Japan on 8 April 2023.


In 2020, Mattel Television announced a new co-production partnership with Corus Entertainment's Nelvana Studio. 104 11-minute episodes and two 60-minute specials were greenlit for the "Thomas & Friends" television series over two seasons. The new format will feature "a new look and story structure", original songs and Thomas as the lead character of every episode.

Much like Series 1, Series 2 was split into two parts, each containing twenty-six episodes. The first part was released in the US from September 2022-February 2023, while the second was released from May-November 2023, although these release dates vary in other countries.

Before the series had an official title, All Engines Go Series 2 was commonly referred to as Series 26, in line with the numbering of the original twenty-four series of Thomas & Friends. This error carried over into some promotional material and marketing. The series' developer and former head writer, Rick Suvalle, has since confirmed that these were only working titles for the series during its production, as it takes place within an entirely different continuity.[1]


ALL ABOARD! Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go is back on track with big adventures fueled by friendships! Thomas and his loc-amigos will embrace unexpected surprises and discover more about each other as they get into new shenanigans on the Island of Sodor. Whiff, Ashima, Toby, Terence, Salty and all new characters will join the fun. With new deliveries, new songs, and bigger…biggest adventures, Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! is chugging along a toot-ally awesome journey![2]


Screenshot Title Written by Episode number #
FastFriendspromo5 Fast Friends Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
While Kana and Thomas deliver aquarium materials for the Vicarstown Fish Day, it's up to steady Percy and Nia to deliver the fish themselves.
PercyDisappearspromo1 Percy Disappears Peter Gaffney #02
As Percy complains that Thomas isn't listening to him, Thomas doesn't notice when Percy disappears, falling off the track and getting lost.
Ashima'sAmazingArrivalpromo3 Ashima's Amazing Arrival Niki Lytton #03
When Ashima is set to arrive on Sodor, Thomas and his friends attempt to go the extra mile in order to make the island seem fantastic! But when the spectacular plan gets ruined at every turn, the friends imperfect welcome still makes Ashima's arrival extra special.
Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lonpromo7 Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lon Denise Downer #04
The engines are revved up for their homemade obstacle course event known as the Tri-and-a-half-a-lon.
Carly'sMagnificentMagnetpromo3 Carly's Magnificent Magnet Jordan Gershowitz #05
When Carly gets a new magnet to help Tess the Troublesome Crane load up a shipment of metal crates, she struggles with the new tool.
NewMailEngineinTownpromo2 New Mail Engine in Town Lexie Kahanovitz #06
After Percy gets in an accident and ends up with a broken axle, Nia temporarily takes over his mail delivery duties for him - and her mail delivery is even quicker! Percy thinks the replacement is permanent.
HotAirPercypromo5 Hot Air Percy Aydrea Walden #07
Thomas and Percy are excited to deliver a special balloon for the hot-air balloon festival, but the balloon is wrapped up tight. They're instructed not to peek at it until they arrive. While making the delivery, part of the balloon pops out of its tarp and the wind carries it skyward, along with Percy.
Carly'sScreechySqueakpromo5 Carly's Screechy Squeak John Loy #08
Carly has developed a terrible squeak, and Sandy finds an oil can to give her a feel-good surprise, but when she tries to make the fix bigger and bigger, she creates a wacky robot oil can squirter.
Shake,RattleandBrunopromo2 Shake, Rattle and Bruno Daniel Share-Strom #09
When Bruno comes along to help Diesel get a heavy load to the Lighthouse, Bruno tries suggesting a safer route, but Diesel doesn't wait long enough to listen to him.
Blackout!promo8 Blackout! Brent Piaskoski #10
After a huge storm hits the Island of Sodor, the power gets cut out. Thomas is tasked to deliver the generator to Knapford Station without getting stuck, but chooses to not get help from any of his friends.
BrandNewTrackpromo2 Brand New Track Peter Gaffney #11
Thomas and Percy explore a brand-new track the evening before the route is opened. Everything seems new and exciting, and even a night spent stuck in the mud turns into a wonderful experience.
StinkMonsterpromo6 Stink Monster Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
On Sodor Clean-Up Day, the engines all head to Norramby to help pick up, but when the mysterious Stink Monster takes Percy, the engines must work together to save him.
ChristmasMountainpromo13 Christmas Mountain Lexie Kahanovitz
Monique Moreau
It's Christmas time in Sodor and every engine is excitedly preparing for the holiday, especially Bruno who is excited to put his star on the tree. It's his tradition!
Whiteout!promo1 Whiteout! Niki Lytton #14
With the holidays just around the corner, Thomas and Percy are determined to deliver the mail to all the patrons of Sodor.
GoodasNewpromo2 Good as New Susan Kim #15
While out on a delivery to Whiff's Recycling Plant with his beloved buddy Boxy in tow, Thomas realises that his pal is on his last crooked axle.
MoreThanaPrettyEnginepromo1 More Than a Pretty Engine Jaya Ramdath #16
Ashima discovers that she has to prove to the others that she's more than meets the eye.
SnowplowStruttin'promo1 Snowplow Struttin' Niki Lytton #17
When Thomas is assigned to guide Diesel and Percy on their deliveries in case of snow, he must learn that he needs to use his plow responsibly for his friends and their tasks!
ThomasinCharge(AEG)promo2 Thomas in Charge Andy Yerkes #18
When Gordon is given an all-day responsibility on the far side of Sodor, he recruits Thomas to be the temporary Engine in Charge.
KanaRechargespromo2 Kana Recharges Aydrea Walden #19
Tired and in need of relaxation, Kana decides to take a well-deserved break between deliveries.
TheBigSkunkFunkpromo2 The Big Skunk Funk Tracy Nicoletti #20
Abuzz with excitement about the Sodor Flower Festival, Thomas is given the important task of transporting Sir Topham Hatt's prized roses to the event.
OfftheRails(AEG)promo1 Off the Rails Peter Gaffney #21
Nia must get a huge earth ball from Whiff's Recycling Plant to Norramby Beach, but all the rail lines are blocked!
Diesel'sDilemmapromo3 Diesel's Dilemma Lexie Kahanovitz #22
When Diesel discovers that he doesn't just like to be known for his incredible strength, he finds an unlikely compatriot in Kenji - who is tired of only being known for his swift speed.
BringItonBeresfordpromo1 Bring It on Beresford Denise Downer #23
On Plant-a-Tree Day on Sodor, Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the most impressive pine for the holiday, but they'll have to compete by delivering all the other trees first.
What'sinaName?promo1 What's in a Name? John Loy #24
When Cranky gets overwhelmed on a busy and blustery day at Brendam Docks, he accidentally gets Riff and Jiff's names confused, sending them on opposite deliveries.
