Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the magazine story or the similarly titled vinyl record.
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"So you're not going to scrap me?"
"Scrap Gordon? The fastest engine on Sodor? Who would pull the express?"
― Gordon and the Fat Controller

Squeak, Rattle and Roll is the fifteenth episode of the eighth series.


Gordon thinks pulling the express makes him the most important engine on Sodor. While departing from Brendam Docks with the express, he ends up making Diesel cross when he has to move to let Gordon through and, to spite him, tells Gordon that steam engines will soon be scrapped. Gordon dismisses the claims as nonsense, but when he starts to hear a squeaking noise from his wheels, he starts to fear that Diesel may be telling the truth. However, when he has to get up his hill, he discovers that the squeak disappears if he goes slowly.

The next day, Gordon is given the job of taking the Fat Controller and some children to Brendam for a boating trip, and as he is on his way to Knapford, he picks up speed and his squeaks begin again, and eventually starts noticing a rattle. Gordon starts to slow down again while having to choose between being late for going slowly or being scrapped when he starts to pick up speed. This results in the Fat Controller questioning Gordon for going slow and reminds him that he is the fastest engine on Sodor. Proud at these words, Gordon picks up speed and hears his squeak and rattle, followed by a knocking noise. However, this enrages Gordon, when he ignores them as he ends up thinking that if this is going to be his last trip, he is going to make it count by going as fast as he can.

At Brendam, the children make it on time, while the Fat Controller notices the noise and does not have Gordon scrapped, but instead be sent to the repair yard. Gordon spends the following day in the repair yard having his pistons polished and his axles and wheels thoroughly lubricated. He finally no longer makes any more of the noises when he has to run quickly.




  • Going by production order, this is the sixth episode of the eighth series.
  • This episode is named after the Joe Turner song "Shake, Rattle and Roll".
  • A deleted scene implies that Thomas, Annie and Clarabel were due to appear in the episode. Had the scene not been deleted, the eighth series would have been the first series in which Thomas appears in every episode. This also marks the second episode where Thomas only appears in a deleted scene. The first being in the fifth series episode A Surprise for Percy.
  • In the All Aboard with the Steam Team DVD, the narrator saying "One day, Gordon was pulling the express out of Brendam Docks. But Diesel was on the same line," is heard later than in television airings and other DVDs with the UK dub.
  • This episode marked the last of several things:
    • The last episode until the tenth series episode Duncan Drops a Clanger not to feature Thomas.
      • Had the deleted scene been kept in, the seventh series episode Trusty Rusty would have been the last to do so.
    • The last episode to have Daisuke Gōri as part of the Japanese voice cast as well as the original, prior to his death on January 17th, 2010 which is six years later.
    • The last appearance of the arched bridge on the other side of Gordon's Hill until Hero of the Rails.
    • The last appearance of Gordon's surprised and tired/embarrassed faces, as well as the last appearance of his depressed face in an episode.
    • The last appearance of the Rolling Gantry Cranes in an episode.
  • An edited scene shows the Fat Controller smiling in Gordon's cab.
  • This episode aired on 7th March 2005 when repeated on CiTV.
  • Gordon's squeaking noise was originally a Disney sound effect that was sourced from Cartoon Trax Volume 1; the sound was used in other sources, such as the Shaun the Sheep episode, Two's Company and the Mickey Mouse short, Doggone Biscuits.
  • The Fat Controller's Gauge 1 figure head from the third to seventh series can be seen in Gordon's cab when he questions Gordon for going slow.
  • On the subtitles for Squeak, Rattle and Roll on the Playtime Children's Favourites DVD, when Diesel says his line: "Sounds like another engine ready for the scrap yard", the subtitles say "Sounds like you're ready for the scrap yard." It's unknown if this is really a scripting error or if this was from the episode's original script, but was not said aloud by Michael Angelis when the episode was recorded.


  • Studio equipment is visible in the second scene.
  • When Gordon tells Diesel to move, his lamp irons are crooked.
  • Diesel jolts down when he backs away of Gordon's line.
  • When Gordon was worried if Diesel was right about the Fat Controller scrapping him:
    • He hits a branch above the track.
    • In the widescreen version:
      • He loses a coach at one shot. In the next shot, he regains it.
      • The edge of the set can be seen.
  • When Gordon pulls into Knapford, the clock reads 10:10, but the boat was said to leave at 9:00.
  • When the narrator said "If he went slowly, the children would miss their boat trip," steam suddenly disappears from Gordon's face because of the face mask change, and in the shot of the children looking out the window, the scenery is moving the wrong way, as the coach window is not a bay window. The same mistake happens again when all the children are on board, the passenger window is facing the station.
  • In the German dub, Henry is called Harry by mistake.
  • Near the end, the Fat Controller says that Gordon needed to have his engine looked at, but steam locomotives/engines do not have power engines like how petrol-driven cars or diesel engines have them.
  • When Gordon is being repaired, his eyes are misaligned.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Barulheira
Chinese Mandarin 嘎吱声咯咯声和隆隆声
Croatian Škripanje, klokotanje i valjanje
Czech Skřípot, chrastění a klepání
Danish Gordon får problemer
Dutch Hoor wie piept daar, kinderen?
Finnish Kalinaa
French À la ferraille
German Reif für den Schrottplatz?
Greek Ο γρήγορος Τζόνι
Hebrew חריקה וקרקוש
Hungarian Gordon meghibásodik
Italian Cigolii, sferragliamenti e cinguettii
Japanese キーキー、ガタガタ、コンコン
Korean 이상한 소리가 나요
Latin American Spanish Chirriar, crujir y rodar
Norwegian Piping, skrangling og banking
Polish Głośna podróż Gabrysia
Portuguese Barulheira
Romanian Scârțâind și zdrăngănind pe șine
Russian Скрипя, треща, но не сдаваясь
Scottish Gaelic Diosgail is Gladadiach
Spanish Chirriar, traquetear y rodar
Swedish Gnäller, skallra och knack

Home Media Releases


UK DVD Packs


  • All Aboard with the Steam Team (Direct-to-Home Video)
  • Series Eight





ZA DVD Boxset














HUN DVD Boxset






