Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

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This is a list of Thomas & Friends DVDs released in South Africa. In addition to these DVDs, imported Thomas DVDs from the UK are common in South Africa, since both the UK and South Africa are considered Region 2.

Mainstream Releases

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
52C023F1-BC44-4157-A6E7-0947BACB4965 Truck-loads of Fun
(Volume 1)
Too Hot for Thomas
♪ A World Around You ♪
Salty's Stormy Tale
Percy and the Magic Carpet
Thomas and the Firework Display
Bill, Ben and Fergus
Gordon Takes Charge
2005 Next Video
Thomas & Friends are back with 60 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Stream Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
WhistleStopDVD Whistle Stop (Volume 2) Percy's Big Mistake
Gordon and Spencer
Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough
August 2005 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
NoImagePlaceholder Happy Little Helpers
(Volume 3)
Squeak, Rattle and Roll
Percy Gets It Right
Thomas and the Circus
October 2005 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
FullSteamAheadSouthAfricanDVD Full Steam Ahead
(Volume 4)
Thomas and the Tuba
♪ Sounds ♪
Peace and Quiet
Percy's New Whistle
2005 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
"Thomas & Friends - 5- It's Great to Be an Engine!" DVD South African (2006) It's Great to Be an Engine! (Volume 5) Fish!
The Old Iron Bridge
Emily's Adventure
2006 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
AriseandShineSADVD Arise and Shine
(Volume 6)
James Gets a New Coat
♪ Emily ♪
Best Dressed Engine
Thomas Saves the Day
May 2006 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
HideAndPeepSouthAfricanDVD Hide and Peep (Volume 7) Don't Tell Thomas
♪ Surprises ♪
James and the Queen of Sodor
Emily's New Route
October 2006 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
BoldAndBrave(SouthAfricanDVD) Bold and Brave
(Volume 8)
Thomas's Halloween
♪ Ode to Gordon ♪
Trusty Rusty
You Can Do It, Toby!
November 2006 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
Peep!Peep!Hurray!ThreeCheersforThomas(SouthAfricanDVD) Peep! Peep! Hurray!
Three Cheers for Thomas
(Volume 9)
Chickens to School
Three Cheers for Thomas
James Goes Too Far
September 2007 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
TheWorldsStrongestEngineSouthAfricanDVDcover The Worlds Strongest Engine (Volume 10) Spic and Span
♪ Determination ♪
Edward the Great
Not So Hasty Puddings
November 2007 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
NoImagePlaceholder All Aboard with the Steam Team (Volume 11) Thomas to the Rescue
Emily's New Coaches
Henry and the Wishing Tree
2008 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.
Togetheronthetrackssouthafrica Together on the Tracks (Volume 12) Molly's Special Special
Respect for Gordon
Rheneas and the Dinosaur
2008 Next Video
Thomas & Friends return with brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
ThomasandtheGoldenEagle(DVD) Thomas and the Golden Eagle (Volume 13) Thomas and the Golden Eagle
Emily Knows Best
Saving Edward
2008 Next Video
Thomas & Friends return with brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
LittleEnginesBigDayOutSouthAfricanDVD Little Engines Big Days Out (Volume 14) Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
Tuneful Toots
Flour Power
January 2009 Next Video
Thomas & Friends return with brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
ThomasTriesHisBest(DVD) Thomas Tries His Best
(Volume 15)
Thomas Tries His Best
The Magic Lamp
Keeping Up with James
March 2009 Next Video
Thomas & Friends return with brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
ThomasandtheRainbowSouthAfricanDVDcover Thomas and the Rainbow (Volume 16) Thomas and the Rainbow
Respect for Gordon
Molly's Special Special
September 2009 Next Entertainment
Thomas & Friends return with brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.
MilkshakeMuddle(SouthAfricanDVD) Milkshake Muddle
(Volume 17)
Mighty Mac
Thomas's Milkshake Muddle
Percy and the Oil Painting
October 2009 Next Entertainment
Three super stories featuring Thomas and his engine friends both old and new!
TheGreatDiscovery(SouthAfricanDVD) The Great Discovery The Great Discovery December 2009 Next Entertainment
Thomas'sNewTrucks(DVD) Thomas's New Trucks
(Volume 18)
Henry and the Flagpole
Thomas and the New Engine
Thomas's New Trucks
1 March 2010 Next Entertainment
ThomasandtheToyShopDVD Thomas and the Toy Shop (Volume 19) Thomas and the Toy Shop
Duncan and the Old Mine
Thomas' Day Off
May 2010 Next Entertainment
TobyFeelsLeftOutDVD Toby Feels Left Out
(Volume 20)
Toby Feels Left Out
Rheneas and the Dinosaur
Bold and Brave
September 2010 Next Entertainment
The Sodor Museum is opening and Sir Topham announces that all the engines at Tidmouth Sheds are to have a special repaint. When Toby hears this, he wonders why he's not being repainted and concludes that he must be being put inside the museum - he's old enough after all. Desperate to prove how useful he is, he does all the other engines' work while they are being painted. But every time Sir Topham approaches, Toby runs away, scared of what he might say. Toby is very dirty when Sir Topham catches up with him. Toby tries to escape but breaks his axle! He is relieved to learn that he is far too useful to be put in a museum. Sir Topham had been trying to tell him about his special polish for the grand opening - but Toby had been running away. Toby feels silly, but once fixed, he is very proud to be taking the visitors to the museum's grand opening!
ThomasandtheStatue(DVD) Thomas and the Statue (Volume 21) Thomas and the Statue
Skarloey the Brave
Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
2010 Next Entertainment
ThomasandtheJetPlaneSouthAfricanDVD Thomas and the Jet Plane (Volume 22) Thomas and the Jet Plane
Follow that Flour
A Smooth Ride
10 November 2010 Next Entertainment
Thomas is sent to collect some children from the airport for the Sodor Summer Picnic. At the airport, Thomas meets Jeremy, a jet plane. When Jeremy spots a storm on the way, he returns to the airport and alerts Thomas. The picnic will be ruined!
EnginesandEscapades(SouthAfricanDVD) Engines and Escapades Hide and Peep
Gordon and the Engineer
Thomas Sets Sail
Emily's Rubbish
Dream On
Cool Truckings
1 July 2011 Next Entertainment
Enter the exciting world of the narrow gauge railway and travel high up to the hills of Sodor where the intrepid little narrow gauge engines have many amazing adventures in some exhilarating and epic environments! The narrow gauge engines include such favourites as the wise Sir Handel, the brash and boisterous Duncan and the mischief-making & fun living duo Rheneas and Skarloey.
ThomasandtheLighthouse(SouthAfricanDVD) Thomas and the Lighthouse Thomas and the Spaceship
Thomas and the Storyteller
Thomas and the Lighthouse
Thomas and the Runaway Car
Thomas and the Big Bang
Thomas in Trouble
1 September 2011 Next Entertainment
SmokeandMirrors(SouthAfricanDVD) Smoke and Mirrors Hector the Horrid
Skarloey Storms Through
Sir Handel in Charge
Smoke and Mirrors
Henry's Lucky Day
Don't Be Silly, Billy
1 November 2011 Next Entertainment
Thomas is to pick up some important items for the finale of a magician's magic show. His reward for a job well done will be a role in the show! Thomas can't stop thinking about being in the magic show and collects all the wrong items. When he returns and realises what he has done he feels very silly. Thomas puffs off to collect the correct items even though he'll miss the show. He arrives back with the correct items just in time for the grand finale. Thomas is delighted when the magician performs some amazing tricks with him!
Toby'sTriumph(DVD) Toby's Triumph Toby's Triumph
Edward and the Mail
Wash Behind Your Buffers
Dirty Work
Duncan Does It All
Percy and the Left Luggage
Thomas and the Stinky Cheese
17 February 2012 Next Entertainment
Toby is given a special job - to take Alicia Botti the opera singer to a special concert. Toby worries about making a mistake. Toby worries so much that he does just that - he forgets to slow down at a corner, spilling Alicia's special tea in Henrietta. Then he worries so much that he takes the wrong track!
