Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Italian DVD. You may be looking for the barge or the episode.

The Queen of Sodor (Italian: La regina di Sodor) is an Italian DVD featuring thirteen seventh series episodes narrated by Giorgio Bonino.



Le locomotive dell'Isola di Sodor ci tengono molto a essere responsabili e affidabili, e sono felicissime quando Pallone Gonfiato affida loro un incarico importante! Però James, che si crede superiore a tutti e si dà un sacco di arie per via della sua vernice rossa e scintillante, si rende molto antipatico! Per dargli una lezione, Gordon fa in modo che traini la "Regina di Sodor", una vecchia chiatta sporca e puzzolente...!

English Translation

The engines on the Island of Sodor are very keen on being responsible and reliable, and are overjoyed when The Fat Controller entrusts them with an important task! But James, who thinks himself superior to everyone and puts on a show with his red, glittery paint, makes himself very unpleasant! To teach him a lesson, Gordon arranges for him to tow the "Queen of Sodor", a dirty, smelly old barge...!


  1. Le nuove carrozze di Emily (Emily's New Coaches)
  2. Percy ha ragione (Percy Gets It Right)
  3. Bill, Ben e Fergus (Bill, Ben and Fergus)
  4. Il vecchio ponte (The Old Bridge)
  5. La banda di Edward (Edward's Brass Band)
  6. Henry non sta bene (What's the Matter with Henry?)
  7. La regina di Sodor (James and the Queen of Sodor)
  8. La sala da tè (The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop)
  9. La locomotiva senza macchia (The Spotless Record)
  10. Il mulino a vento di Toby (Toby's Windmill)
  11. Brutta giornata al castello (Bad Day at Castle Loch)
  12. Sulle montagne russe (Rheneas and the Roller Coaster)
  13. Tempesta in arrivo (Salty's Stormy Tale)



DVD Menu

Title Cards
