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There's a Job for Everyone, also known as Jobs-a-Plenty, is a song from The Great Discovery.


Jobs a-plenty, five, ten, twenty
Jobs for everyone.
Jobs galore and still there's more
More jobs that must be done!
Train it, crane it
You name it – then we all can say
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
There's jobs for main line engines
And narrow gauge as well.
Jobs for workmen in the woods
With trees to clear and fell.
And guess who's trying hardest
To do more than the rest?
It's Thomas! But the others know
They all will do their best.
Jobs a-plenty, five, ten, twenty
Jobs for everyone.
Jobs galore and still there's more
More jobs that must be done!
Train it, crane it
You name it – then we all can say
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
Emily and Gordon
Take fallen trees and rocks.
James and Edward bringing stone
While Henry's at the Docks.
And Toby drops off workmen
To work with Jack and Ned.
When Percy drops supplies
No time to rest at Tidmouth Sheds.
Jobs a-plenty, five, ten, twenty
Jobs for everyone.
Jobs galore and still there's more
More jobs that must be done!
Train it, crane it
You name it – then we all can say
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
Stanley was a rival
But now they're best of friends.
They helped each other out
And that's what matters in the end.
Jobs a-plenty, five, ten, twenty
Jobs for everyone.
Jobs galore and still there's more
More jobs that must be done!
Train it, crane it
You name it – then we all can say
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
Jobs a-plenty, five, ten, twenty
Jobs for everyone.
Jobs galore and still there's more
More jobs that must be done!
Train it, crane it
You name it – then we all can say
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!
The town that time forgot
Will shine like new on Sodor Day!



Footage Used

Deleted and Extended Scenes

  • Dream On - An extended shot of Thomas leaving Tidmouth Sheds.
  • Thomas and the Lighthouse - An extended shot of Percy and James passing by the windmill.
  • Thomas and the Big Bang - An extended shot of Peter Sam pushing timber logs.


  • The last line of the German version is omitted and just plays the instrumental of the song.
  • This song was never dubbed in Czech, Russian, Indonesian, Chinese Mandarin, Taiwanese Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • In the Russian dub of The Great Discovery, the song has no vocals and just plays the instrumental.
  • An extended version of the song appears in the album Meet the Steam Team. Stanley is mentioned in this version.
  • This is the only song from the film to have its extended version cut from the main presentation due to the fact that Stanley arriving came later after Thomas was given responsibility to be in charge of restoring Great Waterton by the Fat Controller.
  • This music video marks Butch's last appearance in the model series.
  • This song marks the only appearance of Alfie's unused grinning face that was made for the sixth series.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Tarefas para todos
Danish Jobs til alle
Dutch Lekker Klussen
Finnish Kaikki Työhön Aamuyöhön
French Une Abondance d'Emplois
German Arbeit ist für alle da
Hungarian Sok a Munka
Italian Qui sic sgobba
Japanese しごとがたくさんあるからね
Korean 할 일이 많아요
Latin American Spanish Trabajemos
Norwegian Jobb til alle
Polish Praca dla Każdego
Swedish En massa slit

Home Media Releases




Music Video
