Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Sodor Chain Load Undercut, also known as the Sodor Railway Repair, is a specialised ballast spreader machine used on the North Western Railway.


In 1967, the Sodor Chain Load Undercut was used to haul and clear away ballast, and pack new fresh stones from the Arlesdale Mines within the trackbeds throughout the North Western Railway. During this time, he was usually seen working with Donald and Douglas.


He is not directly mentioned in The Railway Series, but the Wooden Railway box description states "he is a hard-worker that knows the true meaning of working on railways, and aims to make the rides safer and smoother for the engines".

Technical Details[]


While he has no specific basis, he is based on ballast undercutting machines that specialises in cleaning the railway track ballast (gravel, blue stone or other aggregate) of impurities.


The Sodor Chain Load Undercut is painted yellow with the words "Sodor Chain Load Undercut" painted in red on his side.


Official Description[]

From Official Media:[1]

Sodor Railway Repair: The Sodor Railway Repair has an important job, clearing old ballast from the track and packing the sleepers (railroad ties) with fresh stones. This is one train that knows the true meaning of working on the railroad! Hard at work clearing old ballast from the track, the Sodor Railway Repair helps keep Thomas’ railroad in tip top shape.


  • He is the only non-human character in The Railway Series to wear glasses.
  • In The Railway Series, he was depicted with a black face, but his Wooden Railway toy is depicted with a normal grey face to match the characters from Thomas & Friends.


Wooden Railway[]

Name Released Discontinued Highlights Photo
Sodor Railway Repair


The Railway Series[]

Main Series[]


