Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

The Ultimate Collection is an exclusive UK DVD boxset containing ten previously released DVDs.


  1. All Aboard with the Steam Team
  2. It's Great to Be an Engine!
  3. Peep! Peep! Hurray! Three Cheers for Thomas
  4. Calling All Engines!
  5. Tales from the Tracks
  6. Little Engines Big Days Out
  7. On Track for Adventure
  8. Together on the Tracks
  9. Thomas' Trusty Friends
  10. Engines and Escapades


  1. Thomas to the Rescue
  2. Henry and the Wishing Tree
  3. Thomas and the Tuba
  4. Squeak, Rattle and Roll
  5. Percy's New Whistle
  6. Thomas and the Firework Display
  7. Too Hot for Thomas
  8. Emily's Adventure
  9. You Can Do it, Toby!
  10. Gordon Takes Charge
  11. Edward the Great
  12. James Goes Too Far
  13. Percy and the Magic Carpet
  14. Thomas Saves the Day
  15. Don't Tell Thomas
  16. Fish
  17. Halloween
  18. Spic and Span
  19. Chickens to School
  20. Thomas and the Circus
  21. Thomas Gets it Right
  22. Emily's New Route
  23. Percy's Big Mistake
  24. As Good as Gordon
  25. James Gets a New Coat
  26. Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough
  27. Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
  28. Flour Power
  29. The Magic Lamp
  30. Keeping Up with James
  31. Tuneful Toots
  32. Thomas Tries His Best
  33. Thomas' New Trucks
  34. Duncan and the Old Mine
  35. Thomas' Milkshake Muddle
  36. Mighty Mac
  37. Toby Feels Left Out
  38. Thomas and the New Engine
  39. Molly's Special Special
  40. Respect for Gordon
  41. Emily Knows Best
  42. Saving Edward
  43. Rheneas and the Dinosaur
  44. Thomas and the Golden Eagle
  45. A Tale for Thomas
  46. Thomas and the Moles
  47. Kelly's Windy Day
  48. Percy Helps Out
  49. The Tortoise and the Hare
  50. Thomas' Trusty Friends
  51. On Site with Thomas
  52. Alfie Has Kittens
  53. A Happy Day for Percy
  54. A Visit from Thomas
  55. Mud, Glorious Mud
  56. Duncan Does it All
  57. Sir Handel in Charge
  58. Cool Truckings
  59. Ding-a-Ling
  60. Skarloey Storms Through
  61. Wash Behind Your Buffers


  1. Sounds
  2. Engine Roll Call (seven times and Calling All Engines version)
  3. A World Around You
  4. Surprises
  5. Busy
  6. Trying
  7. Together
  8. The Dream Song
  9. Emily
  10. Every Day's a Special Day on Sodor
  11. Pride
  12. Buffer Up and Share
  13. The Narrow Gauge Engines


  • The boxset was sold exclusively on BidTV. Its DVDs, however, were released separately sometime later in 2009.


