Suddery Castle is a ruined castle located nearby the town of Suddery. Edward's Branch Line runs nearby.
Magazine Stories
- The model used for the castle in the second series is reused from that of Arlesdale Castle.
- One of the castle's towers from the seventh series is also used at Black Loch in the same series. It is now on display at the Discover Thomas & Friends Exhibition.
- Bachmann (as Black Loch Folly; discontinued)
Locomotives | Steam | Edward | Porter | Nia |
Diesel | BoCo | Derek | Salty | Philip | |
Non-Rail Vehicles | Trevor | Cranky | Reg | Big Mickey | Carly | |
People | The Vicar of Wellsworth | The Mayor of Sodor | The Dock Managers | |
Affiliates | Sodor China Clay Company (Bill and Ben, Timothy, Marion) | Sodor Shipping Company | Sodor Search and Rescue Centre (Belle, Flynn, Rocky, Harold, Butch, Captain) | |
Stations | Wellsworth | Suddery | Lower Suddery | Sodor Animal Park** | Upper Brendam | Brendam |