The Most Important Thing Is Being Friends
The Most Important Thing Is Being Friends is the sixth and final song featured in the special, Journey Beyond Sodor . It is a reprise version of Somebody Has to be the Favourite .
Thomas : (spoken) I'm sorry I took your trucks, James. I know you wanted to be the one to bring them to the mainland.
James : (spoken) And I'm sorry about teasing you. I'm not really anyone's favourite engine. If anyone's the favourite, Thomas, it's probably you.
Thomas : Don't be silly, James!
Nobody has to be the favourite
It's not a competition in the end
It doesn't matter if you prove that you're the very best
But what will happen when you put your friendship to the test
Never mind about who is the favourite
The most important thing is being friends!
Thomas and James : The most important thing is being friends!
Theo and Lexi : Everybody can help! Everybody join in! When everybody has a part to play
Theo, Lexi and Hurricane : Then everybody can win!
Theo, Lexi, Merlin and Frankie : Everybody can help!
Red, green, yellow or blue!
When you're ready to try
You'll find out what you can do!
Thomas, James and Beresford : Everybody can help!
What I'm saying is true!
When you give it a try
You'll find out what you can do!
Thomas and James : Nobody has to be the favourite
It's not a competition in the end
It doesn't matter if you prove
That you're the very best
But what will happen when you
Put your friendship to the test
Thomas, James and Trevor : Never mind about
Who is the favourite
The most important thing
is being friends
Thomas and James : Nobody has to be the favourite
(Everybody can help)
(Emily joins in) : It's not a competition in the end
The Steam Team (excluding Gordon and Henry) : (Everybody join in)
The Steam Team (excluding Gordon and Henry) and the Fat Controller : It doesn't matter if you prove
That you're the very best
Gordon : Everybody can win!
The Steam Team (excluding Henry) : But what will happen when you
Put your friendship to the test
Unknown Woman voice (Perhaps Steam Team): Red, Green, Yellow and Blue!
Hurricane : Never mind about who is the favourite
Theo, Frankie, Hurricane, Merlin and Lexi : The most important thing
is being friends!
The Steam Team : The most important thing
is being friends!
Henry : (spoken) What did I miss?
This is the last song composed by Oliver Davis .
This is the last special song that was dubbed in Korean.
This is the only song where Trevor sang on screen.
The yard at the Sodor Steamworks is Mirrored to the otherside of the building.
There are hidden lyrics in the song, and only the amazon prime subtitles show them. The hidden lyrics are "Red, Green, Yellow and Blue" right after hurricane sings "No Nevermind About who is the favorite!"
Beresford sings the words ‘can help’, even though his mouth is not moving.
When Thomas and James arrive at the Steamworks, James' tender is moving, even though the engines' frames are the only part supposed to move.
Emily is heard singing before she is animated doing so.
Merlin's tender is moving even though the engine's frames are supposed to.
In Other Languages
Ta nejcennější síla je v nás
Was am Ende zählt ist Freunde sein
Να Είσαι Φίλος είναι πιο Σημαντικό
Az a Lényeg hogy Barátok Vagyunk
최고로 중요한 건 우정
Latin American Spanish
Lo Principal es Siempre la Amistad
Bo Najważniejsze to Przyjaciół Mieć!
Ну кто захочет быть любимцем?
Pues lo Que Más Importa es la Amistad
Music Video
The Most Important Thing Is Being Friends Journey Beyond Sodor Thomas & Friends
US Version
Series 3
Thomas' Anthem
Series 4
Gone Fishing | Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover | Really Useful Engine | The Island Song | Let's Have a Race | Toby
Series 5
Night Train | Percy's Seaside Trip | Come for the Ride | Harold the Helicopter | Donald's Duck | Sir Topham Hatt | Accidents Will Happen | Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining | It's Great to Be an Engine | The Snow Song
Thomas and the Magic Railroad
Shining Time | I Know How the Moon Must Feel | The Locomotion | Some Things Never Leave You | Summer Sunday | The Whistling Song | Girl in Green
Series 6
Boo! Boo! Choo-Choo | Little Engines | Never, Never, Never Give Up | James the Really Splendid Engine | Winter Wonderland | Down by the Docks
Series 7
Five New Engines in the Shed | Troublesome Trucks | The Red Balloon | Salty | The Whistle Song | There Once Was an Engine Who Ran Away
Series 8
Sounds | Engine Roll Call | A World Around You | Emily | Surprises | Determination | Patience | Ode to Gordon
Calling All Engines!
