The 9 Best Christmas Stories is a German VHS featuring three episodes from the first series, one episode from the second series, two episodes from the third series, and three episodes from the fourth series narrated by Manfred Steffen and distributed by Funky Fun.
- Der fehlende Weihnachtbaum (Thomas and the Missing Christmas)
- Terence, der Traktor (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
- Tapfere alte Lok (Gallant Old Engine)
- Die Weihnachtsfeier (Thomas' Christmas Party)
- Der fliegende Bückling (The Flying Kipper)
- Ein Schal für Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
- Ein ganz spezieller Brief (Thomas and the Special Letter)
- Ein tolles Weihnachtsabenteuer (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)
- Der Ersatzschornstein (Special Funnel)
- The front cover features images from Thomas and Trevor and Thomas Gets Bumped, and an edited image from Thomas Comes to Breakfast.