SheepShenaniganspromo1 Sheep Shenanigans Tracy Nicoletti #25
When multiple sheep come to live in Diesel's shed berth, the engines must find a way to get them back to their barn.
TunnelTroublespromo3 Tunnel Troubles Peter Hirsch #26
A new tunnel has been opened, and whoever goes through first gets their name on a plaque! Thomas and Diesel, however, get very competitive with the challenge.
TheCaseoftheMissingCranepromo2 The Case of the Missing Crane Shaun Avnet #27
When Carly does not return from saving Emily from an accidental derailing, a worried Sandy recruits the help of a bored Diesel to find her best gal pal.
Not-So-SecretMissionpromo4 Not-So-Secret Mission Peter Gaffney #28
When he accidentally causes all the lamp posts in Vicarstown to fall and shatter, an embarrassed Sir Topham Hatt requests Thomas to go on a secret mission to Harwick for replacements in time for the evening concert.
AVeryPercyValentine'sDaypromo1 A Very Percy Valentine's Day Allan Neuwirth #29
It's Valentine's Day and no one on Sodor is happier than Percy - he gets to deliver everyone's gifts to their friends throughout the island!
Valentine'sHeartspromo1 Valentine's Hearts Susan Kim #30
As the other engines prepare for a Valentine's Day party, Kana is worried: she doesn't know what to bring!
SpeedsterSandypromo2 Speedster Sandy Jordan Gershowitz #31
After yet another victorious race, Kana seems unbeatable! No engine on the island is as fast as Kana!
ForAlltheMarblepromo3 For All the Marble Jonathan Hernandez #32
When a precious marble statue of his great-grandfather arrives, Sir Topham Hatt enlists the help of Thomas and Bruno in delivering it to Vicarstown Plaza.
Salty'sSeaShantypromo1 Salty's Sea Shanty Niki Lytton #33
After Salty the Diesel Engine returns from his worldly travels, he sings a shanty to Thomas and Percy about a legendary treasure lost on the Island of Sodor.
RetrievetheKrakenpromo4 Retrieve the Kraken Aydrea Walden #34
On a particularly blustery Balloon Festival day, Thomas is tasked with retrieving any balloons that start to drift away.
Rocket'sFallpromo1 Rocket's Fall Peter Gaffney #35
Thomas learns that the rocket he helped deliver is finally falling back to Earth, into the ocean outside Sodor.
Details?WhatDetails?promo2 Details? What Details? Brent Piaskoski #36
After Sir Topham Hatt messes up his instructions for Kenji's passenger delivery, Thomas is asked to set things right! However, as Thomas follows Kenji's trail, he repeatedly forgets to ask his friends for specific directions, preventing him from catching up to the speedy electric engine.
BlueEngineBluespromo2 Blue Engine Blues Tracy Nicoletti #37
A rough night's sleep and a canceled beach day puts Thomas in the grumpiest of moods. Encountering Riff and Jiff with their usual happy-go-lucky attitudes, Thomas comes to the conclusion that he'll only be liked when he appears happy.
HayFortFrenzypromo2 Hay Fort Frenzy Susan Kim #38
Thomas gets help from Terence the Tractor and Carly to assemble all hay bales. Carly and Terence manage to get everything together quickly, but soon Terence purposefully crashes into the hay bales sending loose hay all over the place!
PercyintheMiddlepromo1 Percy in the Middle Jordan Gershowitz #39
When the engines have the day off to play, Percy is asked to referee their obstacle course race.
BadLuckBoxcarpromo3 Bad Luck Boxcar Eva Konstantopoulos #40
When Thomas and Percy transport an unlucky boxcar of bananas, Thomas starts to have bad luck wherever he goes and must find a way to break the curse.
NotSoEasy-Greasypromo3 Not So Easy-Greasy John Loy #41
When Nia causes an accident that sends sand into Tess's gears during a big delivery, Nia tries Sandy's new super-grease as a solution.
ItAllAddsUppromo3 It All Adds Up Adam Beechen #42
The engines are excited to see the Northern Lights with Harold the Helicopter.
Bruno'sMapMishappromo1 Bruno's Map Mishap Lexie Kahanovitz
Monique Moreau
Bruno's beloved map gets carried away by the wind.
SeekingaSaferSodorpromo1 Seeking a Safer Sodor Peter Gaffney #44
When Percy and Kana have a near-collision, they enlist Safety Engine Emily and go to ridiculous extremes to introduce safety measures all over Sodor.
ACrankyGoodbyepromo1 A Cranky Goodbye Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
When Bulstrode and Cranky get into their crankiest fight yet, they learn how to express their feelings in order to save their friendship.
Sameroopromo2 Sameroo Adam Lorenzo #46
Thomas plays a new game called "SWITCHEROO", but gets lost and learns the value of routines.
ThomasforaDaypromo2 Thomas for a Day Tracy Nicoletti #47
When Percy is accidentally doused in blue paint, he gets the opportunity to be Thomas for a day.
TheSuperAxlepromo1 The Super Axle Peter Hirsch #48
When aging Toby comes to Knapford, he struggles to keep up with all the young engines. He still has a lot of zip in him, but around all these modern engines, he loses his confidence.
TheWaitingGamepromo1 The Waiting Game Daniel Share-Strom #49
When an important shipment is delayed, Bruno and the gang have to learn the great value of waiting patiently.
AllWheelsonTrackpromo3 All Wheels on Track Diana Wright #50
When water lines break all over Sodor, the engines chug into action to deliver repair parts. But engines are not what this problem needs, it needs off-track thinking and the help of Skiff and Terence.
SomethingBroken,SomeoneBluepromo1 Something Broken, Someone Blue Craig Carlisle #51
Thomas has been playing hard with Boxy, certain that his beloved friend/co-worker/toy will last forever. But when Thomas' careless behaviour leads to Boxy's being broken beyond repair, Thomas must confront his own behaviour.
TheSightsofSodorpromo2 The Sights of Sodor Craig Carlisle #52
Sir Topham Hatt has placed a plaque on the top of Lookout Mountain, so that tourists can take in all of Sodor in just one "sight." But when the efficient tour falls flat, Thomas takes visitors to really SEE Sodor.

Screenshot Title Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
PercyDisappearspromo1 Percy Disappears Peter Gaffney 21 September 2022 #01
As Percy complains that Thomas isn't listening to him, Thomas doesn't notice when Percy disappears, falling off the track and getting lost.