Busy | Trying to Do Things Better | Together | The Dream Song
Series 9
Brave | Day and Night | Party Time | Pride | Every Day's a Special Day on Sodor | Buffer Up and Share | Togetherness
Jack and the Pack
The Work Song | One Friendly Family
Series 10
Doing It Right | Favourite Place | H Is for Harold | Navigation | There's Always Something New | Responsibility | Strength
Series 11
The Narrow Gauge Engines
The Great Discovery
Thomas and James are Racing | There's a Job for Everyone | Where, oh Where Is Thomas? | Thomas, You're the Leader
Hero of the Rails
Go, Go Thomas
Series 13
Roll Along
Misty Island Rescue
Misty Island Rescue
Series 14
All You Need | The Fat Controller
Day of the Diesels
Day of the Diesels
Series 15
Hear the Engines Coming
Blue Mountain Mystery
Working Together | Blue Mountain Mystery
Series 16
Thomas and Percy
King of the Railway
Searching Everywhere | It's Gonna Be a Great Day
Series 17
Hey, Hey Thomas! | On a Journey Today
Tale of the Brave
Monsters Everywhere | Tale of the Brave | Let's Be Brave
Series 18
It's Christmas Time | The Best Friends Express
Thomas' YouTube World Tour
Rules and Regulations | That's What Friends are For
Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure
Never Overlook a Little Engine | We Make a Team Together
Series 19
There's Snow Place Like Home | Let's Go! | Race with You | Spring is Here!
The Great Race
Will You Won't You | Streamlining | Full of Surprises | You Can Only Be You | The Shooting Star is Coming Through | Be Who You Are, and Go Far
Series 20
Glynn's Christmas Wish | It's Halloween
Journey Beyond Sodor
Somebody Has to be the Favourite | Who's Thomas? | The Hottest Place in Town | I Want to Go Home | We Can't Do Anything | The Most Important Thing Is Being Friends
Series 21
Set Friendship in Motion
Big World! Big Adventures!
Where in the World Is Thomas? | Wake Up | Enda Ulale | We're Friends | Free and Easy | Sometimes You Make a Friend
Series 22
Big World! Big Adventures! | The Journey Never Ends | All the Girls Around the World | The Steam Team | Let's Dream
Series 23
Legend of the Lost Engine | The Sodor Construction Crew | Don't Stop
Series 24
Party Train | How Does it Work? | Fall is So Much Fun | The Little Engine Who Believed | New Year's Day with Thomas
Nursery Rhymes
Six Little Trains | Percy! | Tunnels, Bridges, Tracks and Hills | The Wheels on the Train | Chuff, Chuff, Chuff Along | If You're Happy and You Know It | Another Day on Sodor | Old McColl's Farm | Hickory Tickory Tock | Pop Goes the Diesel! | Thomas Found a Little Lamb | Twinkle, Twinkle Sodor Sky | My Name is Thomas | Five Little Railway Friends | Happy Birthday to You
I'm Thomas the Tank Engine | Thomas' Christmas Song | The Official BBC Children in Need Medley | Kids for Character | Courage | Teamwork | Problem Solving | Responsibility | He's So Brave | Friendship | A Thomas Birthday Wish | A Sodor Summertime | Watch Out, Thomas!
Series 1
I'm Gonna Chug | Secret Agents | Chugga-Chugga Snooze Snooze | Knights of the Turntable | I Sure Am Feeling Lucky | A Partner on the Rails | Music is Everywhere | Chasing Rainbows | The Mail Delivery Song | If I Was a Super Train | Get on the Laugh Track | On My Own | Everyone is Afraid a Little | What Brave Engines Do | Between You and Me | Feet, Tailbone, Ribs and Claws | The Number One Engine | What's Awesome About This Place | Blowing Off Steam | A Gift to Remember | Fall Fun | My Rusty Can | Together We Can | He Should Have Given You Back | Celebrate | Song of Sodor
Race for the Sodor Cup
When I Go Fast | The Training Song | Look It's Us
Series 2
You Can't Stop Me! | Fast to Go Slow | Welcome to Sodor | A Mistake is What it Takes | This Was Unexpected | Stuck in the Mud at Night | Christmas Spirit | Good as New | Plow to Have Fun on the Job | Feel the Hush | The World Has a Mind of its Own | What's Really Real | What I Can Do and What I Can't | Peep Peep, We're Counting Sheep | How to Solve a Mystery | Sandy's Strength | The Sodor Shanty | When You Go to Sea | Blues Buddy | Good Sports | Work Together | Friendship Map | Talking Makes it Better | Take a Closer Look | The Waiting Game | The Sights of Sodor
The Mystery of Lookout Mountain
Warning: Biggest Adventure Ahead | A Whole New Place | Job to Do
The Great Bubbly Build
Focus on the FUNction | Put the Fun in Function
Series 3
Worth Doing Right | Abraca-Diesel | Stuff | Instead | I Wish | Make Things Right | Find a New Way | Building Better for Everyone | Slow It on Down | When the Night Comes on | Quackity Quack | Winter Games | The Smells of Sodor
The Christmas Letter Express
Christmastime on the Rails | A Christmas Wish | Ho-Ho-Hold on Santa Claus!
Series 4
Stay on Track with Yourself | The True You | I'm A-Okay
Theme Song | Train School Song