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The Best of Thomas & Friends Volume 1 is a 2009 Australian and New Zealand DVD release featuring four first series and four second series episodes narrated by Ringo Starr and five third series, four fourth series, three fifth series and five sixth series episodes narrated by Michael Angelis.


AUS (2009)

All aboard for trainloads of fun with 26 of your favourite Thomas & Friends episodes.

Join Thomas and his friends as they take you on adventures with ghost stories, dragon encounters, train rescues and a lot of mischievous engine behaviour!

The Best of Thomas & Friends stars all your favourite characters including Thomas, Gordon, James, Edward, Bertie, Percy, Diesel, Duck, Duke, Stepney, Harold the Helicopter and of course The Fat Controller!

AUS (2010)/NZ

All aboard for trainloads of fun with 25 of your favourite Thomas & Friends episodes.

Join Thomas and his friends as they take you on adventures with ghost stories, dragon encounters, train rescues and a lot of mischievous engine behaviour!

The Best of Thomas & Friends stars all your favourite characters including Thomas, Gordon, James, Edward, Bertie, Percy, Diesel, Duck, Duke, Stepney, Harold the Helicopter and of course The Fat Controller!


  1. Thomas and Gordon
  2. Edward and Gordon
  3. James and the Coaches
  4. Thomas, Terence and the Snow
  5. Bertie's Chase
  6. Percy and the Signal
  7. Dirty Work
  8. Ghost Train
  9. Thomas Gets Bumped
  10. Thomas, Percy and the Dragon
  11. Trust Thomas
  12. Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
  13. Buzz, Buzz
  14. Sleeping Beauty
  15. Thomas and Stepney
  16. Paint Pots and Queens
  17. Thomas and the Special Letter
  18. Cranky Bugs
  19. Stepney Gets Lost
  20. Rusty and the Boulder
  21. A Bad Day for Harold the Helicopter
  22. Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry
  23. It's Only Snow
  24. Scaredy Engines
  25. James and the Red Balloon


  • Edward and Gordon, Thomas, Terence and the Snow, Bertie's Chase, Percy and the Signal, Thomas Gets Bumped and Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party use restored footage.
  • The Series 1-3 episodes which do not feature restored footage are all episodes featured on The Very Best of Thomas & Friends.
  • Thomas and the Breakdown Train was originally planned to be featured on the DVD, according to the episode list in the description. However, it was removed before release.
  • The 2010 Australian slimcase DVD was only featured in the 3 DVD Pack boxset.


  • Due to Thomas and the Breakdown Train being removed, the description on the 2009 Australian standard case DVD says 26 episodes instead of 25. This was corrected to 25 on the New Zealand DVD cover and the 2010 Australian slimcase DVD cover.
  • On the back cover of the 2009 Australian and New Zealand standard case DVDs, It's Only Snow is misspelled as "It's Only Show". This was corrected on the 2010 Australian slimcase DVD cover.
  • The sixth series episodes featured on the DVD are presented in 16:9 widescreen letterboxed in a 4:3 frame, resulting in black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.

DVD Boxset
