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The Sodor Springtime Parade is the third out of four miniseries of originally online videos made to celebrate the 75th anniversary of The Railway Series.[1] The series follows Thomas as he has to prepare for the Sodor Springtime Parade. Throughout the series, he is accompanied by two bunnies. The series is once again animated by Pixel Zoo while carrying over the animation style of its predecessor, and much like the last two series, John Hasler exclusively voices Thomas while Rob Rackstraw voices all other male characters and Rachael Miller voices all the female characters, with the exception of Nia, whom which Yvonne Grundy reprises her role as her. Despite being made to celebrate the 75th anniversary, the series arrived a year late for the occasion.

Along with the story shorts, songs for each respective short were also made, performed by Rachael Miller.

Unlike the previous two series, this one runs at a runtime of 4 minutes as opposed to 2:10. The songs, however, run at the latter's runtime.

The Hunt for Springtime Clues[]

The Hunt for Springtime Clues is the first video in the series. It was originally released on 6 March 2021. A South Korean dub was uploaded on 15 October 2021 on YouTube.


Sir Topham Hatt sends Thomas and Percy out on a hunt for clues when Spring comes to the Island of Sodor.





  • Like the last two series, Rob Rackstraw voices Percy and Sir Topham Hatt in this video, as opposed to Nigel Pilkington and Keith Wickham, respectively.
  • Similar to the baby elephant from the last two series and Fuzzy the Dog from the twenty-fourth series, the bunnies feature a more cartoonish design featuring larger eyes not unlike those of the engines, complete with visible sclera.
  • This marks the Central Bridge's only appearance in CGI.
  • Unlike the last two series, Percy now has the same lamp iron arrangement he had in the main series.
  • Gordon's running board is much darker in this series.
  • A song based on this video was released on 10th March 2021.


  • When the rabbit jumps to the other, it briefly clips through the other rabbit.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas e Percy em busca de pistas
Italian Thomas e Percy alla Ricerca di Indizi
Korean 봄의 단서를 찾아서
Latin American Spanish Thomas y Percy buscando pistas
Polish Tomek i Piotruś na tropie wskazówek
Russian Томас и Перси ищут подсказки


Percy's Rainbow Surprise![]

Percy's Rainbow Surprise! is the second video in the series. It was originally released on 12 March 2021. A South Korean dub was uploaded on 18 October 2021 on YouTube.


Percy has trouble deciding on how he wants to be decorated for the parade, and he manages to get decorated with the help of Thomas, Harold and an unexpected rainbow.





  • When Percy whistles at the beginning, no steam is shown emitting from his whistle.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Percy e Harold e a surpresa do arco-íris
Italian Una Sorpresa Arcobaleno per Percy e Harold!
Korean 퍼시의 레인보우 서프라이즈
Latin American Spanish El arcoiris sorpresa de Harold y Percy
Polish Wiosenne kolory Piotrusia i Harolda
Russian Радужный сюрприз для Томаса и Перси


Nia and the Spring Bunnies[]

Nia and the Spring Bunnies is the third video in the series. It was released on 20 March 2021.


Thomas and Nia start to think about how they want to be decorated when their rabbit friends run away. With the help of Rebecca and some more bunnies, Nia finds she is the colour of spring all along.




  • Like Thomas' Magical Birthday Wishes, Yvonne Grundy reprises her role as Nia instead of Rachael Miller voicing her like all the other female characters.
  • This is the only video in which Percy does not appear.
  • This is the only in the series where all the featured characters are voiced by their in-series actors.
  • A song based on this video was released on 24 March 2021.
  • This video is the first video in the series to not have TrackMaster Push Along merchandise.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Nia perseguindo os coelhinhos
Italian Nia e l'Inseguimento dei Conigli
Korean 니아와 봄 토끼
Latin American Spanish Nia persiguiendo a los conejitos
Polish Nia i Króliczy Pościg!
Russian Большая гонка Нии за кроликами

Thomas and the Chocolate Eggs[]

Thomas and the Chocolate Eggs is the fourth and final video in the series. It was released on 29 March 2021.


All the engines are ready for the Sodor Springtime Parade, but Thomas still has not found a decoration to wear, nor has he collected the chocolate eggs for the bunnies to hide. But when he accidently crashes into the Chocolate Factory, he finally gets his decoration, and saves the parade.





  • Like the last two series, Rachael Miller voices Emily in this video as opposed to Teresa Gallagher.
  • Thomas crashing into Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory is similar to how Percy crashed into the factory in the sixth series episode, Percy's Chocolate Crunch.
  • Mr. Jolly's Chocolate Factory uses the shed of the Sodor Steamworks.
  • A song based on this video was released on 27 March 2021.
    • This is also the first short to have a song release before the short release. The 4-minute short was later released on 29th March 2021.


  • Towards the end of the short, no steam emits from any of the engines' whistles.
  • On both the UK and US YouTube channels, the short and song titles of these two videos are swapped, as the short's title states that it is a song, while the song does not.

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas e a grande entrega de Ovos de Chocolate
Italian La Consegna del Grande Uovo di Cioccolato
Latin American Spanish Thomas y la Gran Entrega de Huevos de Chocolate
Polish Tomek i dostawa czekoladowych jajek
Russian Томас и большая доставка шоколадных яиц

In Other Languages[]

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese O Festival de Primavera em Sodor
German Die Sodor Frühlingsparade
Italian La Parata Primaverile di Sodor
Japanese わくわく!イースターパレード
Korean 소도어 섬 봄 축제
Latin American Spanish El Festival de Primavera en Sodor
Polish Wiosenna Parada na Wyspie Sodor
Russian Весенний парад на Содоре

