This article is about the Danish VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the UK/AUS/NZ VHS or the magazine story. |
The Great Escape and Other Stories (Danish: Den store flugt og andre historier) is a Danish VHS/DVD release featuring thirteen third series episodes narrated by Povl Dissing. It was released on DVD in Italy in 2012 under the title Engines in Messes (Italian: Locomotive nei pasticci) with episodes narrated by Angelo Maggi.
Filmen om "Toget Thomas" er baseret på en bestseller indenfor engelsk børnelitteratur. Filmen er blevet en kæmpe succes, ikke mindst i Danmark. Nu har børnene igen mulighed for at se Toget Thomas og alle hans venner på nye eventyr.
English Translation
The films about "Thomas the Train" is based on a bestseller within English children's literature. The films have become a giant success, not least in Denmark. Now, children have the chance to watch Thomas the Train and all his friends on new adventures.
La locomotiva Percy è in ritardo a causa dei continui dispetti dei vagoni, e si prende una bella lavata di testa da James. Poco dopo però è James a trovarsi nei guai a causa di un problema ai freni, e deve chiedere aiuto a Percy. Nonostante qualche piccolo incidente di percorso, le locomotive sono sempre tutte affidabili!
English Translation
Percy is delayed due to the constant spitefulness of the trucks, and gets a good scolding from James. Shortly afterwards, however, it is James who is in trouble because of a brake problem, and he has to ask Percy for help. Despite a few minor mishaps, the engines are always reliable!Episodes
- Mavis
- Toby's Tightrope
- Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party
- James and the Bees
- All at Sea
- One Good Turn
- Tender Engines
- Escape
- Oliver Owns Up
- Bulgy
- Heroes
- Percy, James and the Fruitful Day
- Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure
- The episodes on the Danish DVD use the original masters, while the episodes on the Italian DVD use the restored masters.
- On the Danish VHS/DVD, Michael Angelis is mistakenly credited as storyteller on the back cover.
- On the Danish VHS, the label misspells the title as "Den store flugt och andre historier"
- On the Italian DVD back cover, an image of Percy is captioned "James" and an image of James is captioned "Percy".