Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the fourth series of All Engines Go. You may be looking for the fourth series of Thomas & Friends.
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The fourth series of Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go was greenlit by Mattel in August 2022[2] and premiered on Channel 5's Milkshake! block in the United Kingdom on 27 January 2025. It will also premiere Netflix in the United States and on Treehouse TV in Canada later in the year.

This series was produced in honour of the 80th anniversary of The Railway Series.


Due to the massive success of the Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go reboot, Mattel announced during their 2022 press conference that the show had officially been renewed for two additional series and would carry the franchise through 2025.[2]

Unlike the previous two series, Series 3 and 4 only feature 26 11-minute episodes as opposed to 52, much like many series of the original television series.


Thomas, Percy, Diesel, Kana, Nia, Bruno, and the rest of the Sodor loc-amigos are back on track for a new season of delights, delays, and the occasional duckling dilemma as they travel the Island of Sodor. These fast friends show they are up to the task for the weird work they love, supporting each other through the stinkiest muck, up the steepest hill, and when they've made mistakes. The vehicles roll up to new challenges including a multi-episode construction project, more than a few McColl mix-ups, and a dazzlingly daring delivery by Bruno. No rail is too rocky and no job is too impossible for the Number One Engine and team, especially when they work - and sing - together![3]


Screenshot Title Written by Episode number #
SheepStampede82 Sheep Stampede Kristen McGregor #01
Diesel tells Nia that using her special whistle to find Farmer McColl's sheep isn't fair. So she tries not to use it, even though it is the only thing that can save the delivery.
TheBerryBest152 The Berry Best Lexie Kahanovitz #02
Thomas goes too far when taking 'just a few' strawberries again and again uses up all the fruit in Farmer McColl's field.
CreepyCrawlyCourage93 Creepy Crawly Courage Sam Bissonnette #03
Yong Bao's fear of creepy crawlies and Carly's disgust for skunks complicate their apple delivery to the Harvest Festival.
WindmillWoes144 Windmill Woes Brent Piaskoski #04
After Thomas, Percy and Diesel accidentally break a windmill, they all tell Gordon different versions of what happened. Can Gordon uncover the truth?
QuackingQuandarypromo1 Quacking Quandary Peter Gaffney #05
When Diesel hears a strange noise that sounds like a swamp monster, he gets too scared to pull deliveries through the area. Bruno and Percy must help conquer his fear.
TheStinkingDelivery141 The Stinking Delivery Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
None of the engines want to take a super stinky compost delivery, so they make a 'hide & stink' game. But after a spill, they must work together to deliver the smelly mess.
Don'tTrainonMyParade138 Don't Train on My Parade Sam Bissonnette #07
When Sir Topham Hatt's springtime parade floral float is destroyed before delivery, Thomas and the engines find the spring in Sodor to save the parade.
ShinySpiffySandy83 Shiny Spiffy Sandy Carin Greenberg #08
After the engines decide to show their best-selves by staying clean and sparkling for the Tidmouth Sheds open house, they are confronted by a sinkhole ruining the tracks.
Diesel'sBadDay111 Diesel's Bad Day John Loy #09
When Diesel's bad behaviour threatens to ruin a big delivery, Bruno figures out why his friend is upset and how to help.
Moo-vingFriendship36 Moo-ving Friendship Tracy Nicoletti #10
When Diesel is tasked with chauffeuring a prize-winning cow to a competition, he makes an unlikely friend and shows her that there's more to life than winning.
ArtEnginesGo!promo1 Art Engines Go! TBA #11
Kana delivers a beloved sculpture, inspiring her to make her own art. She soon learns that everyone sees art very differently.
LighteningtheLoadpromo1 Lightening the Load TBA #12
On a hectic day, Nia volunteers to deliver a missed shipment of a new light for the lighthouse. But she soon finds herself too embarrassed to admit the delivery has been anything but light.
Baaa-tastrophe!promo1 Baaa-tastrophe! TBA #13
When Thomas' delivery of sheep goes badly, he worries that Annie and Clarabel will think he is not good at his job.
NoImagePlaceholder Bruno to the Rescue Rick Suvalle #21
Bruno makes a dazzlingly daring delivery.
NoImagePlaceholder Untitled Construction Episode Daniel Share-Strom #24
Thomas and Bruno help out with a construction project.