Shake,RattleandBrunopromo2 Shake, Rattle and Bruno Daniel Share-Strom 23 September 2022 #02
When Bruno comes along to help Diesel get a heavy load to the Lighthouse, Bruno tries suggesting a safer route, but Diesel doesn't wait long enough to listen to him.
FastFriendspromo5 Fast Friends Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
16 January 2023 #03
While Kana and Thomas deliver aquarium materials for the Vicarstown Fish Day, it's up to steady Percy and Nia to deliver the fish themselves.
Ashima'sAmazingArrivalpromo3 Ashima's Amazing Arrival Niki Lytton 18 January 2023 #04
When Ashima is set to arrive on Sodor, Thomas and his friends attempt to go the extra mile in order to make the island seem fantastic! But when the spectacular plan gets ruined at every turn, the friends imperfect welcome still makes Ashima's arrival extra special.
Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lonpromo7 Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lon Denise Downer 19 January 2023 #05
The engines are revved up for their homemade obstacle course event known as the Tri-and-a-half-a-lon.
Carly'sMagnificentMagnetpromo3 Carly's Magnificent Magnet Jordan Gershowitz 20 January 2023 #06
When Carly gets a new magnet to help Tess the Troublesome Crane load up a shipment of metal crates, she struggles with the new tool.
NewMailEngineinTownpromo2 New Mail Engine in Town Lexie Kahanovitz 23 January 2023 #07
After Percy gets in an accident and ends up with a broken axle, Nia temporarily takes over his mail delivery duties for him - and her mail delivery is even quicker! Percy thinks the replacement is permanent.
HotAirPercypromo5 Hot Air Percy Aydrea Walden 24 January 2023 #08
Thomas and Percy are excited to deliver a special balloon for the hot-air balloon festival, but the balloon is wrapped up tight. They're instructed not to peek at it until they arrive. While making the delivery, part of the balloon pops out of its tarp and the wind carries it skyward, along with Percy.
Carly'sScreechySqueakpromo5 Carly's Screechy Squeak John Loy 25 January 2023 #09
Carly has developed a terrible squeak, and Sandy finds an oil can to give her a feel-good surprise, but when she tries to make the fix bigger and bigger, she creates a wacky robot oil can squirter.
Blackout!promo8 Blackout! Brent Piaskoski 27 January 2023 #10
After a huge storm hits the Island of Sodor, the power gets cut out. Thomas is tasked to deliver the generator to Knapford Station without getting stuck, but chooses to not get help from any of his friends.
BrandNewTrackpromo2 Brand New Track Peter Gaffney 30 January 2023 #11
Thomas and Percy explore a brand-new track the evening before the route is opened. Everything seems new and exciting, and even a night spent stuck in the mud turns into a wonderful experience.
StinkMonsterpromo6 Stink Monster Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
31 January 2023 #12
On Sodor Clean-Up Day, the engines all head to Norramby to help pick up, but when the mysterious Stink Monster takes Percy, the engines must work together to save him.
GoodasNewpromo2 Good as New Susan Kim 9 May 2023 #13
While out on a delivery to Whiff's Recycling Plant with his beloved buddy Boxy in tow, Thomas realises that his pal is on his last crooked axle.
MoreThanaPrettyEnginepromo1 More Than a Pretty Engine Jaya Ramdath 10 May 2023 #14
Ashima discovers that she has to prove to the others that she's more than meets the eye.
ThomasinCharge(AEG)promo2 Thomas in Charge Andy Yerkes 11 May 2023 #16
When Gordon is given an all-day responsibility on the far side of Sodor, he recruits Thomas to be the temporary Engine in Charge.
KanaRechargespromo2 Kana Recharges Aydrea Walden 12 May 2023 #16
Tired and in need of relaxation, Kana decides to take a well-deserved break between deliveries.
TheBigSkunkFunkpromo2 The Big Skunk Funk Tracy Nicoletti 15 May 2023 #17
Abuzz with excitement about the Sodor Flower Festival, Thomas is given the important task of transporting Sir Topham Hatt's prized roses to the event.
OfftheRails(AEG)promo1 Off the Rails Peter Gaffney 16 May 2023 #18
Nia must get a huge earth ball from Whiff's Recycling Plant to Norramby Beach, but all the rail lines are blocked!
Diesel'sDilemmapromo3 Diesel's Dilemma Lexie Kahanovitz 17 May 2023 #19
When Diesel discovers that he doesn't just like to be known for his incredible strength, he finds an unlikely compatriot in Kenji - who is tired of only being known for his swift speed.
BringItonBeresfordpromo1 Bring It on Beresford Denise Downer 18 May 2023 #20
On Plant-a-Tree Day on Sodor, Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the most impressive pine for the holiday, but they'll have to compete by delivering all the other trees first.
What'sinaName?promo1 What's in a Name? John Loy 19 May 2023 #21
When Cranky gets overwhelmed on a busy and blustery day at Brendam Docks, he accidentally gets Riff and Jiff's names confused, sending them on opposite deliveries.
SheepShenaniganspromo1 Sheep Shenanigans Tracy Nicoletti 22 May 2023 #22
When multiple sheep come to live in Diesel's shed berth, the engines must find a way to get them back to their barn.
TunnelTroublespromo3 Tunnel Troubles Peter Hirsch 23 May 2023 #23
A new tunnel has been opened, and whoever goes through first gets their name on a plaque! Thomas and Diesel, however, get very competitive with the challenge.
TheCaseoftheMissingCranepromo2 The Case of the Missing Crane Shaun Avnet 4 September 2023 #24
When Carly does not return from saving Emily from an accidental derailing, a worried Sandy recruits the help of a bored Diesel to find her best gal pal.
Not-So-SecretMissionpromo4 Not-So-Secret Mission Peter Gaffney 5 September 2023 #25
When he accidentally causes all the lamp posts in Vicarstown to fall and shatter, an embarrassed Sir Topham Hatt requests Thomas to go on a secret mission to Harwick for replacements in time for the evening concert.
SpeedsterSandypromo2 Speedster Sandy Jordan Gershowitz 6 September 2023 #26
After yet another victorious race, Kana seems unbeatable! No engine on the island is as fast as Kana!
ForAlltheMarblepromo3 For All the Marble Jonathan Hernandez 7 September 2023 #27
When a precious marble statue of his great-grandfather arrives, Sir Topham Hatt enlists the help of Thomas and Bruno in delivering it to Vicarstown Plaza.
Salty'sSeaShantypromo1 Salty's Sea Shanty Niki Lytton 8 September 2023 #28
After Salty the Diesel Engine returns from his worldly travels, he sings a shanty to Thomas and Percy about a legendary treasure lost on the Island of Sodor.
