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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Danish DVD, the Hungarian DVD or the Malaysian VCD.
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"The magic lamp, I know isn't true! It's just an old story, and quite silly too!"
― Peter Sam

The Magic Lamp is the fourteenth episode of the ninth series.


The narrow gauge engines have been working very hard as the winding gear at the coal yard broke. They have been pulling coal trucks up and down the line. As evening had come, Thomas arrives to deliver new parts to repair the incline and Peter Sam is given the job to deliver them. Rusty invites Thomas to listen to Skarloey's story about an engine named Proteus. Skarloey tells them that his lamp was so bright, it could be seen from miles around. And that he said it was magic, claiming that if anyone found it, their wish would come true. Duncan wonders how they would know it was Proteus' lamp. Skarloey explains they would first feel a rush of wind whenever it was near, then a creaking croaking sound and finally seeing it flicker on and off. Peter Sam however claims the story is just a farce. The winches and wires are loaded onto Peter Sam's trucks and he sets off.

As the moon shines bright, Peter Sam thinks of Skarloey's story about Proteus, claiming it to be old and silly. But then, he feels a gust of wind. It surprises him so much he ends up going the wrong way. Then he hears a creaking sound. And finally, a light flickering in the distance, only to discover the fogman's lantern hanging on his cabin. Peter Sam is relieved and continues on his way.

Peter Sam is still going further away from the incline, but he still thinks of the story about Proteus. But then, he feels another rush of wind, hears another creaking sound and sees another light flickering in the distance. He begins to wonder if it is Proteus' lamp. But then he sees that it was just a campfire at the children's camp site and the trees that were just creaking in the wind. Peter Sam is relieved but now chuffs on more slowly.

Then Peter Sam sees he is at the bottom of a hill and realises he is completely lost. Peter Sam starts wishing he was at the incline and that he was back at the sheds, and that he could find Proteus' lamp. Then he feels a rush of wind, then hears a creaking croaking sound and sees a light flickering at the top of the hill. Peter Sam assumes that it is Proteus' lamp. So, he puffs slowly up the hill. But as he makes it up the hill, he discovers that it was Harold the Helicopter. Harold explains he was dropping off supplies to the hill farms. Peter Sam explains he is lost. So Harold escorts him to the incline.

As Peter Sam heads home, he cannot stop thinking about the events that happened. He then comes to the conclusion that if someone believes in the tale of Proteus' lamp, then maybe their wishes can come true.




  • Going by production order, this is the seventeenth episode of the ninth series.
  • Peter Sam's small-scale model is used in the shots featuring both him and Harold.
    • This is the last episode to use Peter Sam's small-scale model.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of Peter Sam's large scale shocked face since the fifth series episode, Duncan Gets Spooked.
  • A deleted scene shows Rusty wearing his large-scale wincing/sleeping face, which can be seen in the song Navigation. This is the only time it was seen on-screen.
  • This is the only episode to utilise the large scale Nissen hut side of the Dryaw Airfield hangar originally used in a Clearwater Features KP Nuts advert in 1982.
  • The title of the episode is a reference to the Underground Ernie episode with the same name.


  • At the beginning of the episode, Rusty can be heard chuffing down the hill, despite being a diesel engine, not a steam engine.

In Other Languages

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Language Title
Arabic المصباح السحري
Brazilian Portuguese A Lâmpada Mágica
O Farol Mágico
Chinese Mandarin 神灯
Czech Kouzelné světlo
Danish Den Magiske Lampe
Dutch De toverlamp
Finnish Taikalamppu
French La lampe Magique
German Die Wunderlampe
Greek Η μαγική Λαμπά
Hebrew פנס הקסמים
Hungarian A varázslámpa
Italian La Lampada Magica
Japanese まほうのランプ
Korean 마법의 등불
Norwegian Den magiske lampen
Polish Magiczna lampa
Portuguese A Lâmpada Mágica
Romanian Lampa Magică
Russian Волшебная лампа
Scottish Gaelic An Lampa Dhraoidheil
Spanish La Lámpara Mágica
Swedish Den magiska lampan
Turkish Sihirli Lamba

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