Screenshot Title Written by Original UK release date Episode number #
SheepStampede82 Sheep Stampede Kristen McGregor 27 January 2025 #01
Diesel tells Nia that using her special whistle to find Farmer McColl's sheep isn't fair. So she tries not to use it, even though it is the only thing that can save the delivery.
TheBerryBest152 The Berry Best Lexie Kahanovitz 28 January 2025 #02
Thomas goes too far when taking 'just a few' strawberries again and again uses up all the fruit in Farmer McColl's field.
CreepyCrawlyCourage93 Creepy Crawly Courage Sam Bissonnette 29 January 2025 #03
Yong Bao's fear of creepy crawlies and Carly's disgust for skunks complicate their apple delivery to the Harvest Festival.
WindmillWoes144 Windmill Woes Brent Piaskoski 30 January 2025 #04
After Thomas, Percy and Diesel accidentally break a windmill, they all tell Gordon different versions of what happened. Can Gordon uncover the truth?
QuackingQuandarypromo1 Quacking Quandary Peter Gaffney 31 January 2025 #05
When Diesel hears a strange noise that sounds like a swamp monster, he gets too scared to pull deliveries through the area. Bruno and Percy must help conquer his fear.
TheStinkingDelivery141 The Stinking Delivery Sarah Eisenberg
Becky Wangberg
3 February 2025 #06
None of the engines want to take a super stinky compost delivery, so they make a 'hide & stink' game. But after a spill, they must work together to deliver the smelly mess.
Don'tTrainonMyParade138 Don't Train on My Parade Sam Bissonnette 4 February 2025 #07
When Sir Topham Hatt's springtime parade floral float is destroyed before delivery, Thomas and the engines find the spring in Sodor to save the parade.
ShinySpiffySandy83 Shiny Spiffy Sandy Carin Greenberg 5 February 2025 #08
After the engines decide to show their best-selves by staying clean and sparkling for the Tidmouth Sheds open house, they are confronted by a sinkhole ruining the tracks.
Diesel'sBadDay111 Diesel's Bad Day John Loy 6 February 2025 #09
When Diesel's bad behaviour threatens to ruin a big delivery, Bruno figures out why his friend is upset and how to help.
Moo-vingFriendship36 Moo-ving Friendship Tracy Nicoletti 7 February 2025 #10
When Diesel is tasked with chauffeuring a prize-winning cow to a competition, he makes an unlikely friend and shows her that there's more to life than winning.
ArtEnginesGo!promo1 Art Engines Go! TBA 10 February 2025 #11
Kana delivers a beloved sculpture, inspiring her to make her own art. She soon learns that everyone sees art very differently.
LighteningtheLoadpromo1 Lightening the Load TBA 11 February 2025 #12
On a hectic day, Nia volunteers to deliver a missed shipment of a new light for the lighthouse. But she soon finds herself too embarrassed to admit the delivery has been anything but light.
Baaa-tastrophe!promo1 Baaa-tastrophe! TBA 12 February 2025 #13
When Thomas' delivery of sheep goes badly, he worries that Annie and Clarabel will think he is not good at his job.


Screenshot Title Composers Original release date
SheepStampede122 Stay on Track with Yourself Gagan Singh TBA
CreepyCrawlyCourage158 The True You Julie Fader
Graham Walsh
QuackingQuandary104 I Am A-Okay Jonathan Evans TBA
Don'tTrainonMyParade137 Spring Start Nate Kreiswirth TBA
Diesel'sBadDay150 Do Your Best Julie Fader
Graham Walsh


Salty and Darcy are likely to appear.

Characters Introduced


Quickdraw Bridge is likely to appear.





  • According to Jordan Gershowitz, writing for this series finished in July 2023.[5]
  • According to Zee Risek, storyboarding for this series finished in February 2024.[6]
  • According to Oliver Milchard, voice recordings for the UK dub began in August 2024.[7]
  • This series marks the first of a few things:
    • The first series in the franchise to premiere in the UK before any other country since the twenty-first series of the original show.
    • The first series in the franchise to premiere in the month of January since the thirteenth series of the original show.

