The Scrapyards are where engines and other machinery are sent to when their working lives are finished in order to be cut up and melted down. They have never been given a definite location in the stories, but their mere presence has scared many engines, especially the steam engines. Remains of old steam locomotives are lined up everywhere, mostly "recycled" locomotives used for certain scenes.
There is also Crocks Scrap Yard, a smaller yard on Edward's Branch Line where Reg has worked since Tale of the Brave.
Thomas & Friends
- Series 2 - Wrong Road (mentioned)
- Series 3 - Heroes (mentioned)
- Series 5 - Bye George! (mentioned)
- Series 8 - Percy's Big Mistake (mentioned)
- 2005 - Calling All Engines!
- Wooden Railway (discontinued)
- Take-n-Play (discontinued)
- Tomica (discontinued)
- Hornby (scrap truck; discontinued)
- Bachmann (scrap truck)
- TrackMaster (scrap truck; discontinued)
- Motorized (scrap truck; discontinued)
- Lionel Trains (scrap truck; discontinued)
Thomas & Friends
Model Series
Behind the Scenes
A scrap truck in Donald and Douglas (Story Library Book)
The scrapyard in Calling All Engines! (Leapster) game