The Twin Engines Were Confused! (Greek: Τα δίδυμα τρένακια μπερδεύτηκαν!) is a Greek DVD featuring eighteen third series episodes and two fourth series episodes narrated by Vina Papadopoulou.
Get ready for boarding; Thomas & Friends you wait to start the new journey into the magical world of adventure! Together, you will know a postal train, will laugh at the sufferings of Jimmy, who was startled with a swarm of bees, you will see Bill and Ben, the twin engines, entangle their paths to railway lines, will meet the Bulgy, the bus is lying... In short, you will spend unforgettable moments with a company that knows how to entertain and bravely facing any difficulty!
- Το δάσος του Τσάρλι (Henry's Forest)
- Το λασπόλουτρο (The Trouble with Mud)
- Το αστείο του Τζίμι (No Joke for James)
- Το ταχυδρομικό τρένο (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
- Ένα έμπιστο τρενάκι (Trust Thomas)
- Η Μέιβις (Mavis)
- Ο Τόμπι κινδυνεύει (Toby's Tightrope)
- Ο Έντι, ο Τρέβορ και το πάρτι (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
- Οι μέλισσες (Buzz, Buzz)
- Το όνειρο της Τζάκι (All at Sea)
- Τα δίδυμα τρένα (One Good Turn)
- Το μέλλον των σιδηροδρόμων (Tender Engines)
- Η απόδραση (Escape)
- Ο Όλιβερ δίνει το καλό παράδειγμα (Oliver Owns Up)
- Ο Χοντρούλης (Bulgy)
- Οι ήρωες (Heroes)
- Ο Τζέρι, ο Τζίμι και η λαϊκή αγορά (Percy, James and the Fruitful Day)
- Χριστουγεννιάτικη περιπέτεια (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)
- Μια ωραία ιστορία (Granpuff)
- Το τρένο που κοιμόταν (Sleeping Beauty)
- The episode selection menus include My First Thomas-style illustrations.
- Donald or Douglas is painted blue like in The Railway Series at one point.