This article is about the UK DVD. You may be looking for the US/Canadian DVD. |
Team Up with Thomas is a UK, South African and Australian DVD release featuring eight twentieth series episodes narrated by Mark Moraghan. It was released in the Netherlands featuring twenty twentieth series episodes narrated by Michiel de Jong.
It's the hottest day of the year on Sodor and the blistering heat is causing the tracks to buckle and bend. Flynn and Belle Team Up to put out a fire caused by a glass bottle and Thomas has an idea to stop the tracks buckling. Meanwhile, James' passengers prove that no one likes a show off, strong-willed Daisy becomes star of the show and Connor slows right down. Danger blows in for Skiff during a terrible storm, the Miniature Engines get their chance to prove how "woolly" useful they are and, at the building site, there's much mucking about with Max and Monty!
Opzij, opzij, daar komt Thomas weer aan! Met de andere locomotieven van het eiland Sodor beleeft hij weer een heleboel spannende avonturen. Neem nou meteen de eerste aflevering: de stoere Sidney heeft last van vergeetachtigheid. Lastig, want hij heeft een belangrijke opdracht gekregen. Gelukkig geeft Thomas hem een slimme tip, zodat hij kan onthouden wat hij moet doen. En dan gebeurt er in de andere afleveringen ook nog van alles. Zo zien we hoe Samson zoveel wagons probeert te trekken dat hij niet over de heuvel komt. We beleven een winter met veel sneeuw die de treinen in gevaar brengt. En er gebeurt een ongeluk waarbij de snelle Connor bijna ontspoort. Ga er maar eens goed voor zitten!
English Translation
Move aside, move aside, here comes Thomas again! With the other engines from the Island of Sodor, he again experiences a lot of exciting adventures. Take the first episode: the tough Sidney suffers from forgetfulness. Troublesome, because he has an important assignment. Fortunately, Thomas gives him a clever tip so he can remember what to do. And then a lot happens in the other episodes as well. For instance, we see Samson trying to pull so many wagons that he doesn't make it over the hill. We experience a winter with lots of snow that endangers the trains. And an accident occurs where the fast Connor almost derails. Sit back and enjoy!Episodes
The Netherlands
Disc 1
- Sidney Zingt (Sidney Sings)
- Brieven voor de Kerstman (Letters to Santa)
- Toby's Nieuwe Vriend (Toby's New Friend)
- Henry Krijgt de Sneltrein (Henry Gets the Express)
- Diesel en de Eendjes (Diesel and the Ducklings)
- Bradford de Remwagen (Bradford the Brake Van)
- Tijd Besparen (Saving Time)
- Ryan en Daisy (Ryan and Daisy)
- De Spoortrein en de Treinwagons (The Railcar and the Coaches)
- Broertjelief (Love Me Tender)
Disc 2
- Pruilende James (Pouty James)
- Weggeblazen (Blown Away)
- De Manier Waarop Ze Het Doet (The Way She Does It)
- Donderjagen (Mucking About)
- Voorzichtige Connor (Cautious Connor)
- Vergeefse Moeite (All in Vain)
- Hete Hobbels en Hippe Hoeden (Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks)
- Oog om Oog (Tit for Tat)
- De Fluit van Mike (Mike's Whistle)
- Een Nuttige Spoorlijn (Useful Railway)
Bonus Features
- James the Really Splendid Engine - Sing-Along Music Video
- Accidents Will Happen - Sing-Along Music Video
- Learn with Thomas - Teamwork and Don't Take Credit for Others' Ideas
- The Earl's Quiz - Number and Crab
- Landmarks of Sodor - Coastline
In Other Languages
Language | Title |
Dutch | Samenwerken met Thomas |
- This is the first DVD to feature CGI versions of the model series songs that are not part of Thomas' YouTube World Tour.
- The DVD shares the same title as a US/Canadian/Latin American/South African Series 12 DVD release. As such, two different DVDs with the title Team Up with Thomas were released in South Africa.
- The DVD description refers to Cautious Connor but that episode is not included on the DVD, and Connor also does not appear in any episodes. However, it was likely the episode was originally going to be included on the DVD but, instead, it was featured on Christmas on Sodor.
- In the Learn with Thomas segment "Don't Take Credit for Others' Ideas", Thomas' US voice actor Joseph May is used instead of his UK voice actor John Hasler.
- On the UK DVD, Extraordinary Engines is advertised as coming soon, despite it having been released over three months prior.
- James the Really Splendid Engine is titled "James' Song".
- Accidents Will Happen is titled "Accidents Happen".
- In the DVD menu, the Engine Roll Call song is high pitched at 26fps instead of normal pitched at 25fps.
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Race for the Sodor Cup |