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Somebody Has to be the Favourite, retitled Somebody Has to be the Favorite in US releases, is the first song from Journey Beyond Sodor. The Most Important Thing is Being Friends is a remixed version of this song.


The song is sung three different times, all with different lyrics. Two times are sung by James while the other is sung by Thomas.

Version 1[]

James: Somebody has to be the favourite!
The one that everybody wants to see!
Somebody has to be better than the rest!
Somebody has to be so good that they're the best!
Somebody has to be the favourite
Somebody has to be me!
Sometimes you have to blow your whistle!
To let the other engines know you're near!
Sometimes you have to make a racket and to shout!
In order to ensure that they're not left in any doubt!
Somebody has to be the favourite!
Say hello! The favourite is here!
Philip: Hello, James!

Version 2[]

James: Somebody has to be the favourite!
That's just the way it is, you must agree!
Some get to see the world and travel far away!
While other engines have a place they always have to stay!
Somebody has to be the favourite!
Somebody has to be me!
Somebody has to be me!

Version 3[]

Thomas: Sometimes you have to get up early!
If there's some place you really want to be!
Sometimes you have to be awake before the dawn!
Sometimes you're up and out before they know you're gone!
Somebody has to be the favourite!
And this time it's going to be me!
This time it's going to be me!
This time it's going to be me!



Voice Cast[]

UK, AUS and NZ[]

US and CAN[]


  • This song has a similar melody to Jolly Holiday from the 1964 Disney film, Mary Poppins.
  • There are instrumentals of this throughout the special that pose as a theme for James, one being a dark tango when he is tired of being on Thomas' branch line and the second instrumental version was used in the credits.
  • Bertie sings part of the song in Big World! Big Adventures!This makes it one of the few songs to be heard in more than one movie, the others being Really Useful Engine and Working Together.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Czech Já jsem tak trochu více známý
German Irgendjemand ist der große Liebling
Greek Ποιος είναι πάντοτε ο Πρώτος;
Hungarian Kedvenc kell mert az Mindig Fontos
Japanese おきにいりはだれ?
Korean 최고로 사랑받는 기관차
Latin American Spanish Hay Que Elegir al Favorito
Polish Ktoś Przecież Musi Być Najlepszy
Russian Кто-то же должен быть любимцем
Serbian Svako Zeli Omiljen da Bude!
Spanish Alguien Debe Ser el Favorito (SPN)
Ukrainian Хтось має бути фаворитом
