Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Six Little Trains is a song. It was released as a music video on 3rd June 2021 before being included as part of the Nursery Rhymes album a day later.


Six little trains in the engine sheds
Sleeping soundly in their beds
But shiny red James was not asleep
And he woke the others with a peep peep peep!
Peep peep peep! Peep peep peep!
He woke the others with a peep peep peep!
Down to the railway they would go
Puffing and chuffing to and fro
James was hiding, he started to creep
He scared the others with a peep peep peep!
Peep peep peep! Peep peep peep!
He scared the others with a peep peep peep!
James took the branch line by the farm
A cute little place with lots of charm
As he passed by the farmer's sheep
He startled them with a peep peep peep!
Peep peep peep! Peep peep peep!
He startled them with a peep peep peep!
James made his way down to the docks
To help Cranky load a box of rocks
When James saw the boulders on a heap
He surprised Cranky with a peep peep peep! (Cranky: Hey! Look out below!)
Peep peep peep! Peep peep peep!
He surprised Cranky with a peep peep peep! (Cranky: Watch what you're doing!)
The day is over and the work is done
That silly little engine had lots of fun (James: Ha ha ha ha!)
James closed his eyes to go to sleep (James: *yawns* Heh heh heh heh.)
The others woke him up with a peep peep peep!
Peep peep peep! Peep peep peep!
The others woke him up with a peep peep peep!







  • This song is sung to the tune (and is a parody) of the children song, Six Little Ducks.
  • Rob Rackstraw and John Schwab voice Cranky instead of Matt Wilkinson or Glenn Wrage.
  • The UK music video was released on the 25th June 2021 on the Australian iTunes Store.


  • In one shot of Cranky and James, James' wheels are not moving when he is approaching Cranky.
  • When James puffs away from Cranky, his tender lining is yellow instead of black, and he has the number 6 on his side instead of 5.
  • In this video, James' wheels coupling rods are yellow instead of silver, and his wheels are grey instead of black.
  • When the engines heard James, Rebecca wasn't seen with them.
  • Percy and Gordon are not seen in the sheds in the end.
  • Percy Rebecca and Nia are missing their numbers.
  • Nia is missing her patterns.
  • Rebecca and Nia are missing their nameplates.
  • Emily's filler cap is black.
  • Rebecca's tender is black.
  • Thomas is missing his lining.
  • Rebecca is missing her lining.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Korean 6개 작은 기차들


Music Video[]
