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Stories that Encourage Teamwork (Korean: 협동심을 길러주는 이야기편) is a Korean VHS/DVD featuring seven first series episodes, two second series episodes, four third series episodes and three fourth series episodes.


  1. 에드워드와 고든 (Edward and Gordon)
  2. 굴속에 갇힌 헨리 (The Sad Story of Henry)
  3. 세 친구 (Edward, Gordon and Henry)
  4. 빨간 멋쟁이, 제임스 (Troublesome Trucks)
  5. 고든, 제임스 그리고 헨리의 꿍꿍이 (Tenders and Turntables)
  6. 고든, 헨리 그리고 제임스의 후회 (Trouble in the Shed)
  7. 토마스와 고든 (Down the Mine)
  8. 기관차 대표 (The Deputation)
  9. 곰돌이가 된 퍼시 (Percy's Predicament)
  10. 제임스와 토비 (Time for Trouble)
  11. 다시 만난 디젤 (Diesel Does It Again)
  12. 진흙투성이, 고든 (The Trouble with Mud)
  13. 파티 (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
  14. 기관차들의 영웅, 듀크 (Bulldog)
  15. 친구가 된 러스티와 덩컨 (Rock 'n' Roll)
  16. 심통 대장, 덩컨 (Passengers and Polish)



  • The DVD features English and Korean audio in both fake 5.1 and 2.0 mono, as well as Korean and English subtitles.
  • The DVD comes with an English Guide Book.