MistyIslandRescuecover Misty Island Rescue Misty Island Rescue 2012 Next Entertainment
The engines are hard at work to build the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre. When Thomas helps a friend in need, he is rewarded with an exciting trip to the mainland. Along the way, he gets lost at sea and finds himself on the mysterious Misty Island, where he meets new friends Bash, Dash, and Ferdinand. Together they discover secret hideouts and try to help Thomas find his way home. Will The Fat Controller's search party ever find Thomas? Find out in this action-packed adventure the whole family will enjoy!
HeaveHo!(SouthAfricanDVD) Heave Ho! Thomas and the Billboard
Steady Eddie
Rosie's Funfair Special
Mountain Marvel
Henry Gets It Wrong
Heave Ho Thomas!
16 July 2012 Next Entertainment
When a big, brash engine called Hank comes to Sodor, it's Thomas' job to show him around the island. Before he takes Hank on his tour, Thomas must do some important jobs. Hank tries to help but Thomas quickly dislikes the big new engine's enthusiasm and refuses to let him. Overloaded Thomas soon cracks a cylinder and needs help. Will Thomas let Hank help him finish his jobs? Will the engines become friends?
Watch this and other Thomas & Friends episodes on this Great DVD!
TeamUpwithThomas(SouthAfricanDVD) Team Up with Thomas Toby's Special Surprise
Excellent Emily
The Party Surprise
Saved You!
Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon
James Works It Out
Tram Trouble
2012 Next Entertainment
PercyandtheBandstand(SouthAfricanDVD) Percy and the Bandstand
(All-New Range: 1)
Don't Go Back
Gordon Takes a Shortcut
The Man in the Hills
Thomas Puts the Brakes On
Percy and the Bandstand
Push Me, Pull You
Best Friends
28 January 2013 Next Entertainment
Join Thomas & Friends for more heartwarming tales on the tracks filled with all-new adventures, important new lessons and brand new friends.
Percy has to take Lady Hatt to her surprise party at the new bandstand but Lady Hatt decides she would like to spend the day in the country instead. How will Percy get Lady Hatt in the surprise party in time?
CreakyCranky(SouthAfricanDVD) Creaky Cranky
(All-New Range: 2)
Creaky Cranky
Tickled Pink
Double Trouble
The Early Bird
Toby's New Whistle
Steamy Sodor
1 February 2013 Next Entertainment
Thomas and his friends deliver cargo-loads of fun in this collection of uplifting episodes! Ride along as Thomas helps to deliver mail, mend engines, and prepare for the Spring Party on the Island of Sodor. Watch as Thomas learns that it pays to listen to advice, there's more to a train than its undercoat, and that teamwork is the best way to get things done.
TheLionofSodor(SouthAfricanDVD) The Lion of Sodor
(All-New Range: 3)
The Lion of Sodor
Thomas and the Pigs
Time for a Story
Thomas and the Runaway Kite
Buzzy Bees
Hiro Helps Out
8 July 2013 Next Entertainment
Join Thomas as he roars down the tracks with the most special delivery yet, the Lion of Sodor. Thomas thinks that it is a real lion and when the other trains try to tell him that it is actually a statue, he is too excited to listen. Hop on board with Thomas as he learns the importance of listening to others in this lionhearted collection of tales from the tracks.
KingoftheRailwayDVD King of the Railway King of the Railway 20 September 2013 Next Entertainment
Join Thomas and Friends™ as they embark on a legendary movie adventure! The steam team's quest begins when a special guest arrives on Sodor with a big surprise and important jobs for Thomas, Percy and James. The engines meet new friends and discover suits of armour, coats of arms and legends of long-ago heroes. Then their bravery is put to the test when their new friend Stephen goes missing. Will Thomas find him in time? Will the engines discover the truth about the Island of Sodor's biggest mystery? It's a crusade of knightly proportions for Thomas & Friends in this epic movie!
SplishSplashSploshSouthAfricanDVDcover Splish, Splash, Splosh!
(All-New Range: 4)
Splish Splash Splosh 11 October 2013 Next Entertainment

DVD Sets
