This article is about the DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the magazine story or the 2004 magazine story. |
Snow Engine and Other Stories (Danish: Snelokomotivet og andre historier) is a Danish DVD featuring thirteen seventh series episodes narrated by Tommy Kenter. It was released in Sweden under the title Snow Engine (Swedish: Snölokomotivet) with episodes narrated by Håkan Mohede.
THOMAS & VENNERNE er baseret på en bestseller indenfor engelsk børnelitteratur. Filmen er blevet en kæmpe succes, ikke mindst i Danmark. Nu har børnene igen mulighed for at se Toget Thomas og alle hans venner på nye eventyr.
English Translation
THOMAS & FRIENDS is based on a bestseller in English children's literature. The films have been a huge success, not least in Denmark. Now children can once again see Thomas the Train and all his friends on new adventures.
THOMAS & VÄNNERNA är en brittisk barnserie som bygger på en storsäljare inom brittisk barnlitteratur av Reverend W. Awdry. Det lilla loket Thomas och hans vänner tar med barnen på spännande resor och de små tittarna får lära sig nyttan av gott uppförande och av att vara hjälpsamma.
English Translation
THOMAS & FRIENDS is a British children's series based on a best-selling British children's book by the Reverend W. Awdry. The little locomotive Thomas and his friends take children on exciting journeys and young viewers learn the benefits of good behaviour and being helpful.Episodes
- Fyrtårnet (Salty's Stormy Tale)
- Bill, Ben og Fergus (Bill, Ben and Fergus)
- Snelokomotivet (Snow Engine)
- Det flotteste lokomotiv (Best Dressed Engine)
- Emilys nye vogne (Emily's New Coaches)
- Fergus stikker af (Fergus Breaks the Rules)
- Et uplettet rygte (The Spotless Record)
- Fred og ro (Peace and Quiet)
- Rusty slår alarm (Trusty Rusty)
- Den flyvende elefant (The Runaway Elephant)
- Åbningsceremonien (The Grand Opening)
- Fiskerbyen (Something Fishy)
- Vinterforvikliger (Not So Hasty Puddings)
- Saltis stormiga berättelse (Salty's Stormy Tale)
- Bill, Ben och Fergus (Bill, Ben and Fergus)
- Snölokomotivet (Snow Engine)
- De bäst pyntade lokomotiven (Best Dressed Engine)
- Emilys nya vagnar (Emily's New Coaches)
- Fergus bryter mot reglerna (Fergus Breaks the Rules)
- Den fläckfria meritlistan (The Spotless Record)
- Lugn och ro (Peace and Quiet)
- Lita på Rusty (Trusty Rusty)
- Elefant på irrvägar (The Runaway Elephant)
- Den stora invigningen (The Grand Opening)
- Fina fisken (Something Fishy)
- Inga hastbullar (Not So Hasty Puddings)
- An image from The Fogman is used on the spine.
- The episodes are presented in production order.
- The back cover of the Danish DVD states that the episodes are presented in 4:3 fullscreen, but they are actually presented in 16:9 widescreen.
- The Swedish DVD back cover and episode selection misspell Fergus as Fergy.