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This is a list of all the Thomas & Friends VHS tapes released in South Africa.

VHS Releases

Image Title Episodes Released Original distributor
ThomasandGordonSouthAfricanVHScover Thomas and Gordon (Volume One) Thomas and Gordon
Edward and Gordon
The Sad Story of Henry
Edward, Gordon and Henry
Thomas and the Trucks
Thomas' Train
Thomas and the Breakdown Train
James and the Coaches
Troublesome Trucks
James and the Express
Thomas and the Guard
Thomas Goes Fishing
Thomas, Terence and the Snow
2000 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Thomas, the little blue engine, is cheeky to Gordon once too often. So the big blue engine decides to give Thomas a lesson he won't forget.
DowntheMineSouthAfricanVHScover Down the Mine
(Volume Two)
Thomas and Bertie
Tenders and Turntables
Trouble in the Shed
Percy Runs Away
The Flying Kipper
Whistles and Sneezes
Toby and the Stout Gentleman
Thomas in Trouble
Dirty Objects
Off the Rails
Down the Mine
Thomas' Christmas Party
2000 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Thomas tries some mischief and gets in a hole. Gordon has to help him out. Both engines are in disgrace so they decide to form an alliance and never be cheeky to each other again.
Bertie'sChase(VolumeThree)SouthAfricanVHScover Bertie's Chase
(Volume Three)
Thomas, Percy and the Coal
Bertie's Chase
Saved from Scrap
Old Iron
Thomas and Trevor
Percy and the Signal
Duck Takes Charge
Percy and Harold
The Runaway
Percy Takes the Plunge
Pop Goes the Diesel
Dirty Work
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Thomas is late, Edward is cross and the passengers are impatient. Dashing Bertie races to the rescue.
BreakvanSouthAfricanVHScover Breakvan (Volume Four) A Close Shave
Better Late than Never
The Deputation
Thomas Comes to Breakfast
Percy's Predicament
The Diseasel
Wrong Road
Edward's Exploit
Ghost Train
Woolly Bear
Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Donald and Douglas are delightfully disorganised twin engines from Scotland, and when they arrive they cause The Fat Controller a great deal of trouble. They are worried that The Fat Controller will order one of them to leave his Railway. A brake van makes matters worse until James helps in a surprising way.
NoImagePlaceholder Gordon and the Famous Visitor
(Volume Five)
A Scarf for Percy
Percy's Promise
Time for Trouble
Gordon and the Famous Visitor
Donald's Duck
Thomas Gets Bumped
Thomas, Percy and the Dragon
Diesel Does It Again
Henry's Forest
The Trouble with Mud
No Joke for James
Thomas, Percy and the Post Train
Trust Thomas
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
An important engine visits the yard. Everyone is excited, except Gordon - who doesn't trust domeless engines.
NoImagePlaceholder Buzz, Buzz (Volume Six) Mavis
Toby's Tightrope
Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
Buzz, Buzz
All at Sea
One Good Turn
Tender Engines
Oliver Owns Up
Percy, James and the Fruitful Day
Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
James boasts about his bravery but when a swarm of bees start buzzing about him, he wishes that they would get back to making honey and leave him to make steam!
BulldogSouthAfricanVHScover Bulldog (Volume Seven) Granpuff
Sleeping Beauty
You Can't Win
Four Little Engines
A Bad Day for Sir Handel
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady
Home at Last
Rock 'n' Roll
Special Funnel
Steam Roller
Passengers and Polish
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Percy is eager to rush out and show off his new coat of paint, but Thomas warns him to slow down by telling him the story of Duke and how he clung on to Falcon like a Bulldog and pulled him to safety when he came off the track and nearly fell down the mountainside.
VolumeEightSouthAfricanVHScover Henry and the Elephant (Volume Eight) Gallant Old Engine
Rusty to the Rescue
Thomas and Stepney
Bowled Out
Train Stops Play
Henry and the Elephant
Paint Pots and Queens
Thomas and the Special Letter
Bulls Eyes
Toad Stands By
Special Attraction
Mind that Bike
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
NoImagePlaceholder Cranky Bugs
(Volume Nine)
Cranky Bugs
Horrid Lorry
A Better View for Gordon
Lady Hatt's Birthday Party
James and the Trouble with Trees
Gordon and the Gremlin
Bye George
Put Upon Percy
Toby and the Flood
Haunted Henry
Double Teething Troubles
Stepney Gets Lost
Toby's Discovery
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
There is a new crane, Cranky, working at the docks. Being way up high, Cranky thinks Thomas and Percy are just annoying little bugs, but he soon changes his opinion when Thomas and Percy come to the rescue following a devastating storm.
ThomasandtheRumoursSouthAfricanVHS Thomas and the Rumours (Volume Ten) Something in the Air
Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach
Thomas and the Rumours
Oliver's Find
Happy Ever After
Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
A Surprise for Percy
Make Someone Happy
Busy Going Backwards
Duncan Gets Spooked
Rusty and the Boulder
2001 Sterkinekor Home Entertainment
Children ask Thomas for his help when their playground gets closed down. Thomas is distracted though, by rumours that Harold is going to replace some of the engines. The children get a new playground with a little help from Gordon.
52C023F1-BC44-4157-A6E7-0947BACB4965 Truck-loads of Fun
(Volume 1)
Too Hot for Thomas
♪ A World Around You ♪
Salty's Stormy Tale
Percy and the Magic Carpet
2005 Next Video
MakingTrackswithThomasSouthAfricanVHScover Making Tracks with Thomas (Volume 2) Thomas and the Firework Display
Bill, Ben and Fergus
Gordon Takes Charge
2005 Next Video
WhistleStopSouthAfricanVHScover Whistle Stop (Volume 3) Percy's Big Mistake
Gordon and Spencer
Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough
August 2005 Next Video
Thomas & Friends™ are back with 30 minutes of non-stop new stories. Meet the Steam Team in their new adventures on the beautiful island of Sodor.