Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the UK DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the book, the US DVD or the Swedish DVD.
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The Chocolate Crunch and other stories is a UK/IRL VHS/DVD featuring eight sixth series episodes narrated by Michael Angelis and John Ogwen.



Thomas & Friends are back with 8 exciting new episodes never seen before on video. Join Thomas, Percy, Bill and Ben, Duncan, Jack and the Fat Controller for more action packed adventures on the Island of Sodor.

2003 DVD

Thomas & Friends are back with 8 exciting new episodes never seen before on DVD. Join Thomas, Percy, Bill and Ben, Duncan, Jack and the Fat Controller for more action packed adventures on the Island of Sodor.


Thomas & Friends are back with 8 exciting new episodes. Join Thomas, Percy, Bill and Ben, Duncan, Jack and the Fat Controller for more action packed adventures on the Island of Sodor.


UK; English/IRL

  1. Percy's Chocolate Crunch - Percy is often given the dirtiest work to do. There is a water shortage and the engines are restricted to fewer washdowns. The trucks play tricks on Percy and he gets covered in coal. Then on a job to the chocolate factory he skids and disappears through the chocolate factory. As he comes out of the other end he is covered in chocolate, but because he shows that usefulness comes before cleanliness, the Fat Controller rewards him with a washdown and a new paint job.
  2. Jack Jumps In
  3. The World's Strongest Engine
  4. Middle Engine
  5. Buffer Bother
  6. Thomas the Jet Engine
  7. Dunkin Duncan
  8. Faulty Whistles


  1. Percy's Chocolate Crunch
  2. Jack Jumps In
  3. The World's Strongest Engine
  4. Middle Engine
  5. Buffer Bother
  6. Thomas the Jet Engine
  7. Dunkin Duncan
  8. Thomas, Percy and the Squeak


  • This is the first UK VHS/DVD:
  • This is the first DVD to not have any bonus features.
  • This is the only UK DVD to not feature the Thomas & Friends logo in the spine.
  • The episodes are in 4:3 fullscreen on both the VHS and the DVD, since the episodes featured on the DVD and VHS use the same masters as aired on Nick Jr..
  • In the episode selections, Bill and Ben's theme from the opening of Buffer Bother is heard on the first page, and the Fat Controller's theme from the end of Dunkin Duncan is heard on the second.
  • The DVD was reissued in 2005. This can be hinted through the file dates of some releases which list down the date of 22 July 2005.
  • The Welsh release has Faulty Whistles replaced with Thomas, Percy and the Squeak.
  • The title of this release is similar to the US release Percy's Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas Adventures.


  • On the main menu, Thomas' siderods are not aligned properly.
  • After the opening theme ends in the main menu, a bit of music from the beginning of No Sleep for Cranky is slightly heard.

DVD Packs
