The Wrong Work is a magazine story.
The engines are not pleased with the Fat Controller's new timetable as they find it to be confusing. The Fat Controller and a controller from the Mainland then swap jobs for a week to see how other railways can be run. During his time on Sodor, the Mainland Controller swaps the engines' jobs and giving them more work throughout the day. James and Daisy shunt dirty coal trucks, Donald and Douglas take dusty China clay, Bill and Ben pull the express, Gordon takes scrap, Thomas works at the quarry and Toby takes Annie and Clarabel. When the Fat Controller returns, the engines see how lucky they are to have him in charge and no one complains about the new timetables again.
- Thomas
- Henry
- Gordon
- James
- Donald and Douglas
- Bill and Ben
- Daisy
- Sir Topham Hatt
- The Temporary Controller
- Toby (not seen)
- Annie and Clarabel (not seen)
- Harold (not seen)
- This may have inspired the twenty-first series episode, Dowager Hatt's Busy Day.
- Donald and Douglas have red running boards and have boiler bands.
- The back of Bill and Ben's cabs are yellow instead of brown.