RetrievetheKrakenpromo4 Retrieve the Kraken Aydrea Walden 11 September 2023 #29
On a particularly blustery Balloon Festival day, Thomas is tasked with retrieving any balloons that start to drift away.
Rocket'sFallpromo1 Rocket's Fall Peter Gaffney 12 September 2023 #30
Thomas learns that the rocket he helped deliver is finally falling back to Earth, into the ocean outside Sodor.
Details?WhatDetails?promo2 Details? What Details? Brent Piaskoski 13 September 2023 #31
After Sir Topham Hatt messes up his instructions for Kenji's passenger delivery, Thomas is asked to set things right! However, as Thomas follows Kenji's trail, he repeatedly forgets to ask his friends for specific directions, preventing him from catching up to the speedy electric engine.
BlueEngineBluespromo2 Blue Engine Blues Tracy Nicoletti 14 September 2023 #32
A rough night's sleep and a canceled beach day puts Thomas in the grumpiest of moods. Encountering Riff and Jiff with their usual happy-go-lucky attitudes, Thomas comes to the conclusion that he'll only be liked when he appears happy.
HayFortFrenzypromo2 Hay Fort Frenzy Susan Kim 15 September 2023 #33
Thomas gets help from Terence the Tractor and Carly to assemble all hay bales. Carly and Terence manage to get everything together quickly, but soon Terence purposefully crashes into the hay bales sending loose hay all over the place!
PercyintheMiddlepromo1 Percy in the Middle Jordan Gershowitz 18 September 2023 #34
When the engines have the day off to play, Percy is asked to referee their obstacle course race.
BadLuckBoxcarpromo3 Bad Luck Boxcar Eva Konstantopoulos 19 September 2023 #35
When Thomas and Percy transport an unlucky boxcar of bananas, Thomas starts to have bad luck wherever he goes and must find a way to break the curse.
NotSoEasy-Greasypromo3 Not So Easy-Greasy John Loy 20 September 2023 #36
When Nia causes an accident that sends sand into Tess's gears during a big delivery, Nia tries Sandy's new super-grease as a solution.
ItAllAddsUppromo3 It All Adds Up Adam Beechen 21 September 2023 #37
The engines are excited to see the Northern Lights with Harold the Helicopter.
ChristmasMountainpromo13 Christmas Mountain Lexie Kahanovitz and Monique Moreau 4 December 2023 #38
It's Christmas time in Sodor and every engine is excitedly preparing for the holiday, especially Bruno who is excited to put his star on the tree.
Whiteout!promo1 Whiteout! Niki Lytton 11 December 2023 #39
With the holidays just around the corner, Thomas and Percy are determined to deliver the mail to all the patrons of Sodor.
SnowplowStruttin'promo1 Snowplow Struttin' Niki Lytton 18 December 2023 #40
When Thomas is assigned to guide Diesel and Percy on their deliveries in case of snow, he must learn that he needs to use his plow responsibly for his friends and their tasks!
Bruno'sMapMishappromo1 Bruno's Map Mishap Lexie Kahanovitz and Monique Monroe 5 February 2024 #41
Bruno and Thomas have to stretch their comfort zones when Bruno's beloved map gets carried away by the wind.
SeekingaSaferSodorpromo1 Seeking a Safer Sodor Peter Gaffney 6 February 2024 #42
When Percy and Kana have a near-collision, they enlist Safety Engine Emily and go to ridiculous extremes to introduce safety measures all over Sodor.
ACrankyGoodbyepromo1 A Cranky Goodbye Sarah Eisenberg and Becky Wangberg 7 February 2024 #43
When Bulstrode and Cranky get into their crankiest fight yet, they learn how to express their feelings in order to save their friendship.
Sameroopromo2 Sameroo Adam Lorenzo 8 February 2024 #44
Thomas plays a new game called "SWITCHEROO", but gets lost and learns the value of routines.
ThomasforaDaypromo2 Thomas for a Day Tracy Nicoletti 9 February 2024 #45
When Percy is accidentally doused in blue paint, he gets the opportunity to be Thomas for a day.
TheSuperAxlepromo1 The Super Axle Peter Hirsch 12 February 2024 #46
When aging Toby comes to Knapford, he struggles to keep up with all the young engines. He still has a lot of zip in him, but around all these modern engines, he loses his confidence.
AVeryPercyValentine'sDaypromo1 A Very Percy Valentine's Day Allan Neuwirth 13 February 2024 #47
It's Valentine's Day and no one on Sodor is happier than Percy -- he gets to deliver everyone's gifts to their friends throughout the island!
Valentine'sHeartspromo1 Valentine's Hearts Susan Kim 14 February 2024 #48
As the other engines prepare for a Valentine's Day party, Kana is worried: she doesn't know what to bring!
TheWaitingGamepromo1 The Waiting Game Daniel Share-Strom 15 February 2024 #49
When an important shipment is delayed, Bruno and the gang have to learn the great value of waiting patiently.
AllWheelsonTrackpromo3 All Wheels on Track Diana Wright 16 February 2024 #50
When water lines break all over Sodor, the engines chug into action to deliver repair parts. But engines are not what this problem needs, it needs off-track thinking and the help of Skiff and Terence.
SomethingBroken,SomeoneBluepromo1 Something Broken, Someone Blue Craig Carlisle 19 February 2024 #51
When Thomas' careless behavior leads to Boxy being broken beyond repair, Thomas must confront his own behavior.
TheSightsofSodorpromo2 The Sights of Sodor Craig Carlisle 20 February 2024 #52
Sir Topham Hatt has placed a plaque on the top of Lookout Mountain, so that tourists can take in all of Sodor in just one "sight." But when the efficient tour falls flat, Thomas takes visitors to really SEE Sodor.

Screenshot Title Written by Original US release date Episode number #
PercyDisappearspromo1 Percy Disappears Peter Gaffney 12 September 2022 #01
As Percy complains that Thomas isn't listening to him, Thomas doesn't notice when Percy disappears, falling off the track and getting lost.
Shake,RattleandBrunopromo2 Shake, Rattle and Bruno Daniel Share-Strom 12 September 2022 #02
When Bruno comes along to help Diesel get a heavy load to the Lighthouse, Bruno tries suggesting a safer route, but Diesel doesn't wait long enough to listen to him.
FastFriendspromo5 Fast Friends Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
19 September 2022 #03
While Kana and Thomas deliver aquarium materials for the Vicarstown Fish Day, it's up to steady Percy and Nia to deliver the fish themselves.
Ashima'sAmazingArrivalpromo3 Ashima's Amazing Arrival Niki Lytton 26 September 2022 #04
When Ashima is set to arrive on Sodor, Thomas and his friends attempt to go the extra mile in order to make the island seem fantastic! But when the spectacular plan gets ruined at every turn, the friends imperfect welcome still makes Ashima's arrival extra special.
Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lonpromo7 Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lon Denise Downer 3 October 2022 #05
The engines are revved up for their homemade obstacle course event known as the Tri-and-a-half-a-lon.
Carly'sMagnificentMagnetpromo3 Carly's Magnificent Magnet Jordan Gershowitz 10 October 2022 #06
When Carly gets a new magnet to help Tess the Troublesome Crane load up a shipment of metal crates, she struggles with the new tool.
NewMailEngineinTownpromo2 New Mail Engine in Town Lexie Kahanovitz 17 October 2022 #07
After Percy gets in an accident and ends up with a broken axle, Nia temporarily takes over his mail delivery duties for him - and her mail delivery is even quicker! Percy thinks the replacement is permanent.
HotAirPercypromo5 Hot Air Percy Aydrea Walden 24 October 2022 #08
Thomas and Percy are excited to deliver a special balloon for the hot-air balloon festival, but the balloon is wrapped up tight. They're instructed not to peek at it until they arrive. While making the delivery, part of the balloon pops out of its tarp and the wind carries it skyward, along with Percy.
Carly'sScreechySqueakpromo5 Carly's Screechy Squeak John Loy 31 October 2022 #09
Carly has developed a terrible squeak, and Sandy finds an oil can to give her a feel-good surprise, but when she tries to make the fix bigger and bigger, she creates a wacky robot oil can squirter.
Blackout!promo8 Blackout! Brent Piaskoski 7 November 2022 #10
After a huge storm hits the Island of Sodor, the power gets cut out. Thomas is tasked to deliver the generator to Knapford Station without getting stuck, but chooses to not get help from any of his friends.
BrandNewTrackpromo2 Brand New Track Peter Gaffney 14 November 2022 #11
Thomas and Percy explore a brand-new track the evening before the route is opened. Everything seems new and exciting, and even a night spent stuck in the mud turns into a wonderful experience.
StinkMonsterpromo6 Stink Monster Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
21 November 2022 #12
On Sodor Clean-Up Day, the engines all head to Norramby to help pick up, but when the mysterious Stink Monster takes Percy, the engines must work together to save him.
Whiteout!promo1 Whiteout! Niki Lytton 28 November 2022 #13
With the holidays just around the corner, Thomas and Percy are determined to deliver the mail to all the patrons of Sodor.
ChristmasMountainpromo13 Christmas Mountain Lexie Kahanovitz
Monique Moreau
5 December 2022 #14
It's Christmas time in Sodor and every engine is excitedly preparing for the holiday, especially Bruno who is excited to put his star on the tree. It's his tradition!
GoodasNewpromo2 Good as New Susan Kim 12 December 2022 #15
While out on a delivery to Whiff's Recycling Plant with his beloved buddy Boxy in tow, Thomas realises that his pal is on his last crooked axle.
MoreThanaPrettyEnginepromo1 More Than a Pretty Engine Jaya Ramdath 19 December 2022 #16
Ashima discovers that she has to prove to the others that she's more than meets the eye.
SnowplowStruttin'promo1 Snowplow Struttin' Niki Lytton 26 December 2022 #17
When Thomas is assigned to guide Diesel and Percy on their deliveries in case of snow, he must learn that he needs to use his plow responsibly for his friends and their tasks!
ThomasinCharge(AEG)promo2 Thomas in Charge Andy Yerkes 2 January 2023 #18
When Gordon is given an all-day responsibility on the far side of Sodor, he recruits Thomas to be the temporary Engine in Charge.
KanaRechargespromo2 Kana Recharges Aydrea Walden 9 January 2023 #19
Tired and in need of relaxation, Kana decides to take a well-deserved break between deliveries.
TheBigSkunkFunkpromo2 The Big Skunk Funk Tracy Nicoletti 16 January 2023 #20
Abuzz with excitement about the Sodor Flower Festival, Thomas is given the important task of transporting Sir Topham Hatt's prized roses to the event.
OfftheRails(AEG)promo1 Off the Rails Peter Gaffney 23 January 2023 #21
Nia must get a huge earth ball from Whiff's Recycling Plant to Norramby Beach, but all the rail lines are blocked!
Diesel'sDilemmapromo3 Diesel's Dilemma Lexie Kahanovitz 30 January 2023 #22
When Diesel discovers that he doesn't just like to be known for his incredible strength, he finds an unlikely compatriot in Kenji - who is tired of only being known for his swift speed.
AVeryPercyValentine'sDaypromo1 A Very Percy Valentine's Day Allan Neuwirth 6 February 2023 #23
It's Valentine's Day and no one on Sodor is happier than Percy - he gets to deliver everyone's gifts to their friends throughout the island!
Valentine'sHeartspromo1 Valentine's Hearts Susan Kim 13 February 2023 #24
As the other engines prepare for a Valentine's Day party, Kana is worried: she doesn't know what to bring!
BringItonBeresfordpromo1 Bring It on Beresford Denise Downer 20 February 2023 #25
On Plant-a-Tree Day on Sodor, Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the most impressive pine for the holiday, but they'll have to compete by delivering all the other trees first.
What'sinaName?promo1 What's in a Name? John Loy 27 February 2023 #26
When Cranky gets overwhelmed on a busy and blustery day at Brendam Docks, he accidentally gets Riff and Jiff's names confused, sending them on opposite deliveries.
SheepShenaniganspromo1 Sheep Shenanigans Tracy Nicoletti 8 May 2023 #27
When multiple sheep come to live in Diesel's shed berth, the engines must find a way to get them back to their barn.
TunnelTroublespromo3 Tunnel Troubles Peter Hirsch 9 May 2023 #28
A new tunnel has been opened, and whoever goes through first gets their name on a plaque! Thomas and Diesel, however, get very competitive with the challenge.
TheCaseoftheMissingCranepromo2 The Case of the Missing Crane Shaun Avnet 10 May 2023 #29
When Carly does not return from saving Emily from an accidental derailing, a worried Sandy recruits the help of a bored Diesel to find her best gal pal.
Not-So-SecretMissionpromo4 Not-So-Secret Mission Peter Gaffney 15 May 2023 #30
When he accidentally causes all the lamp posts in Vicarstown to fall and shatter, an embarrassed Sir Topham Hatt requests Thomas to go on a secret mission to Harwick for replacements in time for the evening concert.
SpeedsterSandypromo2 Speedster Sandy Jordan Gershowitz 16 May 2023 #31
After yet another victorious race, Kana seems unbeatable! No engine on the island is as fast as Kana!
