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Story and Song Collection (Volume 13 in New Zealand) is a UK/AUS/NZ VHS featuring five fourth series episodes narrated by Michael Angelis, one song from the third series and four songs from the fourth series.


  1. Gallant Old Engine - Duncan is grumbling about passengers not being important, so Skarloey tells him the story about how Rheneas saved the railway from closure by struggling home on one cylinder with a train jammed full of passengers. Duncan realises just how wrong he was.
  2. Henry and the Elephant - The big engines are grumbling because they are very busy but Percy cheers them up with the big news that the circus has come to town. When the circus leaves, Henry is asked to clear a tunnel that is blocked by something very big... and alive!
  3. Thomas and the Special Letter - All the engines are very excited as they are going on a trip to the station far away to visit a little girl who has written to the Fat Controller. Thomas nearly misses the trip because he is over-excited.
  4. Bulls Eyes - Daisy soon regrets teasing Toby about his cowcatchers and being afraid of bulls. Champion the Bull doesn't run away when Daisy hoots at him and will not even look her in the eye.
  5. Mind that Bike - Tom Tipper the postman is always happy to help out loading Thomas and Percy's post trains with sacks and letters. When Tom's post van is replaced with a bicycle, he no longer has time to help them, but Percy accidentally does Tom a favour by breaking his bicycle.


  1. Thomas' Anthem *
  2. Don't Judge a Book By its Cover *
  3. The Island Song *
  4. Let's Have a Race *
  5. Toby *

(* Followed by a story)


  • The inner sleeves of the UK and Australian versions included a lyric sheet for Thomas' Anthem. The UK version also included a Thomas Club form.
  • The inner sleeve of the New Zealand release is blank.
  • The New Zealand release spells “Sing-Along” as one word.
  • Some copies of the UK VHS still have the original Video Collection logo on the label.
  • This was the last Thomas VHS to have the 1995 VCI Carnival Advert.
  • This was the first home media release in the UK and New Zealand to credit Britt Allcroft during the opening.
  • This video was released on the same day that the television series began airing on Cartoon Network.
  • The front cover features a cutout of Thomas from Paint Pots and Queens.
  • This is the very first release of the song Toby.
  • There are two versions of the New Zealand release. one with "brand new" on the front and with the subsequently mentioned error of it stating there's 4 stories and one that corrects this mistake and has the words "brand new" removed.
    • Additionally there's two versions of the VHS label one which states VOL 13 and one that says Volume 13.


  • Several mistakes are present on the New Zealand release:
    • The cover states that the episodes are new, even though they were previously released on Thomas and the Special Letter. This is because they used the UK release's cover as a template. It also states that four stories are included, when the tape actually features five stories. However, an alternate cover corrects this mistake.
    • The VCI logo appears at the end due to a mastering error.
    • The colour bar screen at the very end of the original release reads "Thomas Vol 3." This is corrected on the later release so that it reads "Thomas Vol 13."
    • The intro for "Don't Judge Book by Its Cover" is slightly cut off at the beginning.
    • Some early copies of the Roadshow release were released with a strange distortion in the audio this is most noticeable during the songs and during the opening and end credits for several episodes and songs.