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Thomas & Friends

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This page is for the Steamboats that have appeared in Thomas & Friends.

Notable Steamboats[]

The following Steamboats have their own separate pages:

K 91[]

K 91 is a small coastal steamer that once resided at Brendam Canal and Brendam Docks.

Technical Details[]


K 91 is based on a 1920s small British coastal steamer.


K 91 has a brown wheelhouse, a black hull with white lining and a dark red keel. It also has a white, red, dark green and black funnel. In All at Sea, K 91 had an orange brown wheelhouse.


Audio Files[]

Only used Sound Effect
Diesel Does it Again


S12 FH[]

S12 FH is a steam drifter that once resided at the Fishing Village and the Seaside Village. It used to deliver fish for Thomas to transfer to Henry's Flying Kipper train.

Technical Details[]


S12 FH is based on a 1920s small British coastal steamer. However, she is inspired by the steam drifters of the Great Yarmouth herring fleet. The fishing fleet made the town a major herring port in the world in the early part of the 20th century. Lydia Eva is the last surviving steam drifter of the herring fishing fleet.


S12 FH has an orange-brown wheelhouse with brown window surrounds, a green hull with white lining and a dark red keel, and a black funnel with a white stripe. It is based on the livery used by the Great Yarmouth herring fleet.



  • S12 FH's model was repainted from K 91.
  • Due to the fact that the model was never seen after the fifth series, it can be assumed that it was destroyed during the transit back from Canada after Thomas and the Magic Railroad filming wrapped up.

Coastal Steamers[]

Two Coastal Steamers once resided at Brendam Canal, Brendam Docks, and the Fishing Village.

Technical Details[]


The coastal steamers are based on various small British coastal steamers dating from the 1920s.


The first steamer has a cream and dark red hull, a light grey superstructure and wheelhouse, and a black funnel with a blue top. It has a dark blue nameplate on its hull; however, the name is indistinguishable.

The second steamer has a black hull and a dark red keel, and a brown wheelhouse. It originally had a white funnel with a red stripe, this was later repainted light blue with a white stripe.


Audio Files[]

Only used Sound Effect
Happy Ever After


S.S. Mermaid[]

S.S. Mermaid is a screw steamer pleasure boat that takes people on tours. One of the main attractions of the tour is getting to see the seals just off Sodor's coast. Before departure, the boat is moored near the pier and close to a seaside station.

Stephen, Bridget and Lady Hatt once took the tour and the two children found it hard to adjust to the boat's movement in the choppy seas.

Technical Details[]


S.S. Mermaid has a white and black hull, a white superstructure, and a black and red funnel. She has her name painted on her bow and stern in black lettering. It flies the Red Ensign flag of the United Kingdom.


Steam Boat[]

Steam Boat is an old steamboat on display at the Ships Museum. It only appeared in the magazines.

Once, Thomas carried the steamboat on a flatbed to the Museum of Ships. Thomas' driver was a big fan of boats, so the steamboat's owner gave him an old ship's bell. The bell was attached to Thomas' cab, and he used the bell for the museum's opening day.

Technical Details[]


The boat is painted red and yellow with a white hull. It has the words 'STEAM BOAT' written on its hull in black.


Water Dancer[]

Water Dancer is a steam-powered boat. It only appeared in the magazines.

Water Dancer was usually moored somewhere up in the mountains close to the Skarloey Railway. Once, the boat had to go for repairs at the Boatyard and Rusty was given the job of taking it.

Technical Details[]


Water Dancer has a black hull, a white wheelhouse, red lining, and a black funnel with a red middle section.


Other Steamboats[]


Several other steamboats have appeared in various Thomas & Friends media.


See Also[]

Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped