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― Judy and Jerome

The Missing Breakdown Train is the twenty-fifth episode of the twentieth series.


Judy and Jerome are sleeping on their siding at Knapford when Ryan wakes them up. They believe that there is an emergency, but Ryan tells them that he is only saying hello. They introduce themselves as the Breakdown Train. As Ryan is still a new engine, he likens them to Rocky. Judy and Jerome tell Ryan that after the Search and Rescue Centre was built, they fell out of use and have been on their siding for several years. Ryan offers to take them to Arlesburgh Harbour for a change of scenery, which they are happy about.

Ryan leaves the cranes at Arlesburgh and heads to work. Judy and Jerome enjoy the view and look out at the harbour for the rest of the day. By the evening, however, they have grown fed up with the harbour, as the sea air jams their gears and the seagulls have been defecating on their roofs. They both fall asleep and after they wake up the next morning, they find that their gears are not working properly.

When Oliver arrives, they ask him to move them and he takes them to a siding out on the branch line. They grow bored there too, so when Duck passes, they ask him to move them somewhere else.

Meanwhile, Daisy is returning to the shed, but notices a bull on the line in front of her. A signalman quickly changes the points to prevent her from hitting the bull, but the points change just as Daisy runs over them, derailing her.

Thomas arrives at Knapford to get the Breakdown Train when he hears about the accident, but he cannot find Judy and Jerome, meaning he has to get Rocky from the Search and Rescue Centre halfway across the island. Ryan tells Thomas to not do so and goes to Arlesburgh to find Judy and Jerome. When he arrives, Skiff tells him that Oliver took them down Duck's Branch Line. Ryan cannot find them there either and is told by Oliver, who is passing by, that Duck moved them somewhere else.

Judy and Jerome are at the Blue Mountain Quarry, but cannot hear each other over the machinery. Ryan arrives and quickly picks them up. They put Daisy back onto the tracks and are happy to have another chance to be useful.


A seagull on top of Judy

That evening, Judy and Jerome are taken to the sheds on Ryan's branch line. The Fat Controller praises them, but tells them that from now on, he needs to know where they are. He therefore decides to relocate them to Arlesburgh permanently, allowing them to handle emergencies on the west side of the island while Rocky handles the east. Everyone cheers... at least until a seagull perches on Judy who then tries to shoo it off.






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Joe Mills as Oliver
  • Steven Kynman as Ryan
  • Tracy-Ann Oberman as Daisy
  • Jamie Campbell Bower as Skiff
  • Teresa Gallagher as Judy
  • Tim Whitnall as Jerome
  • Keith Wickham as Sir Topham Hatt and the Signalman


  • Going by production order, this is the fifteenth episode of the twentieth series.
  • As the episodes air out of production order, Judy and Jerome appeared previously in Mucking About, and this episode, along with Hugo and the Airship, which likewise lacks the mermaid figurehead on the pirate ship, and Skiff and the Mermaid, in which the figurehead is added, aired after Blown Away and The Railcar and the Coaches, in which the figurehead is visible on the ship.
  • This episode marks:
  • On the Nick Jr. US broadcast of the episode, it was paired with Skiff and the Mermaid.
  • After noticing Judy and Jerome at Arlesburgh Harbour, Oliver breaks the fourth wall by looking at the audience.
  • The signalman's line "Oh, no! Look out!" is re-used from the nineteenth series episode, Rocky Rescue.
  • Jerome talking to Ryan about the time the Search and Rescue Centre was built references the events of the special Misty Island Rescue.
  • When Judy first sees Skiff at Arlesburgh Harbour, she says "I've never seen anything like it!" This may be a reference to a line from the Wallace and Gromit short film, A Close Shave.


  • When Daisy comes off the tracks, she is far away from the tracks after derailing, but in the next scene, she is near the tracks.
  • Daisy is dirty after she derails, but is clean when rescued.
  • Andrew Brenner is mistakenly credited as this episode's writer in the Polish dub.
  • The Nickelodeon US airing with Skiff and the Mermaid credits William Hope and Glenn Wrage for voicing Rocky and Cranky, respectively, but neither characters appear in either episode.
  • When Ryan pulls Judy and Jerome through the tunnel by the lake, part off Jerome's cab is invisible.


Home Media Releases



  • Extraordinary Engines

US DVD Boxsets

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese O Trem de Avaria Desaparecido
Czech Zmizely Pomoc Vlak
Dutch De Verdwenen Reddingstrein
French La Disparition du Train Dépanneur
German Der verschwundene Pannen-Zug
Greek Το χαμένο σπασμένο τρενο
Το χαμένο με βλάβη τρενο
Hebrew רכבת החילוץ החסרה
Hungarian A hiányzó mentővonat
Japanese ジュディとジェロームのぼうけん
Korean 사라진 구조 열차
Latin American Spanish El Tren de Socorro Perdido
Polish Zagubiony Pociąg Naprawczy
Zagubiony Pociąg Ratunkowy
Portuguese O Comboio Pronsucoho Desaparecido
Romanian Trenul de Intervenţii Dispărut
Russian Забытые спасатели (TV)

Пропажа аварийного поезда (DVD)

Serbian Nestali voz za popravke
Slovenian Pogrešani pomožni vlak
Spanish El Tren de las Averías Desaparece
Turkish Kayıp Kurtarıcı Tren
