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Thomas & Friends

This article is about the fictional character. You may be looking for the real person.

Wilbert Vere Awdry, better known as "The Thin Clergyman", is an English Anglican clergyman, railway enthusiast, and children's author.

He is the fictionalised counterpart of Wilbert Awdry, the author of The Railway Series.


The Thin Clergyman was among the people present during the grand opening of the Harwick Branch Line.[1] He has also been seen with Mr. Percival on a few occasions and went to the Great Railway Show with him to watch the event.[2] He was also one of Hugo's important passengers when he took a test ride to Vicarstown.

He once informed Willie that his load of wool was slipping. However, Willie ignored the warning, leading to Rex coming off the tracks.

The Thin Clergyman and his friend, the Fat Clergyman, would later reprise their roles from The Railway Series as they went to the Island of Sodor to take photographs of the engines as they went about doing their work. When they went to the Arlesdale Railway, they met Bert, who offered them a ride in his tender. Although Bert liked the visitors, he became uncomfortable when they continued squinting into their cameras without saying hello, and finally became cross with them when they unintentionally ran through a puddle and splashed him in muddy water. Bert managed to get back at the Fat Clergyman, though he got in trouble for it. Afterwards, the clergymen came to the shed to apologise to Bert, and after they cleaned him up, they told him that he would be featured in an upcoming book.[3]

He was also one of the important passengers who was to attend a New Year's Eve party at Callan Castle. But due to an earlier argument and mix-up with Gordon and Spencer, he was brought to Wellsworth by Gordon instead. He was later seen watching the fireworks display at Knapford.

When a railway show for little engines was announced to be held to Ulfstead Castle, Percy told many of the little engines about it, therefore also making them neglect doing their own jobs. Gordon and James later brought all of the railway controllers, as well as the Thin Clergyman, to Ulfstead where Percy explained the situation. The Thin Clergyman told Percy that he misunderstood what his controller told him. When Nia asked what little engines he was referring to, he responded by telling her that the show was meant for model engines.

He was later seen on a bridge one evening drawing some sketches of Thomas, until it was blown away due to Percy and Edward rushing under it due to delivering a delayed mail delivery.


Though not much is known about the Thin Clergyman, he is shown to be a kind and caring man who loved engines and writing books on them, as well as organising some railway shows of his layout for the children.


Thomas & Friends


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