Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Coal Mines are a large mining complex on the Island of Sodor. On former Railway Consultant Sam Wilkinson's 2014 map of Sodor, it is located on a branch line roughly 4 miles north-east of Wellsworth, near the Coaling Plant.


At one point, while working at the mines, Percy accidentally shunted some trucks too hard, causing them to run out-of-control into the mines and hit a support beam. Luckily, Percy and his crew were saved from the ensuing avalanche by a canvas barrier.

Later on, the mines were rebuilt and Percy once again worked at the mines, taking trucks to and from the nearby yards.


Official Description[]

From the Writer's Bible:

The Coal Mines: Another industrial area located between Toby's line and Elsbridge. Percy and Thomas work these grim areas -- but without coal, no engine could run. Percy has had a lot of trouble with troublesome trucks at the mines, and usually comes off worse for wear, which is to say, filthy.


* RWS only | ** T&F only | --- Dropped
