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Sodor Castle, also known as Castle Causeway and Mountain Lake Causeway, is an old, ruined castle that stands near the causeway on the Skarloey Railway.



  • Sodor Castle has had numerous modifications throughout the years:
    • Series 7:
      • The large mountain and pine trees behind the castle disappeared.
      • The design of the castle changed.
    • Series 11:
    • Series 18:
      • The mountain and pine trees returned.
      • The design of the castle returned to its original shape.
  • In the seventh series song The Red Balloon, James can be seen at the castle despite the line over the causeway being narrow gauge.
  • In CGI, the castle is represented by a digital matte painting rather than a 3D object.

* David Mitton map only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only | --- Dropped