ForAlltheMarblepromo3 For All the Marble Jonathan Hernandez 17 May 2023 #32
When a precious marble statue of his great-grandfather arrives, Sir Topham Hatt enlists the help of Thomas and Bruno in delivering it to Vicarstown Plaza.
Salty'sSeaShantypromo1 Salty's Sea Shanty Niki Lytton 22 May 2023 #33
After Salty the Diesel Engine returns from his worldly travels, he sings a shanty to Thomas and Percy about a legendary treasure lost on the Island of Sodor.
RetrievetheKrakenpromo4 Retrieve the Kraken Aydrea Walden 23 May 2023 #34
On a particularly blustery Balloon Festival day, Thomas is tasked with retrieving any balloons that start to drift away.
Rocket'sFallpromo1 Rocket's Fall Peter Gaffney 24 May 2023 #35
Thomas learns that the rocket he helped deliver is finally falling back to Earth, into the ocean outside Sodor.
Details?WhatDetails?promo2 Details? What Details? Brent Piaskoski 29 May 2023 #36
After Sir Topham Hatt messes up his instructions for Kenji's passenger delivery, Thomas is asked to set things right! However, as Thomas follows Kenji's trail, he repeatedly forgets to ask his friends for specific directions, preventing him from catching up to the speedy electric engine.
BlueEngineBluespromo2 Blue Engine Blues Tracy Nicoletti 30 May 2023 #37
A rough night's sleep and a canceled beach day puts Thomas in the grumpiest of moods. Encountering Riff and Jiff with their usual happy-go-lucky attitudes, Thomas comes to the conclusion that he'll only be liked when he appears happy.
HayFortFrenzypromo2 Hay Fort Frenzy Susan Kim 31 May 2023 #38
Thomas gets help from Terence the Tractor and Carly to assemble all hay bales. Carly and Terence manage to get everything together quickly, but soon Terence purposefully crashes into the hay bales sending loose hay all over the place!
PercyintheMiddlepromo1 Percy in the Middle Jordan Gershowitz 28 August 2023 #39
When the engines have the day off to play, Percy is asked to referee their obstacle course race.
BadLuckBoxcarpromo3 Bad Luck Boxcar Eva Konstantopoulos 4 September 2023 #40
When Thomas and Percy transport an unlucky boxcar of bananas, Thomas starts to have bad luck wherever he goes and must find a way to break the curse.
NotSoEasy-Greasypromo3 Not So Easy-Greasy John Loy 11 September 2023 #41
When Nia causes an accident that sends sand into Tess's gears during a big delivery, Nia tries Sandy's new super-grease as a solution.
ItAllAddsUppromo3 It All Adds Up Adam Beechen 18 September 2023 #42
The engines are excited to see the Northern Lights with Harold the Helicopter.
Bruno'sMapMishappromo1 Bruno's Map Mishap Lexie Kahanovitz
Monique Moreau
25 September 2023 #43
Bruno's beloved map gets carried away by the wind.
SeekingaSaferSodorpromo1 Seeking a Safer Sodor Peter Gaffney 2 October 2023 #44
When Percy and Kana have a near-collision, they enlist Safety Engine Emily and go to ridiculous extremes to introduce safety measures all over Sodor.
ACrankyGoodbyepromo1 A Cranky Goodbye Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
9 October 2023 #45
When Bulstrode and Cranky get into their crankiest fight yet, they learn how to express their feelings in order to save their friendship.
Sameroopromo2 Sameroo Adam Lorenzo 16 October 2023 #46
Thomas plays a new game called "SWITCHEROO", but gets lost and learns the value of routines.
ThomasforaDaypromo2 Thomas for a Day Tracy Nicoletti 23 October 2023 #47
When Percy is accidentally doused in blue paint, he gets the opportunity to be Thomas for a day.
TheSuperAxlepromo1 The Super Axle Peter Hirsch 30 October 2023 #48
When aging Toby comes to Knapford, he struggles to keep up with all the young engines. He still has a lot of zip in him, but around all these modern engines, he loses his confidence.
TheWaitingGamepromo1 The Waiting Game Daniel Share-Strom 6 November 2023 #49
When an important shipment is delayed, Bruno and the gang have to learn the great value of waiting patiently.
AllWheelsonTrackpromo3 All Wheels on Track Diana Wright 13 November 2023 #50
When water lines break all over Sodor, the engines chug into action to deliver repair parts. But engines are not what this problem needs, it needs off-track thinking and the help of Skiff and Terence.
SomethingBroken,SomeoneBluepromo1 Something Broken, Someone Blue Craig Carlisle 20 November 2023 #51
Thomas has been playing hard with Boxy, certain that his beloved friend/co-worker/toy will last forever. But when Thomas' careless behavior leads to Boxy's being broken beyond repair, Thomas must confront his own behaviour.
TheSightsofSodorpromo2 The Sights of Sodor Craig Carlisle 27 November 2023 #52
Sir Topham Hatt has placed a plaque on the top of Lookout Mountain, so that tourists can take in all of Sodor in just one "sight." But when the efficient tour falls flat, Thomas takes visitors to really SEE Sodor.

Screenshot Title Written by Original Japanese release date Episode number #
Shake,RattleandBrunopromo2 ブレーキしゃのブルーノ
(Shake, Rattle and Bruno)
Daniel Share-Strom 8 April 2023 #01
When Bruno comes along to help Diesel get a heavy load to the Lighthouse, Bruno tries suggesting a safer route, but Diesel doesn't wait long enough to listen to him.
PercyDisappearspromo1 パーシーがきえた!
(Percy Disappears)
Peter Gaffney 8 April 2023 #02
As Percy complains that Thomas isn't listening to him, Thomas doesn't notice when Percy disappears, falling off the track and getting lost.
FastFriendspromo5 とてもはやいふたり
(Fast Friends)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
24 June 2023 #03
While Kana and Thomas deliver aquarium materials for the Vicarstown Fish Day, it's up to steady Percy and Nia to deliver the fish themselves.
NewMailEngineinTownpromo2 パーシー つぎのしごとをさがす
(New Mail Engine in Town)
Lexie Kahanovitz 24 June 2023 #04
After Percy gets in an accident and ends up with a broken axle, Nia temporarily takes over his mail delivery duties for him - and her mail delivery is even quicker! Percy thinks the replacement is permanent.
Ashima'sAmazingArrivalpromo3 アシマがソドーとうにやってきた
(Ashima's Amazing Arrival)
Niki Lytton 1 July 2023 #05
When Ashima is set to arrive on Sodor, Thomas and his friends attempt to go the extra mile in order to make the island seem fantastic! But when the spectacular plan gets ruined at every turn, the friends imperfect welcome still makes Ashima's arrival extra special.
Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lonpromo7 トライハーフロン
Denise Downer 1 July 2023 #06
The engines are revved up for their homemade obstacle course event known as the Tri-and-a-half-a-lon.
Carly'sMagnificentMagnetpromo3 カーリーのすごいマグネット
(Carly's Magnificent Magnet)
Jordan Gershowitz 6 April 2024 #07
When Carly gets a new magnet to help Tess the Troublesome Crane load up a shipment of metal crates, she struggles with the new tool.
Blackout!promo8 デンキがない! (Blackout!) Brent Piaskoski 6 April 2024 #08
After a huge storm hits the Island of Sodor, the power gets cut out. Thomas is tasked to deliver the generator to Knapford Station without getting stuck, but chooses to not get help from any of his friends.
HotAirPercypromo5 ぷかぷかパーシー
(Hot Air Percy)
Aydrea Walden 13 April 2024 #09
Thomas and Percy are excited to deliver a special balloon for the hot-air balloon festival, but the balloon is wrapped up tight. They're instructed not to peek at it until they arrive. While making the delivery, part of the balloon pops out of its tarp and the wind carries it skyward, along with Percy.
Carly'sScreechySqueakpromo5 ギーギーモンスター カーリー
(Carly's Screechy Squeak)
John Loy 13 April 2024 #10
Carly has developed a terrible squeak, and Sandy finds an oil can to give her a feel-good surprise, but when she tries to make the fix bigger and bigger, she creates a wacky robot oil can squirter.
BrandNewTrackpromo2 あたらしいせんろ
(Brand New Track)
Peter Gaffney 20 April 2024 #11
Thomas and Percy explore a brand-new track the evening before the route is opened. Everything seems new and exciting, and even a night spent stuck in the mud turns into a wonderful experience.
StinkMonsterpromo6 ニオイモンスター
(Stink Monster)
Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
20 April 2024 #12
On Sodor Clean-Up Day, the engines all head to Norramby to help pick up, but when the mysterious Stink Monster takes Percy, the engines must work together to save him.
GoodasNewpromo2 まるで、しんぴんみたい
(Good as New)
Susan Kim 27 April 2024 #13
While out on a delivery to Whiff's Recycling Plant with his beloved buddy Boxy in tow, Thomas realises that his pal is on his last crooked axle.
MoreThanaPrettyEnginepromo1 キレイなだけじゃない
(More Than a Pretty Engine)
Jaya Ramdath 27 April 2024 #14
Ashima discovers that she has to prove to the others that she's more than meets the eye.
SnowplowStruttin'promo1 ウキウキゆきかき
(Snowplow Struttin')
Niki Lytton 4 May 2024 #15
When Thomas is assigned to guide Diesel and Percy on their deliveries in case of snow, he must learn that he needs to use his plow responsibly for his friends and their tasks!
ThomasinCharge(AEG)promo2 トーマスがまとめやく
(Thomas in Charge)
Andy Yerkes 4 May 2024 #16
When Gordon is given an all-day responsibility on the far side of Sodor, he recruits Thomas to be the temporary Engine in Charge.
KanaRechargespromo2 リラックスしたいカナ
(Kana Recharges)
Aydrea Walden 11 May 2024 #17
Tired and in need of relaxation, Kana decides to take a well-deserved break between deliveries.
TheBigSkunkFunkpromo2 スカンクでだいめいわく
(The Big Skunk Funk)
Tracy Nicoletti 11 May 2024 #18
Abuzz with excitement about the Sodor Flower Festival, Thomas is given the important task of transporting Sir Topham Hatt's prized roses to the event.
OfftheRails(AEG)promo1 ちきゅうは はずむ
(Off the Rails)
Peter Gaffney 18 May 2024 #19
Nia must get a huge earth ball from Whiff's Recycling Plant to Norramby Beach, but all the rail lines are blocked!
Diesel'sDilemmapromo3 ディーゼル、うんざりする
(Diesel's Dilemma)
Lexie Kahanovitz 18 May 2024 #20
When Diesel discovers that he doesn't just like to be known for his incredible strength, he finds an unlikely compatriot in Kenji - who is tired of only being known for his swift speed.
BringItonBeresfordpromo1 おたすけベレスフォード
(Bring It on Beresford)
Denise Downer 25 May 2024 #21
On Plant-a-Tree Day on Sodor, Thomas and Diesel both want to deliver the most impressive pine for the holiday, but they'll have to compete by delivering all the other trees first.
What'sinaName?promo1 クランキー、まちがえる
(What's in a Name?)
John Loy 25 May 2024 #22
When Cranky gets overwhelmed on a busy and blustery day at Brendam Docks, he accidentally gets Riff and Jiff's names confused, sending them on opposite deliveries.
SheepShenaniganspromo1 ひつじはディーゼルがおすき?
(Sheep Shenanigans)
Tracy Nicoletti 1 June 2024 #23
When multiple sheep come to live in Diesel's shed berth, the engines must find a way to get them back to their barn.
TunnelTroublespromo3 はじめてとおるトンネル
(Tunnel Troubles)
Peter Hirsch 1 June 2024 #24
A new tunnel has been opened, and whoever goes through first gets their name on a plaque! Thomas and Diesel, however, get very competitive with the challenge.
TheCaseoftheMissingCranepromo2 クレーンしっそうじけん
(The Case of the Missing Crane)
Shaun Avnet 8 June 2024 #25
When Carly does not return from saving Emily from an accidental derailing, a worried Sandy recruits the help of a bored Diesel to find her best gal pal.
Not-So-SecretMissionpromo4 ひみつじゃない だいさくせん
(Not-So-Secret Mission)
Peter Gaffney 8 June 2024 #26
When he accidentally causes all the lamp posts in Vicarstown to fall and shatter, an embarrassed Sir Topham Hatt requests Thomas to go on a secret mission to Harwick for replacements in time for the evening concert.
SpeedsterSandypromo2 はやいぞサンディー
(Speedster Sandy)
Jordan Gershowitz 15 June 2024 #27
After yet another victorious race, Kana seems unbeatable! No engine on the island is as fast as Kana!
ForAlltheMarblepromo3 トーマスとブルーノとせきぞう
(For All the Marble)
Jonathan Hernandez 15 June 2024 #28
When a precious marble statue of his great-grandfather arrives, Sir Topham Hatt enlists the help of Thomas and Bruno in delivering it to Vicarstown Plaza.
ChristmasMountainpromo13 クリスマスマウンテン
(Christmas Mountain)
Lexie Kahanovitz and Monique Moreau 21 December 2024 #29
It's Christmas time in Sodor and every engine is excitedly preparing for the holiday, especially Bruno who is excited to put his star on the tree.
