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The Journey Never Ends is a song from the twenty-second series.


Come on a journey
With Thomas and Friends
All around the world and then back again
Big new adventures for all to see (Come on!)
So much to discover in each country
We’ll go to China, Australia, Spain, Peru! (Yeah!)
Kenya, Mexico, the whole world through!
Check out the pandas, koalas, kangaroos
With Thomas and his friends
The journey never ends (Let's go!)
Travel the world with curiosity (Let's go!)
Jump on board there's so much to see (Come on!)
Country to country let's explore them all
They're all so different, some big some small
We'll go to India, Poland, Germany too! (Let's go!)
Egypt, Italy, the whole world through!
Check out the lions, elephants, zebras too!
With Thomas and his friends
The journey never ends (Let's go!) (Yeah!)
With Thomas and his friends (Thomas and his friends!)
We'll go to Russia, America, Japan too!
France, Brazil, the whole world through!
Check out the tigers, crocodiles, monkeys too!
With Thomas and his friends
The journey never ends (Yeah!)
Thomas and his friends
We'll travel the world from end to end!
The adventure's just begun
With Thomas and his friends
The journey never ends!



Footage Used[]


  • The song is played at the end of episodes that take place outside of the Island of Sodor, sharing the same slot as the Engine Roll Call.
  • Stock footage of an early test trailer of Big World! Big Adventures! is reused in this song. Because of this, Nia can still be seen in one of her early liveries.
  • An instrumental plays in the 2019 Meet the Characters! shorts.
  • Due to a lack of footage for some countries, other locations are used to represent them:
    • The Outback is used to represent Spain.
    • Kenya is used to represent Peru.
    • India is used to represent Mexico.
    • The Himalayas are used to represent Poland and Russia.
    • The Island of Sodor is used to represent Japan.
  • The Korean dub of this song used two English words: "Let's go" and "Come on."
  • This song was never dubbed in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic Russian, Greek, Indonesian, Thai, Taiwanese Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • This song was uploaded on some official YouTube channels with a differently arranged instrumental and no vocals. This version was shortened and has different footage.
  • This song was uploaded on the Latin American YouTube channel with a differently arranged instrumental and no vocals.
  • This is the last song to be dubbed in Latin American Spanish, European Portuguese, Romanian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Czech and Chinese Mandarin in the original series.
  • This is the last song to have an Italian dub on television in Italy in the original series.
  • This is the last song to have a Brazilian Portuguese dub on Netflix in Brazil in the original series.
  • This song is the intro song for the JEI TV English channel in South Korea.

Music Videos[]

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese A Jornada Não Tem Fim
Czech Že cesta nekončí
Finnish Matka alkuun vaan
German Die Reise geht jetzt los
Italian Son Viaggi Infiniti
Japanese たびはつづく
Korean 여정은 영원히!
세계 여행! - 끝나지 않는 모험
Latin American Spanish El Viajar Jamás Va a Terminar
El Viaje Nunca Termina
Polish Nie Kończy Podróż Się!
Spanish Un Viaje Sin Final
