Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Danish VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the UK/AUS/NZ VHS or the magazine story.

The Great Escape and Other Stories (Danish: Den store flugt og andre historier) is a Danish VHS/DVD release featuring thirteen third series episodes narrated by Povl Dissing. It was released on DVD in Italy in 2012 under the title Engines in Messes (Italian: Locomotive nei pasticci) with episodes narrated by Angelo Maggi.



Filmen om "Toget Thomas" er baseret på en bestseller indenfor engelsk børnelitteratur. Filmen er blevet en kæmpe succes, ikke mindst i Danmark. Nu har børnene igen mulighed for at se Toget Thomas og alle hans venner på nye eventyr.

English Translation

The films about "Thomas the Train" is based on a bestseller within English children's literature. The films have become a giant success, not least in Denmark. Now, children have the chance to watch Thomas the Train and all his friends on new adventures.


La locomotiva Percy è in ritardo a causa dei continui dispetti dei vagoni, e si prende una bella lavata di testa da James. Poco dopo però è James a trovarsi nei guai a causa di un problema ai freni, e deve chiedere aiuto a Percy. Nonostante qualche piccolo incidente di percorso, le locomotive sono sempre tutte affidabili!

English Translation

Percy is delayed due to the constant spitefulness of the trucks, and gets a good scolding from James. Shortly afterwards, however, it is James who is in trouble because of a brake problem, and he has to ask Percy for help. Despite a few minor mishaps, the engines are always reliable!



  1. Mavis
  2. Toby's Tightrope
  3. Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
  4. James and the Bees
  5. All at Sea
  6. One Good Turn
  7. Tender Engines
  8. Escape
  9. Oliver Owns Up
  10. Bulgy
  11. Heroes
  12. Percy, James and the Fruitful Day
  13. Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure


  • The episodes on the Danish DVD use the original masters, while the episodes on the Italian DVD use the restored masters.


  • On the Danish VHS/DVD, Michael Angelis is mistakenly credited as storyteller on the back cover.
  • On the Danish VHS, the label misspells the title as "Den store flugt och andre historier"
  • On the Italian DVD back cover, an image of Percy is captioned "James" and an image of James is captioned "Percy".




DVD Menus

Danish DVD Menu

Italian DVD Menu