Whiteout!promo1 ふぶきでまっしろ!
Niki Lytton 21 December 2024 #30
With the holidays just around the corner, Thomas and Percy are determined to deliver the mail to all the patrons of Sodor.
AVeryPercyValentine'sDaypromo1 パーシーのうれしいバレンタインデー
(A Very Percy Valentine's Day)
Allan Neuwirth 8 February 2025 #31
It's Valentine's Day and no one on Sodor is happier than Percy - he gets to deliver everyone's gifts to their friends throughout the island!
Valentine'sHeartspromo1 バレンタインのハート
(Valentine's Hearts)
Susan Kim 8 February 2025 #32
As the other engines prepare for a Valentine's Day party, Kana is worried: she doesn't know what to bring!


Screenshot Title Composers Original release date
Shake,RattleandBruno151 You Can't Stop Me! Matt Ouimet 7th September 2022
A music video where Bruno and Diesel sing about teamwork!
FastFriends162 Fast to Go Slow Julie Fader 31st October 2022
It's a dance party as the team celebrates the gift of friendship.
Ashima'sAmazingArrival148 Welcome to Sodor Annelise Noronha 7th November 2022
In true Bollywood style, the engines sing a welcome song to Ashima.
Carly'sMagnificentMagnet138 A Mistake is What it Takes Jonathan Evans 14th November 2022
Carly, Sandy and Thomas sing about how sometimes making a mistake is the best way to learn.
HotAirPercy99 This Was Unexpected Hill Kourkoutis
Damhnait Doyle
21st November 2022
An upbeat pop song as Percy flies through the air.
BrandNewTrack109 Stuck in the Mud at Night Tika Simone and La-Nai Gabriel 28th November 2022
A soothing late night song as Thomas and Percy find themselves stuck in the mud.
ChristmasMountain151 Christmas Spirit Nate Kreiswirth 5th December 2022
A classic Christmas pop song with plenty of Fa-La-La-La-Las!
GoodasNew(AEG)179 Good as New Jonathan Evans TBA
SnowplowStruttin'146 Plow to Have Fun on the Job Jarrel Young TBA
KanaRecharges158 Feel the Hush Julie Fader TBA
OfftheRails(AEG)149 The World Has a Mind of Its Own Ava Kay TBA
AVeryPercyValentine'sDay171 What's Really Real Annelise Noronha TBA
BringitonBeresford164 What I Can Do and What I Can't Hill Kourkoutis
Damhnait Doyle
SheepShenanigans129 Peep Peep, We're Counting Sheep Matt Ouimet TBA
TheCaseoftheMissingCrane135 How to Solve a Mystery Nate Kreiswirth TBA
SpeedsterSandy69 Sandy's Strengths Julie Fader TBA
Salty'sSeaShanty36 The Sodor Shanty Jonathan Evans TBA
Rocket'sFall129 When You Go to Sea Jonathan Evans TBA
BlueEngineBlues147 Blues Buddy Jarrel Young TBA
PercyintheMiddle267 Good Sports Chiara Young TBA
NotSoEasyGreasy115 Work Together Matt Ouimet TBA
Bruno'sMapMishap166 Friendship Map Julie Fader TBA
ACrankyGoodbye142 Talking Makes it Better Nate Kreiswirth TBA
ThomasforaDay143 Take a Closer Look Jonathan Evans TBA
TheWaitingGame119 The Waiting Game Julie Fader TBA
TheSightsofSodor201 The Sights of Sodor Matt Ouimet TBA


Characters Introduced






  • The first half has copyright of 2022 while the second half has copyright of 2023.
  • According to Charlie Zeltzer, voice recordings for this series began in September 2021.
  • This episode marks the first of many things:
    • The first appearances of Toby, Whiff (not counting his mentioned appearances in the previous series/dropped appearance in A Thomas Promise), Salty, Troublesome Tankers, Terence, Darcy and Beresford in All Engines Go.
    • The first series where Salty, Kenji (not counting his portrait cameo appearances) and Terence speak in all of their appearances.
    • The first series in where Harold speaks in all of his appearances since the twenty-fourth series of the original series.
    • The first series in where Terence and Skiff speak in all of their appearances.
    • The first series to feature Kai Harris as Thomas in the US dub.
    • The first series to feature Will Bhaenja as Diesel in the US dub.
    • The first series to feature Dai Tabuchi as Kenji in the UK dub.
    • The first series where another character other than Thomas reads the title card.
    • The first series since the twenty-third series of the original series not to feature Gordon in a series finale.
    • The first series in the franchise to acknowlege Hanukkah in anyway.
    • The first series to have winter-themed episodes in All Engines Go.
    • The first series to have its UK dub released before the US dub since the twenty-fourth series of the original series and the first series of All Engines Go to do so.
    • The first series to have different music in the end credits, in this case being an instrumental of the song, Christmas Spirit in Christmas Mountain.
    • The first series to have Christmas and Valentine's Day themed episodes in All Engines Go.
    • The first series to have Eddie Glen as part of the voice cast since Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
    • The first series in where Yong Bao appears in only one episode since the twenty-fourth series of the original series.
    • The first series in where Edward appears in only one episode since the twenty-third series of the original series.
    • The first appearances of Farona, Frederico, Riff and Jiff in the series, not counting Farona and Frederico's portrait cameo appearances in the previous series.
    • The first series where Yong Bao and Darcy appear, but do not speak since their introductions in the original series or their reintroductions.
    • The first series to be dubbed in Irish and the first series in the franchise to have an Irish dub.
  • This series marks the last of many things:
    • The last series to have Meesha Contreras as Thomas in the US dub.
    • The last series to have 52 episodes in total.
    • The last series to have Britt Allcroft's name in the opening credits.
    • The last series to have Aaron Barashi as Thomas in the UK dub.
    • The last series to air on Cartoonito in the US.
    • The last series to be directed by Sean Jeffrey.
    • The last series to have Henri Charles as Percy in the UK dub.
    • The last series to have Denise Downer, Aydrea Walden, Brent Piaskoski, Susan Kim and Niki Lytton as part of the writing team.
  • This series marks the only of a few things:
    • The only series to feature David Kohlsmith as Thomas.
    • The only series to feature Kai Harris as Terence.
    • The only series to have Shaun Avent, Diana Wright and Peter Hirsch as part of the writing team.
    • The only series where one character is played by three separate voice actors, that being Thomas.
  • Trainiac is the only character with a speaking role from the first series of All Engines Go not to appear in some form in this series.

