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Stationmasters are railway staff who are in charge of the various railway stations. The stationmasters ensure that the stations are running efficiently. Similar to a guard, the stationmaster sometimes blows a whistle when it is time for a train to depart.

This page is for the stationmasters who have appeared in Thomas & Friends.

Notable Stationmasters[]

The following stationmasters have their own separate pages:

The Knapford Stationmasters[]

The Knapford Stationmasters are in charge of Knapford. There have been two stationmasters shown to run the station.


When Gordon, James and Henry went on strike, the first stationmaster informed Sir Topham Hatt about the situation and about the complaints from the passengers.

When some of the engines were refusing to leave Tidmouth Sheds, due to the thought of Sir Topham Hatt leaving Sodor, the second stationmaster informed Sir Topham Hatt about the situation.


The uniform worn by the Knapford stationmasters consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. They wear blue peaked caps.


Voice Actors[]

The Lower Suddery Stationmaster[]

The Lower Suddery Stationmaster is in charge of Lower Suddery.


When James' brakes were jammed, the stationmaster told Percy's driver that Percy's help was required.

When Percy delivered a truck of coal to Lower Suddery during a big freeze, the stationmaster told him that they required twice as much coal to last through the freeze. As it was his last stop, Percy allowed the stationmaster to use all the coal from his bunker.


The Lower Suddery stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap with a black brim.


Voice Actors[]

The Tidmouth Stationmaster[]

The Tidmouth Stationmaster is in charge of Tidmouth.


After a careless cleaner had meddled with Thomas' controls, Thomas started moving and crashed into the dining room of the Tidmouth Stationmaster's House, where the stationmaster was having breakfast with his family. The stationmaster and his wife were furious about the incident.


The Tidmouth stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue jacket with light blue accents over it. When he is not working, the Tidmouth stationmaster's attire consists of brown trousers, a dark blue tie and a white shirt with a brown jacket over it.

In the CGI series, the Tidmouth stationmaster wears a blue peaked cap with a brown band around it and a gold plate on the front.


The Elsbridge Stationmaster[]

The Elsbridge Stationmaster is in charge of Elsbridge.


The Elsbridge stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap with a black brim and a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]


The Maithwaite Stationmasters[]

The Maithwaite Stationmasters are in charge of Maithwaite. There have been two stationmasters shown to run the station.


When Percy arrived at Maithwaite after his encounter with a ram, Percy's driver told the first stationmaster about the incident and the stationmaster stated that the ram had a knack for always being hungry. Later on, when Maithwaite was vandalised, the second stationmaster was with the passengers who could not get into waiting room. After some boys confessed that they vandalised the station, the stationmaster informed the passengers about it. When Maithwaite won the "best dressed station" award, the two stationmasters were present with Sir Topham Hatt on the day of the event.


The uniform worn by the Maithwaite stationmasters consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. They wear blue peaked caps with gold plates on the front.


Thomas & Friends[]

Voice Actors[]

The Crosby Stationmaster[]

The Crosby Stationmaster is in charge of Crosby.


When Toad and some trucks were a runaway, a signalman telephoned the stationmaster and informed him about the approaching runaway. The stationmaster told him that the train will be sent into the sidings, however, this did not happen as the points to the siding were not set.

When Thomas was being propelled by the Jet Engine out of control, the stationmaster telephoned the signalman ahead and told him to clear the lines for the runaway train.


When it was the stationmaster's birthday, he decided to call at Joanna's Bakery to buy a either birthday cake or some scones for everyone to share. Unfortunately, the bakery was closed and the stationmaster returned sadly to his station. When he arrived, he was greeted by the engine crews who all sang "Happy birthday" to him. The stationmaster was happy and explained that he was going to buy some cakes or scones from Joanna's Bakery, but it was closed. Joanna then arrived, holding a big cake, and she explained that all of the stationmaster's friends had ordered it especially for him. The stationmaster was delighted that everyone could share his birthday cake.[1]


The Crosby stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap with a black brim and a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]

The Wellsworth Stationmasters[]

The Wellsworth Stationmasters are in charge of Wellsworth. There have been two stationmasters shown to run the station.


When Edward passed by Wellsworth, the first stationmaster and two porters, who had heard about the race between Edward and Spencer, cheered for Edward.

A second stationmaster is also in charge of running Wellsworth. It was this stationmaster who told Edward that Gordon required banking up the hill.


The uniform worn by the Wellsworth stationmasters uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. They wear blue peaked caps.


Voice Actors[]

The Skarloey Railway Stationmasters[]

The Skarloey Railway Stationmasters are in charge of the various stations on the Skarloey Railway, which includes Tea Room Station, Mountain Village Station and Glennock.


The uniform worn by the Skarloey Railway stationmasters consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. They wear blue peaked caps. For some stationmasters, their uniform is in a blue-grey colour scheme instead.


Tea Room Station Stationmaster

Thomas & Friends

Mountain Village Station Stationmaster

Thomas & Friends

Glennock Stationmaster

Voice Actors[]

The Dryaw Stationmaster[]

The Dryaw Stationmaster is in charge of Dryaw.


The Dryaw stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap.


Voice Actor[]

The Vicarstown Stationmaster[]

The Vicarstown Stationmaster is in charge of Vicarstown.


The Vicarstown stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap with a brown band around it and a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]

The Kellsthorpe Road Stationmaster[]

The Kellsthorpe Road Stationmaster is in charge of Kellsthorpe Road.


The Kellsthorpe Road stationmaster's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. He wears a blue peaked cap with a brown band around it and a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]

The Grumpy Indian Stationmaster[]

The Grumpy Indian Stationmaster is a stationmaster who is in charge of a station on the Indian Railway.


When Thomas was working on the Indian Railway, he first saw the stationmaster shouting at a chicken farmer, telling the farmer to keep his chickens under control. Later on, when Thomas accidentally delivered some vans of silk to one of the stations, the stationmaster demanded two people to open the vans, only for the silk to fly out of the vans just as Thomas arrived.


The stationmaster's uniform consists of beige trousers, a red tie and a white shirt. He wears a black peaked cap with a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]

The Friendly Indian Stationmaster[]

The Friendly Indian Stationmaster is a jolly and plump stationmaster who is in charge of Surajpur station.


The stationmaster is considered to be one of the nicest stationmasters on the Indian Railway by Ashima. When Thomas accidentally delivered some vans of goats to Surajpur, he was first greeted by the stationmaster. When two people opened the vans, only to find some goats jumping out, the stationmaster was going to call Charubala, however, Thomas assured him that he will find the correct vans.


The stationmaster's uniform consists of beige trousers, a red tie and a white shirt. He wears a black peaked cap with a gold plate on the front.


Voice Actors[]

The Special Stationmaster[]

The Special Stationmaster was the nickname given to a stationmaster who worked for the North Western Railway.


The Special Stationmaster was popular with the engines and he had earned his nickname because he always kept calm and cheerful in times of trouble. His best friends were the engines and he always had a kind word to say about all of them. After sometime, he retired and Sir Topham Hatt arranged for him to live in a house at Wellsworth. Unfortunately, this was not good enough for the stationmaster as he would miss seeing his friends everyday. Sir Topham Hatt later arranged for an old, disused coach to be converted into a house for him. The coach was then placed in a field near his station.[2]


Other Stationmasters[]

Many other stationmasters have been seen around the Island of Sodor and abroad.


After Donald's duck had settled at Tidmouth Hault, the stationmaster there named the duck "Dilly".

In Really Useful Around the World, when Thomas travelled to Mexico, he met a stationmaster at a Mexican station, who told Thomas about the "Day of the Dead" celebration. Thomas was afraid as he thought the celebration sounded scary, however, the stationmaster told him there was nothing to be scared of and that it was very fun and colourful.[3]


The uniform worn by the stationmasters consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue overcoat with light blue accents over it. They blue peaked caps.

On the Mainland and in China, the uniform worn by the stationmasters consists of black trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a black overcoat with grey accents over it. They wear black peaked caps with gold plates on the front. In Italy, the uniform worn by the stationmasters consists of dark blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a dark blue overcoat with maroon accents over it. They wear maroon peaked caps with black bands around the caps and gold plates on the front.

Voice Actors[]

The Abbey stationmaster:

The Callan stationmaster:

The Dryaw Goods Station stationmaster:

The Italian Stationmaster:

The Lower Tidmouth stationmaster:

The Mainland Stationmaster:

The Maron stationmaster:

The Peel stationmaster:

  • Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japan; Molly's Special Special)

Audio Books



