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Signalmen are railway staff who work in signal boxes and control the signals and points, which send the engines to their destinations or runaway trains into sidings.

The Tidmouth Sheds Signalmen[]

The Tidmouth Sheds Signalmen work at the signal box at the yard next to Tidmouth Sheds.


When James' wooden brake blocks caught on fire, causing him to crash into a cow field, the alarm rang and one of the signalman called out to Thomas that James had come off the line and that the Breakdown Train was needed quickly.


Voice Actors[]

The Knapford Station Signalmen[]

The Knapford Station Signalmen work at the signal box at Knapford.


When Thomas left Knapford without his coaches, one of the signalmen waved and shouted to get him to stop. However, Thomas thought the signalman was cheering for him and continued on.

One night, an important passenger arrived at Knapford and ordered a special train, causing all other trains to be stopped. A phone call was sent to one of the signalmen and he was informed about the situation. After the special train was ready, the signalman set the points to allow the train to pass through Knapford, much to Thomas' annoyance.


In the first series, one of the signalmen's uniform consisted of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat over it. He wears a blue peaked cap. In the fourth series, one of the signalmen's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and a grey jacket over it. He wears a grey flat cap.


Voice Actors[]

The Knapford Yards Signalmen[]

The Knapford Yards Signalmen work at the signal box at Knapford Yards.


When James' driver and fireman were away, two boys fiddled with James' controls, which caused him to become a runaway. One of the signalmen shouted when he noticed James puffing away and when the fireman returned, the signalman informed him on what had happened. Soon, the signalman received a telephone call and he told the fireman that an inspector was coming and that he required a rope and a shunter's pole. The firemen wondered what the items were for, to which the signalman was also unsure, though he told the fireman to quickly get the items.


In the second series, one of the signalmen's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls. He wears a yellow flat cap.


Voice Actors[]

The New Signalman[]

The new signalman works at a signal box near Lower Tidmouth. He has also been seen around Brendam Docks.


When Toby arrived at Lower Tidmouth to fill up on water, this signalman, who had not seen Toby before, was at the station. Toby's driver tried to explain to the signalman about Toby's condition. However, the signalman did not listen and told Toby's driver that they had to clear the line for James with the Express and that they could get more water at the next station. After realising that Toby had ran out of water on the Main Line, the signalman apologised and stated that he did not understand about Toby's condition.


The new signalman's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and a black jacket over it. He wears a grey flat cap.


Voice Actors[]

The Lower Suddery Signalmen[]

The Lower Suddery Signalman works at the signal box at Lower Suddery.


When Percy was in a siding at Lower Suddery, one of the signalmen informed him that the points were jammed and that he could not switch them back, until the workmen mended them next morning. Percy then had to spend the night in the siding, which led to him being frightened by the Chinese Dragon.


One of the signalmen's uniform consists of black trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a purple waistcoat with yellow and brown stripped lining over it. He wears a grey peaked cap. Another signalman's uniform consists of blue overalls and a grey jacket instead.


Voice Actors[]


  • The body of one of the signalmen's large scale figure was reused for a passenger in the fourth series episode, Bulldog.

The Hackenbeck Signalmen[]

The Hackenbeck Signalmen works at the signal box at Hackenbeck.


After Caroline overheated, Stepney's driver spoke to one of the signalmen and the stationmaster, who all agreed on a plan to get Caroline back to the cricket field.


The signalmen's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and either a green or grey jacket over it. They wear grey flat caps.


The Wellsworth Crossing Signalman[]

The Wellsworth Crossing Signalman worked at the signal box that was formerly at Wellsworth Crossing.


When Arthur and his train of vans were out of control, they approached Wellsworth Crossing and the vans crashed into Duck's train, sending squashed fruit all over the signalman, along with Duck, Arthur and his driver.


The signalman's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and a green jacket over it. He wears a brown flat cap.


The Kirk Ronan Junction Signalman[]

The Kirk Ronan Junction Signalman works at the overhead gantry signal box at Kirk Ronan Junction.


The signalman's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and a grey jacket over it. He wears a brown flat cap.


Voice Actors[]

The Knapford Iron Bridge Junction Signalmen[]

The Knapford Iron Bridge Junction Signalmen are two signalmen who work at the overhead gantry signal box at Knapford Iron Bridge Junction.


When Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt were chasing a runaway Winston, the brown-haired signalman tried to switch them off the Main Line. However, he had pulled the lever after Winston went over the points, which only sent Thomas off the Main Line. The signalman then sent a message to another signalman further up the line.


The signalmen's uniform consists of a white shirt with blue overalls and a grey jacket over it. One signalman wears a brown flat cap, while the other wears a grey flat cap.


Voice Actors[]


Bob and Dave[]

For other uses, see Bob.

Bob and Dave are two signalmen who work at a signal box at a big junction.


Once, Bob arrived at the signal box with a new kettle, which had a whistle on it. When Dave put the kettle on the stove, Thomas was about to arrive and Dave rushed back to switch the signals. A few minutes later, Dave heard a whistle and went to turn the kettle off. However, Bob told him that the whistle was from Henry. Soon, Dave heard another whistle; Gordon with the Express. Dave soon heard another whistle and remarked that the kettle sounded like James, only for Bob to state that the whistle was from James. Dave stated that Bob's new kettle was taking too long to boil, so Bob went to inspect. He then found out that Dave forgot to turn the stove on. A few minutes after Dave turned the stove on, they heard another whistle; the kettle.[2]


The uniform worn by Bob and Dave consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue jacket over it. They wear blue peaked caps with black brims.


Mr. Edwards[]

Mr. Edwards is a signalman who works at a signal box.


Mr. Edwards once left his signal box to get some coal for the fireplace. While he was out, he left Mr. Perkins to answer some fanmail.


Other Signalmen[]

Many other signalmen work at the various signal boxes on the Island of Sodor, the Mainland and abroad. Occasionally, some signalmen have been known to fall asleep on the job, resulting in accidents. Some signalmen faint when an accident almost happens.


The uniform worn by most signalmen consists of a white shirt with blue overalls. They sometimes wear either a green, grey or brown jacket. They also wear either a brown, orange, black or blue flat cap or peaked cap.

Voice Actors[]



