Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

At the Technology Fair, there were several participants who had created inventions to display at the event.

Dr. Kim[]

Dr. Kim is a character in the twenty-fourth series. An inventor from China, she invented the Metal Man for the Technology Fair. During its demonstration, she set down the remote to point out specific features with a baton, leaving the remote to be stolen by Baz while her back was turned. Bernie eventually broke the remote, and the Metal Man going berserk alerted her that the remote was missing, only for her to find it fried. Luckily, the Metal Man was retrieved by Ruth and Thomas using Dr. Hetty's Mighty Magnet. After checking it over once it was retrieved, Dr. Kim lent the Metal Man to Sir Topham Hatt to stop a runaway Kenji.


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Dr. Holyfield[]

Dr. Holyfield is a character in the twenty-fourth series. He invented a milkshake machine, though to his horror, the milk he needed for his demonstration was spilled over Gordon's smokebox due to Dr. Hetty's Mighty Magnet. Sonny was sent to the Sodor Dairy to get some more milk to replace the spilled churns, though when Dr. Holyfield asked for a volunteer for the demonstration, Sir Topham Hatt made his way through, determined to get a milkshake, and fiddled with the controls before they were set properly, disregarding Dr. Holyfield's instructions and getting covered in a strawberry milkshake mixture.


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Dr. Hetty[]

Dr. Hetty is a character in the twenty-fourth series. She invented the Mighty Magnet for the Technology Fair. During it's demonstration, the magnet managed to pull itself onto Gordon's smokebox, magnetizing the express engine and covering him in all surrounding loose metal objects. Embarrassed, Dr. Hetty approached Gordon to apologise, earning scorn from the big engine just as a bin was pulled over his nose. The Mighty Magnet would later be used to stop Dr. Kim's runaway Metal Man.


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Professor Friedrich[]

Professor Friedrich is a character in the twenty-fourth series. He invented Blastbooster-7 for the Technology Fair, though despite Cranky's reassurance, he insisted on checking over his invention upon arriving at Brendam Docks. Doing so, however, he accidentally sent the device rocketing across the North Western Railway, only stopping with Thomas' help. After this, he repaid the favour by helping Thomas use the Blastbooster-7 to catch up to a runaway Kenji.


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