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"I can't think of anything worse than everyone staring at me."
"I can't think of anything better!"
― Shankar and Rajiv

Shankar's Makeover is the sixth episode of the twenty-fourth series.


Thomas pushes Shankar into entering the Fancy Costume Contest, even though Shankar does not want the spotlight on him. When the attention becomes too much for Shankar, he shouts that he did not want to enter the contest in the first place. Charubala softly tells him he did not have to if he did not want to, and Thomas admits that it was his fault for pushing Shankar into it. Shankar happily goes back to doing what he does best—shunting.






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Tina Desai as Ashima
  • Nikhil Parmar as Rajiv and an Indian Troublesome Truck
  • Sanjeev Bhaskar as Shankar, the Announcer and the Judge
  • Sheena Bhattessa as Noor Jehan, an Indian Troublesome Truck and Charubala


  • This episode marks last for a few things:
    • The final appearances of Rajiv, Shankar, Noor Jehan and Charubala.
    • The final appearance of Ashima in the original series.
    • The last episode to feature Tina Desai, Nikhil Parmar, Sanjeev Bhaskar, and Sheena Bhattessa as part of the voice cast.
    • The last episode to have a diesel of any sort as the main character.
  • This marks the only with a few things:
  • The orange truck with Shankar's decorations inside is the same model as a sentient Indian truck with the face removed. This is noticeable by the lack of details where the face would usually be.
  • The events of the episode would later be mentioned by Thomas in Thomas' Animal Friends.


  • Shankar's face mask disappears in between shots after it falls off.
  • Shankar's trucks switch into different tracks despite the points not switching.

Home Media Releases[]

United Kingdom Australia UK/AUS[]

TheSuperEngine TheSuperEngine(AUSDVD) The Super Engine

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese A Transformação de Shankar
Dutch Shankar's Kostuum
Estonian Shankari Ümberehitus
Hebrew המהפך של שנקר
Italian La Gara Dei Fantastici Costumi
Japanese シャンカールのかそうたいかい
Latin American Spanish La transformación de Shankar
Latvian Šankāra Pārvērtības
Lithuanian Pagražintas Šankaras
Polish Przemiana Shankara
Russian Преображение Шанкара
Spanish Disfrazando a Shankar
