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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Danish/Swedish DVD, the magazine story or the 2004 magazine story.
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"Just an observation, Mr. Oliver. Snow is magical."
― Toad and Oliver

Snow Engine, lengthened to Oliver the Snow Engine on one North American release, is the fourteenth episode of the seventh series.


Oliver hates the snow but Toad believes that it is splendid, which angers Oliver. While working, they see some children building a giant snowman for the Sodor Winter Festival. Every time Oliver and Toad pass by, they see the snowman growing bigger. Toad observes that snow is magical, though Oliver still disagrees.

After finishing all his work, Oliver heads back to his shed but is annoyed when the Fat Controller tells him he has to take a special to the festival; even though he complains, he is forced to obey. As he approaches the village with the cargo, a frozen set of points causes Oliver to switch to the station siding; he slips on the rails and crashes past the buffers and through the belly of the children's snowman.

Oliver's driver telephones for help but comes back with bad news: it is too late to rescue Oliver, so he and Toad spend a cold and snowy night in a snowfall while his driver stays at a Village Inn. Oliver worries about the children's reaction to seeing their snowman destroyed.

When the children see Oliver fast asleep the next morning, they initially think the snowman has grown eyes in its stomach. This gives them an idea and dress Oliver up as a snowman. When Oliver wakes up, he is amused and relieved by all the happy children; by the time Duck arrives to rescue him, he now appreciates the snow and is enjoying the Sodor Winter Festival. Toad, on the other hand, has changed his mind.




  • Going by production order, this is the sixteenth episode of the seventh series.
  • A deleted scene and extended stock footage from the third series episode, Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure is used.
  • This marks one of the two episodes where the Sodor Winter Festival has taken place. The other episode being the sixteenth series episode, Emily's Winter Party Special.
  • In the UK and most international dubs (excluding the US and Latin American Spanish dubs):
    • An instrumental version of The Snow Song plays during the montage of Oliver passing the snowman.
    • Gordon's theme from the sixth series episode, Gordon Takes a Tumble plays when Oliver exits Tidmouth Tunnel until his crash into the snowman, albeit slightly slowed down and looped at one point.
    • The song "My Bonnie" can be heard when Oliver's driver leaves Oliver during the night.
  • In the US and Latin American dubs, the opening music from the eighth series episode, Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough is used at the beginning of the episode.
  • The footage of Oliver about to crash into the buffers at the village was slowed down to 30fps to fill in the 4 minute and 30 second episode runtime as the shot was possibly recorded at a higher framerate.
  • This episode marks the last of several things:
  • The station Oliver and Toad are at in the beginning of the episode appears to be the set for Maron Station redressed, with sheds added and the canopy removed.
  • CiTV repeated this episode early on Christmas Eve morning 2004; RusstyRuss had a post on Twitter which shown all the TV programme airings from the Christmas 2004 edition of Radio Times.
  • This episode aired exactly nineteen years after Thomas' Train and Thomas and the Trucks first aired.


  • Throughout the episode, Oliver is missing his right lamp iron.
  • When Oliver says "Pah!", his train is missing.
  • When Oliver arrives to his shed, one of his helpers is stood next to the Fat Controller. However, the helper is gone in the close-up of the Fat Controller. However, he suddenly reappears in the next frame.
  • When Oliver is diverted onto the siding, the tracks behind him lead to a dead end in the bushes.
  • When Oliver gets diverted onto the siding, he passes the crossing and station twice.
  • When Oliver passes the level crossing before he crashes, there is no one in his cab, despite the narrator saying that Oliver's driver applied the brakes.
  • Just before Oliver crashes into the snowman, the corner of the set is visible.
  • When Oliver crashes into the snowman, his eyes are covered in snow but after the snowman's head falls onto the ground, Oliver's eyes are suddenly clean.
  • The amount of snow on Oliver changes between shots throughout the episode.


Oliver: I'm a Great Western engine. I shouldn't have to shiver!
Toad: Begging your pardon, Mr. Oliver. But I think snow is splendid.
Oliver: Hurrumph!

Toad: Is there a problem, Mr. Oliver?
Oliver: Yes! (crashes into the buffers and the snowman) There is!
Toad: (sliding alongside Oliver) That could have been a little smoother.

Bridget Hatt: Look! Our snowman has eyes in its tummy!
Stephen Hatt: No, it doesn't. It's Oliver!
Narrator: This gave the children an idea. [the children put the snowman's clothes on Oliver]
Children: Oliver's a wonderful snow engine!

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 雪人小火车
Danish Snelokomotivet
Dutch De sneeuw locomotief
Finnish Lumiveturi Oliver
Hungarian A hómozdony
Italian La locomotiva di neve
Japanese オリバーとゆきだるま
Korean 눈사람, 눈사람
Latin American Spanish La Locomotora de nieve
Polish Śnieżna lokomotywa
Romanian Locomotiva de zăpadă
Russian Снежный паровоз
Serbian Snežna lokomotiva
Swedish Snölokomotivet
Turkish Kar Treni
Welsh Oliver y Dyn Eira

Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset




  • Thomas and the Really Brave Engines and Other Adventures (Direct-to-Home Video)
  • Holiday Express
  • The Greatest Stories







DK DVD Boxset






