Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Brave Engine and Other Stories (Danish: Det tapre lokomotiv og andre historier) is a Danish VHS/DVD featuring thirteen fourth series episodes narrated by Povl Dissing. It was released on DVD in Italy under the title The Queen Arrives (Italian: Arriva la Regina) with episodes narrated by Angelo Maggi.



Gordon e Thomas tornano alla rimessa dopo essersi presi una bella sgridata da Pallone Gonfiato, e vedono ovunque imbianchini e barattoli di vernice. Cosa sta succedendo? La regina in persona verrà in visita all'isola di Sodor! Bisogna procedere con i preparativi! Certamenta servirà una locomotiva per trainare il treno reale. A chi spetterà questo onore?

English translation

Gordon and Thomas return to the shed after getting a good scolding from the Fat Controller, and see painters and paint cans everywhere. What's going on? The queen herself is visiting the Island of Sodor! We must proceed with the preparations! Certainly a locomotive will be needed to pull the royal train. Who will get this honour?


  1. Gallant Old Engine
  2. Rusty to the Rescue
  3. Thomas and Stepney
  4. Bowled Out
  5. Train Stops Play
  6. Henry and the Elephant
  7. Paint Pots and Queens
  8. Thomas and the Special Letter
  9. Bulls Eyes
  10. Toad Stands By
  11. Fish
  12. Special Attraction
  13. Mind that Bike


  • Some of the Danish DVD covers incorrectly label Tommy Kenter as the narrator.
  • On the Italian DVD:
    • Bowled Out is named "The Diesel Railcar", but Class 40 is not a diesel railcar.
    • An image of Skarloey on the back cover is captioned "Scarlroy".


Home Media

DVD Menu



Title Cards


